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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I've noticed many web pages use html voodoo that doesn't display correctly in Evernote Also trying to insert text into the note get's messy I mostly use screen grabs. On the Mac, we have a Helper tool that works well for this I also print the web page to pdf
  2. I also lived in a MS Word world, and most of my notes have word documents as attachments. Mostly, I use mail to send note content; I think the format is html based and seems to work well I also send urls which link back to the note. This gives the receiver access to the note and any document attachments
  3. From the notes for v8.8 Its a step towards adding table functions to IOS It will work better when we can adjust the column widths
  4. There is no change. From day one, Evernote stated they had no interest in developing Linux client software https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313748-Evernote-on-Linux The web platform continues to be functional
  5. Maybe; for a word processing app; I use Word/Pages
  6. shameful?? Note, "pinning" is available in the Shortcut and Reminders sections; users have shared their solutions in this discussion >>This is so simple to resolve. So weird Please share. What's the process for resolving this?
  7. Thanks for the post on a read-only solution for notes I like that your solution runs in the cloud. I investigated implementing read-only by updating the contentClass field, but I could only implement on my Mac Your unlock process is awkward. I'd prefer a simple unlock of the note instead of: This will create a duplicate of the same note in your default notebook, which you can edit (title and content only). After you're done with it, add "makemigration" tag to this duplicate, without changing prior tags, and sync. After a minute or so, this duplicate will be deleted and your original will be updated with the content you provided in the duplicate.
  8. I've moved this discussion to the IOS forum. The sync function uploads/downloads edits between device database <> master database maintained on the Evernote server On the web platform, - there is no device database - edits are working directly with the Evernote server database There is no sync function required
  9. For me, Evernote has always been my digital filing cabinet, and continues to provide this function. This is my use of the "vision".
  10. Evernote doesn't offer nested notebooks, but there is a Stack feature; in effect 1 level of nesting
  11. No "do not search this notebook" option, but there is a "do not search this tag" option (-tag:"ZZZ Archive")
  12. Missing in Evernote is the "by default". The default is all material appears in the search. You have to specifically exclude archived material >>My workaround (and I'm sure others have probably mentioned it) is to move archived notes into an archived notebook. It's not great, but it works for now. Warning: you can't exclude archived notebooks from a search. Exclusion works for tags (-tag:aaaa) but not for notebooks
  13. My work around is to prefix my archived notebooks and tags with an x. They still get listed, but at least they get sorted to the bottom
  14. Work-arounds are - change the note's creation date and sort on creation date (it does not get edited everytime the note is) - add a prefix to the title, and sort on title
  15. We have never been able to create/edit tables in Evernote/IOS I can add a row using the tab key at the last cell
  16. Not cool to tack your post onto an ongoing discussion. Post as a new discussion in one of the Help forums. You can also search the forums to see if your question has Been answered,. Evernote has set a limit of 250 notebooks on Personal Accounts You can upgrade your account to a Business Account Evernote's primary organization method is Tags. - In addition to a limit of 100,000; multiple tags can be assigned to a note. - The Win/Mac platforms allow tags to be organized in an unlimited hierarchy
  17. Evernote has set up these forums for users to post feature request and indicate their support You're posting in the discussion for the feature request Apply H1, H2, H3.... To indicate your support, use the voting button in the top left corner
  18. Just another user here; Evernote has given no indication they're planning to implement formatting styles Of course, Evernote rarely gives announcement of their feature development plans
  19. You video shows the Community/Chat/Submit boxes are not presenting as links in your browser. I don't know the cause for this; I get links with the Safari browser on my Mac and iPad
  20. You can store the video in an Evernote note, and post the public url
  21. Can you provide more detail than "are not working" I'm able to use the support site and submit tickets
  22. Evernote hasn't expressed an interest in encryption, other that the text encryption feature My solution is to use the native encryption in attachments; PDFs, office/iwork documents, ... Warning: Some Evernote features are not functional with encryption; such as OCR and search/indexing
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