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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. To be very honest, these two people are likely to find viewing a notebook easier if you share with a Free Evernote account. That makes it easier to view the various notes.
  2. I have 10.56 on Android and it works just fine. In fact better behaved than I've seen for awhile. Sounds like this could benefit from an uninstall and reinstall.
  3. If you got an Email warning of a price increase then you can go to your account settings, choose CANCEL and your account will drop to the Free rate from the renewal date. If you've already been charged the new price then you have sixty days to get a refund from Evernote. So you are safe to wait a few days. When the subscription is cancelled you will, again, drop to the Free plan.
  4. I responded to this issue with the backup in excess of 20Gb. in the other thread where this was also raised. Apart from Note History I made an alternative suggestion.
  5. AI Powered Search is available for all on desktop apps. It is coming soon for mobile. In each case it is an option you can choose to use or not. https://evernote.com/blog/ai-powered-search/ https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/20406371441939-AI-Powered-Search-Overview
  6. Even if Evernote was to restore the function, I'd keep my batch file which also empties the directory that Evernote creates when we open attachments to notes.
  7. The only other option is to ask your credit card provider to help. But they will only be able to refund the full payment which will close your Evernote account.
  8. Thanks for this alternate workaround. I think that my batch file which runs when I boot up my PC might still be better for me since I have that empty five or six directories. Most import folders but also the temporary storage created when you open an attachment from a note and the Windows screen clipping directory.
  9. Can you tell us the browser and version of web clipper? Also a bullet point list of how we might reproduce the issue.
  10. Except that, on occasions, the local data becomes corrupted and the best solution is replacing the local copy from the server master copy. I'm pleased that your process worked for you this time.
  11. I don't think we are disagreeing other than with your assertion that they could just port the code across. Of course it would take hours. Perhaps not many which is what you suggest. I observed I don't know how many. I am certain that there is more to the whole thing than a few quick key strokes. My view is that it is very low priority.
  12. The Legacy program was written and coded in an entirely different environment to that used for v10. So exporting and importing isn't an option. The routine would have to be written from scratch for v10. So it would take hours although I've no idea how many.
  13. Sadly, my guess is that this will be five years rather than 5 months. And maybe not even then. The statement from Evernote was quite firm. The development of a Linux app has been abandoned. There is no suggestion that this is temporary even though there is hope amongst users If you need a solution with six months then make a new plan without a dedicated app. Likewise there is no expectation of a standalone QuickNote function. You could possibly create something via the API which opens and adds stuff to either a new note or appends to an existing note but that's beyond me. You seem willing to have a go. As for overriding the browser defaults I think that there is no hope for that ever. Everytime an individual browser changed its code there would be a requirement to rework the web client and quite probably on a browser by browser basis. So Chrome and Firefox would likely need separate work. Given how often Firefox seems to reset things I could see this becoming a neverending task. No harm in suggesting but advisable to manage your expectations. 🤕
  14. I think you'll have to give us more information. Did you uninstall and reinstall Evernote? If not, I'd recommend that you uninstall using a free program Revo Uninstaller which ensures a full and clean uninstall. Then download the latest version of evernote.com and reinstall and login.
  15. Pasting plain text removes all formatting. So no indentation.
  16. I think it is likely to be that the drive is considered removable. As a test try setting the choice to a directory of your main drive. If that works reliability that will confirm.
  17. The default PDF view doesn't function as it should by my view. There is a setting but it only affects attachments from the time you turn it on. It also only works for PDFs attached to an existing note {drag and drop or the attachment option under the blue + button). Create a note via an Import Folder reverts to the single page view. I resigned myself to changing the view the first time I access a note. I ignore those notes I haven't, yet, needed to view. Raise a support ticket. It feels like I'm the only person reporting this
  18. Just carry on using 6.25.1 For the time being it will continue to work but you get the extra warning. However, one day sooner rather than later it will stop so take the warning as advice for you to either make peace with v10 or take the time provided to plan your alternative.
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