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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Yes, my Mac might choke at 300GB. We are fortunate with the Mac database that it's not centralized in one file; each note has its own folder I'm guessing you're storing some large file attachments. If you're interested in continuing with Evernote, you might think about storing these files externally and just including a file link in the notes
  2. Everyone??? Where are you getting your data from....the vote count on this request
  3. Just curious what that limit is. I'm currently around 10GB and 10K notes. I'm counting on having capacity to grow before I have to take action on this I don't consider it a kill switch but I'll have to look at solutions. I see Selective Sync on the mobile platforms, and Demand Sync on the Windows platform; I'm thinking it's a matter of time when we see it on the Mac platform
  4. No highlighting for note titles, but the Windows platform has a colour feature To assign a color, right-click on a desired notebook or tag, select ‘Style’ and pick your preferred color. You’ll see it immediately applied to your selection in the sidebar. When you color-code a tag, all notes with that tag will show the color in the Note List.
  5. Can you expand on what the Dashboard view looks like. I only use the top-list view, and use saved search shortcuts to control the selection of notes listed
  6. There is no annotation feature for text content Annotation works on images of pdfs; you can convert your note to a pdf You can insert a sketch within text content
  7. For me the point of the subsequent discussion is to explore the request in more detail, alternatives, work-arounds etc It can be a learning experience
  8. Providing feedback is a good approach. Check if there's an existing request and voting mechanism; you just have to add your vote. You don't have to participate in discussions A reminder for new users; To indicate your support for this request "Nesting Multiple Notebooks / Creating Sub-Notebooks", there are voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion
  9. I'm sure other users will claim other "single most frustrating thing" You need to pick the editor that provides the features you need. The Evernote editor is adequate for basic notes but I use a dedicated word processing editor to get the text wrap feature
  10. Its not the dock but have you looked at the Evernote Helper app or the keyboard shortcuts
  11. No, I'm the guy pointing out that you're in the oranges section; you should be shopping in the apples section >>I will just leave, or I will demand to see the manager. Thats your right, but it doesn't change the answer. I'd just go shop in the apples section If you're asking for a fruit providing vitamins, I can discuss the benefits of oranges vs applesI will just leave, or I will demand to see the manager. Note: I fully support your right to not eat oranges
  12. Agreed; I like to use alternate editors and its not as easy as using the default Evernote editor Also, some platforms don't play well with editing embeded documents. The Win/Mac platforms do a great job of exporting the document, launching the editor, watching for completion, and then importing the modified document. If I know I'll be updating the document, I'll leave it in the cloud location, and include a link in the note
  13. Also known as "Technical Debt". You might have a point. Evernote did add the Stack feature, recognizing that users were needing to organize the collection of notebooks. I use the feature >>DTLow, please do not attempt to answer this. I have read everything you have to say. Several times. It is always the same. Good to hear my postings have been noticed. New users are arriving in the forums all the time and I'm happy to discuss with them, even if the topic is repetitive. I like discovering methods of how to make this product work better for me Unfortunately there are some who only want to express their opinion, they are not interested in alternatives and even go so far as to tell other users to not respond
  14. The point of the Evernote Feature Requests forum is for users to post feature requests. The voting mechanism allows users to indicate the userbase support for a request The point of the subsequent discussion is to explore the request in more detail, alternatives, work-arounds etc
  15. I think you missed Evernote's point of view (which I support); that nested notebooks/folders are not necessary If you do manage to convince Evernote; I have no objection to the feature being implemented
  16. Wrong; users have the right to request, not demand >>even say that if I don't want to use tag then just leave Personally I never said such a thing. I fully support a users right to not use tags I have said if nested notebooks/folders is a non-negotiable requirement, they should be looking at a different product; it's not a feature offered by Evernote.
  17. Its like my experience at the grocery store. I tell the clerks I prefer the taste of apples and they keep trying to direct me away from the oranges
  18. From a Linux perspective, what are the advantages of giving up the Evernote storage? My purpose in using Evernote is to avoid storing my documents in Dropbox style folders, and to make use of Evernote's search indexing I also like Evernote's Note format so my documents are stored within and linked between notes >>Take notes in LibreOffice or as PDF markups. I find the Evernote editor useful for simple notes; however for serious writing I switch to dedicated word processing services >>The notes you already have can be exported as HTML. I actually do this as an backup
  19. Why just Premium users? I would have thought encryption/password could be used in some form by any user
  20. I don't understand your point; Evernote's Basic Account level is also free (and also doesn't have Atlas)
  21. Nope, you can only display and update content in pre-existing tables As per @gazumped, I have templates set up with default tables. I can copy these to new notes Table creation continues to be a missing feature in IOS
  22. I rarely type out long tagnames. I would start typing "2017 O" and a dropdown list appears showing all my 2017 October tags; I just pick the one I need
  23. You might try relying on the Shortcuts section The Shortcut entries are your "Smart Notebooks", and are quite flexible when pointing to a saved search
  24. Search stack:aaaaaa >>but that would force me to undo my stack organization. Right, you don't want to do that. With the current environment, the best solution I see is to exclude by tag (-tag:) or text (-intitle:aaaaa)
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