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  1. Still using the old desktop version, 7.14. And, it seems mostly dead. I can open it. I can use the menu options at the top, and different Command-keystrokes still seem to work. But I can't click on a note, I can't select a note, I can't select text in a note, I can't select a notebook, no typing within the window. The only thing that works is the menu options at the top. I can use key strokes to make a new note, and type in it, and close it, but then I have no way to get back to it. Are we at terminal demise now, or have I done something wrong?
  2. I think I had this issue (a tag search showing nowhere near all the notes with that tag) a few months ago, but I haven't noticed it lately. Have you updated to the latest iOS versions?
  3. Sorry for the delayed reply PinkElephant: thanks for the suggestions there. I'll be trying those out with my next scanning project.
  4. When I scan documents within Evernote, sometimes the scans come back as JPG, sometimes as PNG. I much prefer JPG because when I crop the scans in Evernote (or in Preview), weird things happen to PNG - I'll crop an image in half, for example, and yet the file size will double. So is there a way to set Evernote to scan and make only JPG files, not PNG files? Thanks!
  5. Idle curiosity: what time zone are you in? For me the bug is currently around 8:20am Taiwan time, so that's, let's see (looking at app): 8:20pm New York time, 5:20pm Pacific time. Evernote support: doesn't the post up above about "This is a known BUG" indicate it's already been filed?
  6. The quitting has shifted for me. It was around 7:35am (Taiwan time), every morning. If I hit "OK" when it appeared, it'd reappear a bunch of times. But in the past couple of days the time has changed - now it's around 8:20am every day. So ... I dunno. No idea if it means anything, but it's weird.
  7. True, but it's sort of a different issue from the one in that thread. The "wants to use your confidential information" problem has apparently been fixed with 7.1.1 (or at least it hasn't come back for me). The "EvernoteSpotlight quit unexpectedly" problem has definitely not been fixed.
  8. I'm getting this a lot too. It seems to be usually happening in the morning, 7:30am or so Taiwan time. If I'm on the computer at that time it happens again and again, eventually stopping after 5-10 times, with maybe a few seconds between quits. If I'm not on the computer at that time I see the alert when I start using the computer later in the day, and it doesn't seem to recur. I'm in 7.1.1; this happens whether or not Evernote itself is actually open. This has also come up towards the end of the "Evernote Spotlight wants to use your confidential information" thread:
  9. I'm getting "Evernote Spotlight quit unexpectedly" - it appeared four or five times this morning, one after another. Evernote wasn't open. I've now opened Evernote, and the alert hasn't yet come up again. Over the past few days, I've been getting "Evernote Spotlight quit unexpectedly" pretty much every morning. 7.1.1 was installed a few days ago, and since that was installed I haven't had the "use your confidential information" alert. I'm not entirely sure if that should be a new thread, or if I should tag on at the end of this one.
  10. Oops, sorry about the delay - I need to change my alerts so I see that people have replied ... Here are two screenshots from my iPad. One was a search for green bell peppers, no quotation marks; the other was a search for “green bell peppers”, with quotation marks. Both have “648 notes found”. The results all seem to have, somewhere in the note, “green” and “bell” and “peppers”, but not necessarily together. For what it’s worth, on my iMac, I get 642 notes found for green bell peppers, no quotation marks, and 112 notes with “green bell peppers”, with quotation marks; that search seems to work properly. Although I see that search terms often still aren’t being highlighted, on either device, but that’s a different issue. (I don’t think I’ve posted screenshots here before - should I be doing something to strip out metadata in them?)
  11. I’m trying to search on my iPad with the terms in quotation marks, because I’m looking for the exact literal phrase: for example, “green bell peppers”, with the quotation marks included when I type in the search box. But Evernote is giving me plenty of results that just have “bell” or “bell peppers”, not the whole phrase. Is this expected behavior? Should I do something else if I want to search for an exact phrase? Thanks!
  12. Thanks - 'tis a pity there isn't just a way to see the formatting codes in the note itself, but oh well. What I tried just now was make a new note, type "my own" text at the top, and then copy the original note over below the normally formatted text. Unfortuately that messes up bits and pieces of the metadata, but as best I can tell it's the easiest way to not have bizarre spacing at the top of the note. (My typical workflow is to clip a note, and then when I get around to reading/using it, add my own comments at the top of the note.) Weird that. Changing font or font size is easy enough - but Evernote can really mess things up with line spacing and margins, and if the beginning of the note is in that imported format, it seems impossible to add text "before" that format kicks in. This seems to vary by version as well; I'm fairly sure notes that once displayed normally on my iOS devices now display in a narrow column, with giant margins that don't appear on my iMac, and are apparently unremovable on iOS. Or those notes with pictures that render fine on one device, but the picture covers half the text on another device. "Simplify formatting" usually just seems to change the basic font effects - bold, colour, and so on - without doing anything to the line spacing or paragraph formatting. And "Make Plain Text" is massive overkill for what I want.
  13. Many of my notes have paragraphs that are oddly spaced - I'm not sure if they're 1.5 or double spaced, or if the lines are always 20 point (or whatever), even if the text font is changed to 12. Anyway, how can I change those paragraphs to "normal", so they're not oddly spaced? Is there a way to do this? It seems like Simplify Formatting should do this, but it doesn't. It'll change the font and font size, but it doesn't change the line spacing. This typically happens with notes that I've clipped into Evernote. Often I'll want to add my own comments at the top of the note, but I'm stuck with weird formatting at that point in the file. (Of course, this question falls into the large category of "Please give us better text formatting options" questions, but I'm hoping this specific point can be addressed.) Thanks!
  14. RaVbaker's workaround above looks like it has potential, but I must be missing something - how do I know what command to type in the "Menu Title" box? Specifically I'm trying to get keyboard shortcuts for changing colour. I'm studying Chinese in notes where I highlight specific words in different colours, so I can easily find the Chinese / pinyin / translation by having that term in the same colour, so I've got blue words in otherwise-black text, for example. What I'm trying to do: Open System Preferences; select Keyboard; select Shortcuts; select App Shortcuts; press "+"; choose Evernote in the Application menu; but then I don't know what to type in "Menu Title." How can I find out the "exact name of the menu command you want to add"? I have a suspicion I'll just have to get something like Keyboard Maestro, but my demands aren't that high - I just want to be able to use a hot key to change the colour of the text, or even repeat a change, rather than move over to the mouse to select font colour. Thanks in advance!
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