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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Could you try an experiment at home and see if the issue arises there? Again, try multiple browsers. As you know, the work environment inserts a whole bunch of security things which might affect everything. If you can focus the issue onto either a browser or work network or whatever that at least gives you a place to move forward from.
  2. Hi @GarethSan! From the screen shots you share it seems that you are using the v10 interface rather than the older version. That's worth checking that that is set in both places in your account settings. You don't say which browser you use. I'd try something different. If you use Chrome try Firefox. See if that resolves things or not.
  3. Then not related to the original issue in this thread. The Syncing temporarily paused issue had been seen from time to time. I saw it once after I updated to v10.64.3 I selected File, Quit and that resolved a couple of things and I haven't seen the Sync message since. Thankfully I've not lost data. If you didn't say it was affecting seven people in your team I'd ask if you have tried a clean uninstall and then reinstall. I'd do that with Revo Uninstaller on Windows or Appcleaner on a Mac. They get rid of all the buggy old code and start afresh. I'd strongly recommend that you open a support ticket and include the log files with the report.
  4. I'm not clear what is still occurring. Are you saying that you are still experiencing the system outage that is the subject of this thread? Or are you saying that you have data missing? Have you raised a technical support request? That would seem to be the way forward.
  5. I hadn't used the app all morning and tried without problem. Since you've installed on a new phone then your only option is to persist with tech support.
  6. When I use emoji I place them away from the start of the title so that searching for a name works more easily given the Evernote requirement to search from the left hand side of the text.
  7. I don't think that this is a bug in the sense that it is an issue that can be reproduced widely. I just tried it on my device and each icon on the widget worked as I would expect it to. I am assuming that you've gone through the usual uninstall, restart the phone, reinstall process. That has resolved occasional glitches which sometimes seem to accompany version updates. Otherwise you will need to persist with the Tech Support team. As you realise, we are just fellow users so can sympathise and confirm whether we are experiencing the same thing. If no or very few others have the same issue then it indicates a device related issue.
  8. I think options have been offered and ignored. I'm not sure that there is anything more we can offer in this thread.
  9. Happened to me this morning. I selected File, Quit and then relaunched. All was then well.
  10. I've never experienced delays of more than 4 or 5 days. You can always follow up a ticket. Certainly be sure to have provided whatever information that may have been requested in the Email that contained your ticket number.
  11. To be honest, the weakest link in the storage of note attachments is likely to be the user's device. Anyone able to break into your device then has access to your data. Attachments are held locally as PDFs or whatever with a long random name. Hacking into your data on the servers really isn't a likely weak point. More likely would be unauthorised access to your account via a fishing attack or similar.
  12. @southernforge You have right idea. My code is slightly more fussy but amounts to much the same. I schedule it to run when I reboot my PC which I do most mornings. There are a number of triggers to chosen from. I detailed it all in a post a bit over a year ago.
  13. You should not lose your data stored in the Evernote servers in the cloud. Just be sure you know the correct username and password for your account and you will have access. Once you install the direct download you will be invited to login and the default storage location on your main drive will be used. Let that process complete which may take several hours. Only then choose your new storage location in the app settings. At that point the data will be transferred.
  14. I had a look around and located https://github.com/karloskalcium/md2enex This is referenced in a thread in these forums. It may require some tech awareness and I haven't tried this. In fact I haven't tried Notion either Whilst I can agree that Evernote might gain a little by providing a suitable tool I don't see this happening in any short term. SO you'll need to work out a way to export the notes from Notion as Markdown and convert them and import OR copy and paste as suggested. Another option would be to export each note from Notion as a PDF and then import the PDFs into Evernote. You could do that setting up an Import Folder in Evernote - just export the PDF from Notion saving it in the Import Folder and it will appear within a couple of seconds inside Evernote in the linied Notebook.
  15. Hi @Kathleen! Your assessment is correct. The only import option for Evernote is via an ENEX file or files. However, if you did not close your account then all your notes up to your switch should still be in place. So you only need to be able to export notes that have changed our been added since you started trying out Notion. If I was in your position I'd copy and paste content I needed back in Evernote's as and when I needed it. That would likely mean that some notes wouldn't make it back but it would be a gradual process. I think that Notion exports as Markdown files. You might find an open source product that will convert Markdown to ENEX. Remember, too, that if you are returning to Evernote at the Free level the limits on data transfer, note sizes etc will restrict what you can do. It might be worth considering a paid subscription for a month to remove those limitations during the import process.
  16. If this is an issuw for you then you should raise a support ticket. I can sketch with my finger on v10.56.2 but I don't have Samsung phone. You could try the defaukt uninstall/reinstall. Version upgrades have been known to break things which can be resolved by uninstalling. I don't think that would resolve the S Pen thing but it MIGHT work to get the finger sketch going again.
  17. I would go to settings in your iPad app. Choose More Settings which will take you into your account settings. Choose security settings and you'll be asked for a password and then a Google 2FA code. But there is also and option 'I need help getting a verification code'. You may find a solution there. There is still an option for a text message and that worked for me. Once you are i the Security Settings area you can manage 2FA and that's where you recover the backup codes. There's also an option to contact support.
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