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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. The master data on the server can be viewed with the web platform at www.evernote.com
  2. There doesn't seem to be much interest in this request To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion The request has 128 user votes
  3. Scannable is simply a scanning tool; there is no legal auditing for signatures >>What process does scannable have for transferring documents between users? The primary purpose i saving scans to Evernote via internet, however email to users is an option along with other IOS share options
  4. Notebooks can be "gone" but what about the notes? Notes can be viewed using "All Notes" If deleted, the notes can be viewed in the Trash
  5. You have the option of subscription payment for the entire year, or just a single month It's automatic renewal so make sure you switch account levels before the end of the month >>Are my files stored in the cloud or directly on my computer? I think that once it's synced it's no longer on your pc or am I wrong? Evernote is a cloud service, with the master copy of our data stored on the servers Mac/Windows have a full copy of data on our devices Offline notebooks are an option for IOS/Android >>Knowing that I only have limited uploads I was surprised that it was letting me do multiple The limit is 60MB per month - this allows for many uploads >>BUT I then went to the Evernote WEB There are various web versions; make sure you're not using the new of beta version - there are issues The syncing process is device <> server <> device If you are seeing the data on both your devices, it will also be on the server >>but I don't see HOW to change the other NOtebook to sync Sync is the default for notebooks - you don't have to change anything Windows/Mac have a Local Notebook option, but that's a more advanced discussion >>Dies, Stamps, Dies and Stamps I use Tags, and can assign multiple entries to a note - I don't need the "Dies and Stamps" category >>"NoteBooks" or what I would call "Folders" My preference is to keep this simple - Notebooks and Tags are simply fields in the note metadata The problem is, some users think that because it's a "Folder", it must have certain properties - there are some bitter posts about lack of sub-folders >>Last question, is it possible to have the ENTIRE Screen Black and not only the Left Side? We need more details on that; platform, screenshot, ...
  6. I don't have an answer but the same icon issue was reported here
  7. Search any: tag:next todo:false This is the "or" search, but also covers your "and" cases Search is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  8. I moved your post to the feedback forum, and merged it existing discussions To indicate your support use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion (currently at 14 votes) >>Personally switched to using Notability for handwriting, text / organization in Evernote. Not optimal but works, no more losing notes. Notability is my app choice for note-taking (handwriting) Evernote continues to be my choice for storage and organization and the documents continue to be stored as attachments
  9. And if a note fits several categories? In addition to the Notebook field; notes also have Tag(s) You might want to take a look at the Tag feature
  10. Check out the outlook integration tool listed at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005997-How-to-use-Evernote-for-Outlook
  11. We do not need another discussion thread on this Go to the topic linked here https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/118497-looking-for-an-evernote-alternative-probably-found-the-closest-option/ There are plenty of recommendations
  12. I added my vote In the meantime, I convert my images to pdf format
  13. Evernote is a tool for the storage and organization of your trading notes/documents For the actual trading activity, I would take the data to a spreadsheet. I'd like to see charting, graphs, and other analysis
  14. I know others keep reporting problems It's not a feature I use, but whenever I test there are no problems. The note is created minutes later
  15. Starting with naming standard with the prefixes I have four top level characters ? ! @ . used for ?Who !What @Where .When I decided I need to identify budget categories (a what) - my tag names are !Budget-Food, !Budget-Entertainment, !Budget-.... On my Mac, I have access to an actual hierarchy and drag tags under other tags Coming soon to Android and IOS
  16. I was confused at first - there are two different and independent search functions Search for notes, and "Search in Note" The issue being reported is with "Search in Note" In my testing, I'm unable to replicate the "No Matches" error I'd like to see specific test samples
  17. Can you provide specific examples of fails >>But maybe the indexing is done on the EN server. With Evernote/IOS, if online - the search is run on the server with the server indexes >>the < > won't search through the finds The <> are note navigation controls; not related to search finds Correction: Switching to "Search in Note" supports <> search item navigation
  18. A tag managent strategy I use is to maintain hierarchies - an actual hierarchy (Mac/Windows) - name prefixing; for example Budget-Food, Budget-Entertainment, .... Vendor-Walmart, Vendor-Apple, ...
  19. At any point in the "commentary", you can click the + icon to insert a photo To be honest, I use the Notability app on my iPad for note-taking; Pages app for word processing. I store the documents in Evernote as attachments
  20. There is a request posted at note linked below To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion There's currently 17 user votes
  21. Goodbye, good luck Let us know which service you switch to
  22. No nested tags on my beta version; and no symbols (Safari browser on a Mac and iPad) edit; web v5.28 I like the minimized sidebar option (bottom right corner)
  23. The screenshot is from Evernote/Mac with multiple notes selected
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