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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Does this mean delete protection? Its a feature offered by third party Filterize. It monitors protected notes; if in the trash, they are restored.
  2. I'm still not clear on the difference I like to see syntax highlighting
  3. Can you explain the "GTD Structure"? For me, GTD is more of a process/workflow >>But I find processing inside of EN difficult, I process the task notes in Evernote (with a work-around for recurring reminders) I use: A note with a due date, and a completion status/date Tag to identify actionable notes Tag to identify projects Tags to identify priority (important/urgent) Saved searches to produce task lists; current, project, ... >>One key issue is get everything into one (-1-) Inbox and process it from there. For me, EN is the Inbox. I use my default notebook as my Inbox. Notes are collected there, then processed (title, tags, due date, ...) Another key point for me is; when a project is started or task completed, identify the Next Action. This is my day-to-day focus (my current task list)
  4. You might have a long wait; Evernote has not indicated an interest in implementing recurring reminders There is a request posted at the discussion linked below. You're welcome to indicate your support using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  5. Just to be clear: you're posting in a user discussion forum - we're both users Evernote is a generic digital filing service The reminder feature is quite useful. I use it as a control for basic task management. Most of my tasks have a single due date; as I pointed out, there are work-arounds for recurring reminders
  6. Evernote implemented a reminder feature but there's no support recurring reminders Some work-arounds manually reset reminder when completed automatically reset reminder when completed Third party Filterize I use scripting on my Mac
  7. At the server, Evernote data is "encrypted at rest"; but not encrypted while the data is being processed (OCR, indexing, ...) Also, users do not hold the encryption key to their data
  8. I have no concern with security on my devices; I have protection at the OS and Evernote account levels My concern is with database security at the server level. I require encryption before I allow the upload of sensitive data to the servers
  9. Encrypting the entire database would be so very secure
  10. Personally, I don't think a note editor is the best tool for "anyone who writes" For serious work, I use a word processor (Apple Pages). The documents are stored in Evernote as note attachments
  11. There is no option for this; the Evernote/IOS editor launches an embedded web browser It's an extra step but the Safari icon is in the top right corner; an easy click
  12. The request is posted at the top of the discussion. You can indicate your support using the vote button at the top left corner Current user votes are Personally, I follow the GTD workflow - Capture, Organize, ... I capture notes in my Inbox (default notebook) Organize is a later step where I assign tags and move the note to my Filing notebook
  13. Evernote is not a great tool to edit the HTML content from web pages On my Mac, I use a text editor (Textastic) and edit the content.enml file directly. >>Well, I thought this was a feature request forum, hence the plea to add the possibility to remove tables. Yes it is, and you'll see the table request at the top. You can indicate your support using the voting button at the top left corner. You're posting in the discussion area for the request. The request does not need to be reposted
  14. The request is for unlimited levels (Nesting Multiple Notebooks / Creating Sub-Notebooks) We currently have unlimited organization levels with tags; users are asking for the same with notebooks >>tags are messy, while notebooks are clean Please explain. I used your screenshop as an example
  15. As you posted, Notebooks have special features. They identify notes as Sync'd/local private/shared offline default (Inbox) >>Also, in terms of organization tags are messy, while notebooks are clean, in my view. In terms of organization, notebooks and tags are two fields assigned to a note. They are interchangeable. Please explain how field2 is messy, and field1 is clean
  16. Yes, it's really difficult to make a stable program in an unstable environment It's also really difficult to keep the devices and OS's stable. They change constantly
  17. Is handwriting less terrible with a Basic account; imho there's no difference >>apps that are minimally good at handwriting. Ever is not. Agreed. Evernote only offers a sketch feature, stored as a file attachment
  18. Edit: Someone has merged the stacks discussion with the notebook discussion I use tags to identify notes related to each project >>I'm certain this would be popular as more organization offers more productivity. Tags offer unlimited levels. They are the primary Evernote tool for organization >>this feature request is for stacks within stacks. This is difficult to do because there is no actual stack object. A more reasonable request is for hierarchy to be added to the notebook object. This has been requested in the discussion linked below
  19. This request is for nested notebooks (sub-notebooks), not sub-stacks. Sub-Stacks would be a problem because there's no actual stack object >>or at least admit that they can't do so (if that's the case) Evernote has demonstrated hierarchy implementation with the Tags feature. It's actually a simple database change, but the UI requires extensive work
  20. I merged the requests for this feature This doesn't seem to be a priority for Evernote. My work around is to adjust the title/dates so the note sorts to the top
  21. Moved to the web forum Answered above; downgrade to the stable version All accounts have access to support at Twitter @evernotehelps
  22. Evernote provides a free note editor with their service For extended features, look at word processing editors >>was about to buy premium membership If Evernote had a $ for ever user who was "about to buy" .... 😋
  23. You can contact Evernote support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
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