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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I use the Notability app, on an iPad with an Apple Pencil The document is stored in Evernote as a note attachment file
  2. I'm not experiencing lag problems with Mac/iPad My use is mostly online You're posting in the General Discussions forum. Is this a Windows issue?
  3. This would be my solution Right-click the pdf and open in your favourite viewer
  4. A dashboard note starts out as a simple Evernote note A user adds content to the note - any content the feel is important - any layout that works for them, including Kanban elements There's a discussion forum at https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/644-home-dashboards/
  5. To indicate your support for this request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion The screenshot shows a note window with 3 tabs
  6. Evernote provides a note editor This is not word processing quality and the format is enml (basically html) i suggest you require a word processing editor like MS Word or Apple Pages The document can be store in Evernote as a note attachment
  7. Evernote provides a note editor This is not word processing quality and the format is enml (basically html) i suggest you require a word processing editor like MS Word or Apple Pages The document can be store in Evernote as a note attachment
  8. I don't see how appending all your notes to a single note is a method of organizing notes My new notes are created in the default notebook (@Inbox) This is the collection step and theres various sources; manual entry, web clipper, email. ... In the organize step, I clean up the title, and assign tags The note us moved to my Filing Cabinet notebook >>Why use notebooks instead of tags to quickly organise notes Evernote uses notebooks to identify notes as - sync'd/local - private/shared - offline - default notebook
  9. Evernote uses notebooks to identify notes as - sync'd/local - private/shared - offline - default notebook I basically use two notebooks; @Inbox and FilingCabinet >>notebooks look like a one-tier folder system to me, and a folder system should be unnecessary with tags. Two tiers; stacks/notebooks No support for folders, but they can be emulated using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar
  10. As per @gazumped, I file everything The challenge is to implement an organization system so data can be retrieved when required Warning - Evernote does not support a folder filing methodology We get metadata; notebook/tag/date/... fields and note titles Tags are the primary organizing tool
  11. I encrypt the ...sensitive... material
  12. Just wondering about any specifics for what you want to learn imho A most important question is how to store/organize digital records You're posting in the Evernote forum so you've got a good start in solving that
  13. For me, Evernote's role is the storage and organization of all my notes and documents This is my "lifelong store" I have a notebook called "Filing Cabinet" "Learning" would be a set of tags I'm not into mindmapping, but I would store the documents in Evernote No dedicated wiki service, but my notes are cross-linked, and tagged Task information is stored as Evernote notes, then exported to a spreadsheet for task management
  14. I scan all paper, and then toss in a set of cardboard boxes Most of that will end in the shredder >>Does anyone know of a good scanner that will scan both sides of a document at once? I have access to office scanners, but I mostly use the Scannable app, and my iPad camera afaik Duplex scanners use two passes
  15. Or any spreadsheet product; MS Excel, Apple Numbers, Google Sheets, ... >>(1) Select All notes, then View/Top-List-View and Ascending Title sequence >>Note that each row has a row number followed by a period. We will "clean" that in the the next step using Excel formulas... (c) Enter or copy/paste this formula into B2: =MID(A2,FIND(".",A2)+2,LEN(A2)) This can also be removed in Evernote by turning off the numbered list option
  16. As per @CalS, I recommend separate accounts For common notebooks, use the Shared Notebook feature
  17. I merged your request with an existing post You're welcome to add your vote to the request fwiw The latest Evernote betas include a highlight colour selection
  18. No indication from Evernote Why are you "desperate"
  19. Evernote only supports alphabetical sequence fwiw Notebooks can be organized into stacks; useful for the "hundreds of notebooks"
  20. I use "all notes" view, and new notes are assigned to my default notebook (@Inbox) I find it easy to adjust the notebook assignment. It's an additional processing step, but I'm also adjusting title, tags etc I can use a filtered view for a specific notebook (multiple windows/tabs on a Mac) New notes are assigned to the specific notebook
  21. You're suggesting a hypothetical setting The reality is syncing is automatic; data loss is replicated to the cloud and all our devices "Sync everyday" would mean we can't trust the data on our devices or cloud to be the most up-to-date I can see the potential for data conflicts, and lost data from device failures My recovery solution is data backups - Time Machine on my Mac (hourly incremental) - Evernote's Note History backup (incremental at multiple times daily) - Daily incremental and Weekly full backups
  22. I"ll follow up on the Mac thing In the meantime, we know the Mac data is a copy; the master data version is stored on the Evernote servers Update the shortcuts on the server using the web version at www.evernote.com The changes will sync to your Mac
  23. Favorites??? Can you post a screenshot? edit; also known as Shortcuts
  24. My experience is that notes are displayed in the current sort sequence For myself, this is usually Date Updated; I can also sort by Date Created, or Title
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