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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Please provide specific examples so we can test it ourself
  2. I merged your request with an existing feature request. To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  3. My solution would be scripting with Applescript on a Mac. I've used this a few times to edit note titles. It's very flexible and can handle 1000's of notes
  4. You can implement your own Kanban view in a dashboard note; see my post above So far, this request has 6 user votes. Users can indicate their support using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion Sigh, another "lightweight and simple to integrate" post
  5. By default, Evernote does not maintain an offline copy of data on IOS devices Did you designate offline notebooks? Documentation at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005177
  6. I use an inexpensive OCR app (PDF OCR X) to OCR my pdfs I run this on an as required basis, but could add it to my import folder script (Mac) Warning: Evernote OCRs handwriting in images. I've been unable to replicate this
  7. Not much user support on the; only 31 votes To indicate your support for this request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion >>Perhaps the “Voting Process” could itself be better distributed to us users. I don't have all the details. The one thing I know is; to indicate support for a request, click on the vote button Note: the forum post lists are sorted by # of votes by default
  8. Typora is my choice for using markdown on a Mac I store the .md files in Evernote as note attachments
  9. Third party TaskClone supports this type of function I could use scripting on a Mac, but my solution is to create separate task notes. I can then list the tasks using any filter I choose; even create a ToC note
  10. Screenshot from my Mac. I use the back arrow all the time
  11. It provides Evernote with suggestions, and the vote indicates user interest - current count is It provides users with a place post requests, indicate support, b*tch
  12. I thought it was an IOS limitation The only inline display supported by Evernote/IOS is images
  13. You can not share notebook/tag structure You can not share saved searches You can share note data along with tags (no tag structure) but no data, no tags My method would be to share screenshots of your notebook tag structure Also with the saved searches information For example
  14. I'm using the downloaded version of Evernote (direct download from Evernote) No problem annotating pdfs using Preview
  15. I resemble that remark To indicate your support for the "Recent Notebooks" request, please use the voting button at the top left corner of the discussion The current vote count is
  16. Is this another I heard it on the internet, so it must be true or do you have some real information sources edit; just clickbait >>I really liked the UI of Ulysses My impression is that Ulysses is more of a tool for writers, and less focussed on storage/organization >>Hoping their longevity means they aren’t going anywhere. Same here. I continue my work as if "they aren't going anywhere", but I've had an exit strategy from the beginning
  17. I merged your post with an existing discussion on recurring reminders. You might want to look at my post above your post
  18. Evernote offers an account password lock mechanism on all platforms >>This prevents me from using evernote for its prime purpose - storing confidential notes. I encrypt my sensitive data. Evernote offers a text encryption feature, and I use the native encryption of attachments >>Are the android versions this insecure as well? Calm down; the sky isn't falling Windows data is embedded in an SQLite database. I don't think we have access to the Android data.
  19. Database encryption is a different request in "lock down my evernote notes" This request is for PIN security at the app level - a valid request although it only has 62 user votes It's a step in security - personally I do not want to enter a pin every time I switch apps I rely on timeout lockdown at the OS level >>it is easy under windows to access the database circumventing a PIN lock Easy??? Access is possible, but not "easy" Regardless, this is not relevant to the request for an app PIN
  20. For viewing web pages, I use a Mac and the Safari web browser To archive, my key sequence is Command S > Enter The archive is stored in my Evernote import folder and triggers a note being created in Evernote I can write an AppleScript to trigger actions like this
  21. Thanks for the warning; I would have preferred the original reminder date be used We should pass this on to @Pascal Held
  22. The ToC note is even more useful, replacing a link to notebook, tag, or saved search It's also more flexible than a simple note list; - entries can have modified titles - entries can be organized in special sequence, under headings A criticism is that the list in a ToC note is static and may omit new newly created notes Third party Filterize offers a feature that keeps the ToC notes dynamic, updated with the latest note list I do something similar using scripting on a Mac >>how quickly we'll jump ship from Evernote because of the few things it has struggled with over the years ...while ignoring the things it does well--even if sometimes it takes a little creativity I like that Evernote provides the tools, but we're not locked into any paradigm Dashboards work for me, but other users can ignore the concept
  23. My favourite markdown app is Typora, on a Mac >>migrating by 1400 Notes Evernote's base format is enml (basically html), but attachments can be any format I'm not familiar with any converter services My approach for markdown notes is to use .md files, stored in Evernote as attachments >> I don't see what the problem is Neither do I. I'm able to chose whichever editor is best for the job
  24. I'm thinking it would be simpler if there were none of this "apply recursively down" or "inherit" So no change to the current process; "only need to check the permissions on the containing notebook" Local Notebooks will be a problem, if there are child sync'd notebooks It would be difficult to maintain hierarchy on other devices when the parent notebook is missing
  25. I don't use the template feature; just notes that I label as templates Here's a link to the reflection section of my daily journal https://www.evernote.com/l/AAqcG_T91PlHQ7ug0fhyyFlBr8v2Hme1zS0 It's just a 2 column table. Questions on the left, notes on the right
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