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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Adobe Cloud uses Folders and Sub-Folders? Evernote uses Notebooks/Tags; some users in this discussion have problems adjusting to the name switch We can emulate folders using the trees in the sidebar The notebook tree has 2 levels The tag tree has unlimited levels; I can easily go 4+ levels using tags
  2. There are various versions of the web client Previous New Classic New Beta The email feature is only available in the Previous version Click on the dropdown icon next to the Share button >>How do I get Previous Version? I only see Beta and Classic.
  3. If you encounter broken links, you can search the note title This only works if you haven't altered the text
  4. Evernote Support does not take feature requests; their function is to support users with issues They'll probably refer you back to this forum I've also added my vote to the request; vote button is at the top left corner of the discussion. I'm sure that Evernote management has noted the request, but don't consider it a priority at this time
  5. Yes, Stacks are supported at all account levels If you identify your device/platform, we will provide specific instructions >>When I drag a folder on top of a folder There is no support for folders in Evernote. Can you post a screenshot
  6. Logon is the issue, not installations As per @PinkElephant, access the device list in your account settings and revoke access to your old computer
  7. Evernote's core editor functions are text based, and a sketch feature is not a great solution for note-taking My solution is to use an external note-taking editor. Evernote did purchase Penultimate, but I prefer the Notability app on my iPad I store the documents in Evernote as file attachments; in both native and PDF format
  8. Must be a Windows feature I have no problem switching to linked notes outside the filter On my Mac, the filter is disabled and replaced with a notebook filter of the linked note On my iPad, the filter is not disabled, but the linked note is still displayed in the note panel
  9. Updating is completely your choice. Be aware the new version will disable older extensions. I chose to upgrade Chicken Little was wrong
  10. The tag filter lists all notes tagged with #P1; it does not extend to linked notes
  11. I'm not sure what you mean by "applies the #P1 tag filter automatically" You've already applied the #P1 filter; where does the automatic part come in >>So when I select my #P1 tagged notebooks Just to be clear, tags are applied to notes, not notebooks Your #P1 note seem to be a Table of Contents note. Personally, I would have the tag assigned to all my Priority 1 notes
  12. Are these notes in offline notebooks? If no, the sync process is processing a small set of metadata Check the activity log; it might identify the issue The contact point for Evernote support is https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  13. Do you have rules to identify these data items? >>“image to text”. Include the scanned receipt text in text block next to image. Evernote currently generates a text file, but it's only used for search indexing I use an external OCR program for this (PDF OCR X) Usually I convert to pdf, with the text overlayed; however a separate text file is an option
  14. I recover lost content from data backups I have personal backups and Evernote has a Note History backup. Access to the Note History data is a paid account feature, but you can subscribe for a single month
  15. Another vote for reminders and GTD Next Action Since I only have the one date to work with, I set it for my Next Actions even if there's no actual due date i.e. if I'm planning to work on a task today or tomorrow, I set the reminder date
  16. This allows the task to be included in various lists, as required; Current Tasks, Project Tasks, Completed Tasks, ... Also, the assignment of attributes to different tasks; due date, tags (project, priority, ..)
  17. Offline Notebooks provides a copy I have a full database copy on my iPad, even though I mostly work online
  18. Evernote has specific sort sequences defined (date, title) In List View, we can sort on any of the columns; again a specific list of fields The Shortcuts and Reminders section allow drag and drop to "interchange the order of two notes"
  19. I can now confirm this; web archive format is supported in iPadOS.
  20. Can you identify the sender of the email and the reply address?
  21. I moved this discussion to the feature request forum, and added my vote Not currently a feature in Evernote/IOS >>I SO wish Evernote was more responsive with features and updates. iPadOS has been public for 1 day; lets give Evernote a couple more days on this 🙂
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