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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Check the Activity Log for any information Is this a large .enex file?
  2. The search term is Resource: Use the * wildcard Evernote search is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  3. I follow Evernote's release schedule. I delay implementation and review user feedback to identify issues I can't work around I downgrade if I encounter a roadblock >>Just seems to be like 2-steps forward, 1-step backwards. So, an overall movement forward 🙂 why-glass-half-full-people-live-more-fulfilling-lives
  4. Import folders on a Mac require a little more work Any folder can be used Right Click > Services > Folder Actions The screenshot shows my desktop import folder (@Evernote) and I've selected script Evernote Folder.scpt The scripts are stored at /Users/<user>/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts The script (Applescript) can be as complex as you need I've attached a vanilla script Evernote Vanilla Folder.scpt on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving newFiles delay 5 repeat with newFile in newFiles tell application "Evernote" to create note from file newFile tell application "Finder" to delete (newFile) end repeat end adding folder items to Applescript is a useful tool for Mac users. I've posted instructions at
  5. I don't know anything about "Material Theming" but keep in mind Evernote is a multi-platform service, , and we're working towards a common UI
  6. Evernote automatically backups user data in the cloud at the servers. >>manually recovering all the settings is inconvenient and long There are a few user settings but nothing complicated
  7. Your original post indicates you do "try finding them every time"🙂 Another point is that I prefix my tagnames, for example Colour, Colour-Red, Colour-Blue It reflects the hierarchy, and makes tags easier to find
  8. Drag-and-Drop isn't my practice for assigning tags On my Mac, I start typing the tag name; a short list appears and I select the correct tag I rarely use the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar
  9. The IOS share menu adds the title and URL to a note; my "reading list" I'm looking into Siri Shortcuts to automate the save (a Bookmark Option) >>more often than not pages come out a bit garbled The Evernote app often has issues with the complex code behind some web pages I save the page in web archive format I also save screen shots; they never 'come out a bit garbled'
  10. Search -tag:* The search feature is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 The above parameters uses the negation (-) feature
  11. What is this "scan PDF content" I use Evernote's Scannable app to scan documents to a PDF file using my iPad's camera The pdf is stored in Evernote as a note attachment, and content is indexed for Evernote's search feature.
  12. Currently, Evernote only supports an IOS version. No, the app is not full featured, compared to the Mac version >>Is the Evernote experience on iPad Pro pleasant? I find the iPad experience pleasant, but rely on a Mac Mini for missing features Merging Notes Applescript ... >>would I lose comprehensive search The search function is the same
  13. What features and functions are not available compared to the older version of Evernote Web? There are a number of features and functions that will currently require you to switch back to the older version of Evernote Web. These include: Create and execute saved searches Multi-file and advanced attachments Drag and drop to desktop Set reminders Access Work Chat messages View published business notebooks (Evernote Business)
  14. I'm trying to replicate the error in Evernote Using my Mac and iPad, I created a note and typed "Note" in the title and the note contents I encountered no issues
  15. Is this a question of being intuitive, or learned behaviour? I do agree that the notebook functions should all be located at the same spot. I shouldn't have to go looking for three dots. I'd prefer a dropdown list next to the notebook parameter; similar to the tags No problem with "Move to Notebook" being one of the list items Filter by notebook should be one of the list items >>i have 200 notebooks (I dont use tags) Not the best practice for this service
  16. Evernote Web New-Beta Version Missing Table Feature edit: Found it under the + icon
  17. Where are you typing "Note" Can you post a screenshot?
  18. I understand the latest beta versions have colour options In the meantime, you might be interested in the Evertool app
  19. Are you working on the Notebook page? Drag-n-Drop doesn't work in the sidebar
  20. Or you could keep the actual link in text form to allow for searching. I use a script (Mac) to do the "phantom" appending. btw The text can be changed in both the link and the note title; note-id is the only constant A more accurate search is for the note-id in the actual link (evernote:///view/...ee54e6a3-dd90-4b0f-8196-72b0b6868776/) Personally I maintain a data backup in html format on my Mac I can search for note-id using the OS search index. >>Links are treated as text for search purposes, at least in the Windows version, so I am not sure If I understood you correctly. The problem is the actual link is hidden in the underlying enml/html code (evernote:///view/...ee54e6a3-dd90-4b0f-8196-72b0b6868776/) It can not be searched using the Evernote search index
  21. Notebooks are placed under a stack; not notes On Macs, this is done on the Notebook page; not in the Sidebar I'm not a fan of drag and drop. Right-clicking on a notebook gives Stack Options
  22. No, each member should have their own account. They don't all have to be Premium accounts, but be aware of account limits Premium account(s) would share Notebook(s) with the other team members (uploads are charged to the notebook owner's allowance). Minimal notebooks are better (use tags for organization) Have you considered a Business account?
  23. Two options share notebooks between accounts export your notes in enex format, then import them to the other account (separate files for each notebook)
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