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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. In Evernote you are able to export each notebook to an enex file. This is the preferred method of exporting since it retains the notebook with its associated notes. Contrary to the experience of others I am comfortable that Evernote 10 does sync reliably BUT it does require a working Internet connection to maintain a complete set of data and this does cause sync issues and, indeed, access if you find yourself without Internet (failure, travel, forgot to pay the bill ). It is a failing a a large number of European/North American cloud based services that presume ubiquitous Internet access. I travel to Sub-Saharan Africa regularly (well I did until this past year). I don't, yet, have confidence that my work in EN v10 will update reliably when I am travelling. For that reason the legacy version will be my preferred interface when travelling if I ever get to do that again. 😷
  2. @AdmiralP I'm not suggesting that your assessment is wrong - just that it is possible to conceive of why such a use of a created date might not be what was anticipated. As I said, I'd raise a support ticket in the hope that, eventually, the calculation of time to go/gone would be fixed.
  3. I'd uninstall, ensure that the data directory is also cleared then reinstall and allow the data to be rebuilt.
  4. I've no idea why the issue should be as described but it could, in part, be that you are asking the program to treat a created date as an action/to do date. In real life something cannot have been created in the future. So it possible that the display of that column is, not unreasonably, presuming a creation date in the past and not displaying correctly if it has a date in the future. The issue is, I suspect, as you describe. Some checking is done to determine if a date is today, yesterday or tomorrow and then displaying the word instead of the actual date. I think you've taken advantage of a strange quirk which no longer behaves as it once did. This feels like a support ticket is probably the way to get some traction but I wouldn't expect an instant fix.
  5. This is an issue which the EN support folk tells me is on its agenda. I think that it is proving difficult to identify the triggers. I had started to think that, for me, it was always first thing in the day. I had hoped that the issue was connected to me putting my PC into hibernate rather than shutting down completely each day. Sadly, I'm not sure that is now the case. I tried shutting down each day since the 19th but I'm not sure that this has helped. About the only consistent thing is that if the issue will occur it will be when I have to trigger a screen redraw inside Evernote 10. Yesterday I was playing with various options and tried the top list view. It wasn't what I needed so I switched back to the normal three columns and bingo, I had blank notes. The standard Quit|Restart brought everything back. Sadly, from a diagnostic point of view, that isn't working every time. And nothing appears in the program logs at the time of the incidents.
  6. If you wish to enable SendTo Evernote as a right click|SendTo option you need to configure that yourself. In Windows 10 Type Win+R and Open: shell:sendto Create shortcut to %localappdata%\Programs\Evernote\Evernote.exe I called my shortcut Evernote 10 so that I was sure which version of Evernote I was selecting to sendto since I still have the legacy version instaled That will create a SendTo in menu I posted in a different thread how to get the new version of the ScanSnap Manager software for the S1300i It works for me without trouble once I managed to configure it to scan to Evernote 10. There is some manual configuration of the ScanSnap Manager software required.
  7. Responding to a different thread I shared the following which might assist others. I have ScanSnap Manager and version 10.5.7 working quite nicely together. It required an update from ScanSnap/Fujitsu which is where the bigger issue lie. The ScanSnap Manager update isn't easy to locate but using version 7 with Mac or Windows allows it to have EN 10 as an option in the scanning destination. Works every time for me
  8. Probably not. These are primarily uer peer support forums. Occasionally EN staff are about and may comment but that is infrequent. Even if the pop-up confirmation box was to be removed it would likely be awhile before you might see it change. In any case, EN staff are on Christmas/New Year leave so nobody is here to comment except us. The ScanSnap situation is much improved since the Beta testing phase and, indeed, initial release of version 10. But v10 is not the place to be if your workflow requires the v6.25 functions. For now stick with the legacy and enjoy a calm life Or run both together if you want to follow the new developments and work out when you feel able to make the switch.
  9. The newest version of the ScanSnap Manager is version 7.0 L30 If you're using v then I guess you might be using the ScanSnap Home method. I've not taken that route since Evernote and ScanSnap fixed the Manager software. I think I had version 6.5 installed and it gave me an automatic update back in November. After that it became reasonably easy to add Evernote 10 as a scanning destination. https://scansnap.fujitsu.com/global/ssmanagerv7/
  10. @barrimoon THere's no reason to stop using the legacy version of the application if that works for you. The new release is definitely a work in progress. It has improved significantly since it was launched I can see more improvements heading along. My view is that the communication about he new release wasn't great. If it had been made clear that it would start with limited function that would be developing over time I think a lot of expectations might have been managed better.
  11. This issue continues with v10.5.7.2171 I created a new note and added a single image from a website which was relevant and gave me some creative ideas. The thumbnail from that image was added to the note snippet and card views. I then went off and created my own graphic to support the content. I deleted the old image from the note. Added my own creation. Now, in v10.5.7 the thumbnail continues to be the first one that I added for inspiration but is now deleted. The image in the note is my own. However, a check of the legacy program shows a thumbnail created from my own graphic which is the result I would expect. This is also the case with the web version. I tried making a minor change to the note in the legacy version followed by a sync but the old thumbnail remains in the note in 10.5.7 Very vexing...
  12. I believe this issue is fixed but it requires the latest version of Evernote AND an update to the ScanSnap Manager software then configure the ScanSnap Manager to scan to Evernote 10 as an option. It took me awhile to work out all out. The main update required was the ScanSnap software.
  13. Do you have to be so unpleasant and unnecessary. Why insult fellow users because they don't agree with you? Move on. Focus on the issues you are concerned with, not ad-hominem attacks.
  14. Yes, I have this as a minor issue. For now I have the legacy app so it isn't a significant problem. I'd probably run a browser window for my second account if I needed to do so. But it isn't a particular inconvenience for me. I could see that it could become so...
  15. A proof of concept rather than a resolution... Like others I have been struggling with how to work around the text encryption stuff in EN v10. It doesn't support encrypt in place Editing of text in place whilst temporarily decrypted is synchronised to the servers in plain text Formatted text cannot be encrypted (including with bulleted lists etc) It seemed to me that the Evernote encryption inside a text has never been a well worked solution. Some of these issues existed in earlier versions. So I've worked on a solution which is OKfor me. I've proved this for Windows using the free 7zip program and the mostly free AxCrypt. It will also work for text files and for formatted documents from, say, a word processor or spreadsheet. Instead of typing the text to be encrypted directly into an Evernote note, instead create a document in your program of choice - for example Notepad. Using AxCrypt encrypt the file created. (With 7zip create a password protected .7z archive). Drag and drop the password protected file into an Evernote note. To access double clip the encrypted document and do the necessary to decrypt and open the document. Make edits etc and save and only then close the encrypted archive. This will save back into the Evernote note retaining all the changes and not requiring a re-encrypt process. Do not use save and close in one process. Always save first. This process ensures that the decryption takes place outside Evernote so cannot be synchronised to the servers whilst the editing is underway. It works with multiple format documents so layout and formatting are retained. Editing takes place in place in the stored document which gets saved back into the encrypted archive which is then updated inside Evernote. The main disadvantage are the extra steps but it resolves some issues that others have with encryption in the legacy version. I have a small preference for AxCrypt as there is an app (both Android and iOS) so the encrypted archive can be accessed across platforms. AxCrypt would only work with Mac OS with a paid for subscription. The 7zip option only seems to work with the .7z format archive rather than .zip but it may be possible to use a different zip archiving program (perhaps even Windows itself but I haven't tried) to encrypt a zip file which would then work. There is no doubt a similar Mac OS program which will create zip archives.
  16. And the thing you say you like and paid for is still very much in existence. Many of us are hoping and working to see the new version of Evernote develop and make progress to provide what we all need. We've seen plenty of improvements and, hopefully, more to come. The stuff in the background that are available in Beta aren't instead of fixing things but evidence that progress is being made and new features are being developed alongside various fixes.
  17. @ozboy I empathise with the frustration with the need to decrypt, edit then encrypt in the new version of Evernote. However, the question about searching inside encrypted notes is odd. I've never been able to search inside the encrypted parts of notes in the legacy version of EN on Windows - perhaps that was a Mac thing where @AdrianBain was posting. This is, for sure, a big issue for those who encrypt text in notes as is the long-time problem with encrypting anything other than simple text - try encrypting a block which, for example, includes a bulleted list in any version of EN. A big mess at this stage so if encryption in place is a key part of your workflow then stick with the legacy version for the time being. Meanwhile, I'm experimenting with encrypting by other means.
  18. OK... Got it. I believe that this is the intended result. The note list returns when you click on a notebook or All Notes ie when you access a resource that has multiple notes that can be listed. This isn't the same as the legacy version which is, perhaps, why you anticipated a different behaviour. You could add this as a request in the Request forum if it is something you feel is important.
  19. Not available as an option at present. Actually, I think that you're the first person I've seen asking for this to disappear. Most requests are for something more obvious to indicate that the changes to a note have been saved.
  20. Yes, for now you can use the legacy version of Evernote. The method is detailed in loads of places. Search for Evernote legacy. I don't have the link to hand at the moment.
  21. Given that these are the Windows forums you might get more help in the parallel Mac user areas. I'm pretty sure that the key is always a complete uninstall. Not just uninstall the program but also checking that all left over data and directories are removed. Then install the new program from scratch and that should work provided the easier install over the top of the program hasn't already done the job. (No idea if that works on a Mac).
  22. The answer was discussed in the latest Evernote Behind the Scenes video published this week where Ian Small explains this very thing - much as @Mike P describes.
  23. I've not seen this particular expression of the blank note issue. Typically quitting the program and then restarting deals with most of the blank note problems. It would interesting to know if there is anything common to the notes that are blank. For example are they all web clippings? All Emails forwarded to your account? This sounds like an issue with specific old notes. Why not try the following options... In no particular order: Edit the note in the web browser version - say add a blank space at the bottom of the note If that doesn't work create a new note in the web browser with some random text at the top. Then merge the new note and the problem one. Then delete the random text and any merge information. If you can now see the wanted note content in the new note on the desktop then you've worked around the issue. Failing all that, revert to the legacy version of Evernote until it is possible to work out what's going on.
  24. I'm not seeing this reported frequently and am not experiencing this myself. Which version of EN 10 for Windows are you using? From the Microsoft Store or the direct download? My first try with this would be to close the program, delete the data directory and then restart. You'll forced to login afresh and the data directory will be rebuilt. Might be a solution.
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