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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. You don't have to live with check lists (including the strike through). You can choose check boxes instead. The easiest way is to type your list, highlight and then select checkboxes from the menu button. Alternatively start the line you're typing with a space then insert a checkbox <space>[] [] anywhere on a line except at the very start will give a green check box instead of a list. There won't be a 'fix' since this is designed to give users the option for either approach.
  2. FWIW, I received the 10.4 update via Play Store today. 19 Jan. I had upgraded to v10.0 via an apk side-load.
  3. Evernote support will not provide a link to the APK. You will have to wait until it becomes available via APKMirror or similar service if you wish to sideload. Android OS is a fiddly system to develop for. Lots of different versions of the OS, screen resolutions, chip sets and so forth. This means that release can be drawn out. By comparison iOS devices are controlled by Apple so development is generally more straightforward and stable. There really isn't any great rush. The old version provides a service.
  4. It was a support ticket direct to Evernote support so no link available.
  5. You'd imagine that this would be the case. However, if I turn off the setting in Preferences it is still possible to choose to retain a backup in the sign out process. I don't have time or energy to puruse this but I imagine there'll be someone who is able to explore what this Backup option does.
  6. I had a delve into the Play store back end and find that the release of v10 for Android is limited not only to Android 10 and above but also by device. For example, my wife's phone could get v10.4 but mine a different make but both Android 11 isn't on the list.
  7. I haven't tried this BUT... I notice that if I choose to Sign Out from Evernote v10.6 the option is to sign out and retain a backup. I've no idea what that backup actually contains or where it resides but presumably it could be backed up and then log back into the application.
  8. Actually, the images in the snippet and card views are not working correctly in v10. It isn't just this particular issue but, for example, create a note containing a single image. The snippet or card will be given an image based on the image inside the note. Now remove that image and replace it with a different image. The snippet/card will still have the version based on the original image. Go off to the legacy version of the application and the snippet image will have changed to something based on the new image. I've got a ticket open for this which has been acknowledged as an issue. Who knows when these will be addressed but they are known.
  9. The encryption stuff is a significant challenge. It can be done by 'decrypting' making whatever changes and the encrypting again. That troubles some folk because of the possibility that the decrypted text will be syncronised with the servers during the process. There were a number of concerns with the encryption as implemented in the legacy version of Evernote as well. I posted in one of the MANY other threads about encryption a proof of concept to ork with an external process to avoid all the issues. The initial encryption is slightly more fiddly but thereafter it works much as I would expect things to work. This has become my preferred encryption process. YMMV.
  10. I just discovered that the ability to correct from the dictionary is part of v10.6.9 so, for me, this issue would be fixed although there are many other things in the dictionary stuff that still need attention.
  11. You posted on the Windows Issues forum but I think your solution for now is the same as for Windows. Of you are reluctant to switch, revert to the legacy version of Evernote. It will work as well as previously. The display issues will be resolved once the cause is identified. Until the legacy will allow you to! Maintain your old workflow.
  12. Work on the spell check is still underway. I believe some more is to come in version 10.7 but no idea whether this will include the ability to make corrections from the dictionary. I don't think I've ever used the dictionary to make the corrections inside Evernote. In its early days it only supported a US English dictionary so that wasn't very useful for me in the UK. I take @Rajesh Gaire's approach and go back and fix as I'm typing. But I can see that this is a function that would be useful.
  13. The v10 release is for Android 10 and above - althopugh it seems to be quite limited even for those of us with those versions of Android. Definitely not released for Android 9 and below as yet.
  14. I just found the reference - a quick search for '10.7' did the trick...
  15. There are several threads about the spell-checking question and it was mentioned earlier in the week in one of these. I think I'll have to leave you to search for this. Sorry.
  16. @PNG Coops If you are editing a document attached to a note but outside Evernote I find that you need this process to save the changes back into the note attachment. 1. Open the attachment 2. Make the changes 3. Click the save button or type Ctrl+S 4. Close the attachment If you, instead, just close the attachment then any changes appear to be saved to a copy in one of the temporary directories rather than in the Evernote attached version. THis is my experience YMMV
  17. Presumably, you can open PDFs by double clicking a file on, say, the desktop. The OPEN option requires a program to be set up to OPEN WITH a suitable PDF viewer/editor within Windows. If that is working then I might suggest a complete uninstall and reinstall after you have done the standard reboot the PC process. I can certainly open PDFs with a right-click OPEN process. I very occasionaly get issues within Windows but it isn't an Evernote problem.very
  18. You face the same issue as MANY other Android users. It is partly dependent on the version of Android you are using but it seemed that the roll-out of 10.0 stopped without any obvious reason for Android 10 and above even though that is what was said to be the governing factor. A new version (10.4) has been released in the last 24 hours. It seems that this isn't available more widely yet either. We don't know what the limitation on release is but it seems that something is in place.
  19. You'll see this documented in these forums... Win+R and enter shell:sendto Create shortcut to %localappdata%\Programs\Evernote\Evernote.exe
  20. You cannot anticipate a response in these forums from Evernote staff. It is possible but unlikely as these are user-to-user support forums. The feedback button inside v10 doesn't generally bring a personal response either. In that respect the Imported mm/dd/yyyyy notebooks were created in some of the earlier releases of v10. You can check each one and if they still contain a note then move that to where you want it to be. You can safely delete the random notebook and should not see these reappearing as the issue that caused them has as far as I know been resolved. I don't believe that there is any plan to kill the legacy version at this point. There are many issues like those you list and others which are scheduled to be tackled so you can bide your time with the legacy version for some weeks/moths to come.
  21. With Evernote 10 you need to create the Send To Evernote right click option - it is easy to do. However that will not create a PDF of something like a bank statement on a website. Actually a bank statement is probably a bad illustration - many banks block web clipping and the like from their websites for personal data security. So to capture a statement from my bank I have to download their prepared PDF and then send that to Evernote. Otherwise, I use the web clipper quite successfully. The options are sufficient for me although none is to create a PDF. To create a Send To Evernote link... Win+R and type shell:sendto Create shortcut to %localappdata%\Programs\Evernote\Evernote.exe
  22. @Nicola B. These forums are primarily users helping users. You should not anticipate that you will get staff help here. As a Premium user you should submit a support ticket. However, I can say that I don't have this issue and am able to create notes without a problem on Android.
  23. It's awhile since I saw thye ToC issue in these forums. It was discussed at length in the Beta phase and as I recall the conclusion was that the new approach was, overall, more flexible than the predetermined ToC available in the legacy version. I have no personal opinion since I use TsoCs infrequently. In legacy you presumably highlight the notes you wish to include and then clcik the create a ToC note button which generates the new note. However, the Contents are in a fixed order regardless of the order of selection of the notes. In version 10 you also highlight the notes to be selected. Copy the internal links for the notes (Alt+Ctrl+L) and then paste them into a new note. The bonus/difference is that the ToC is ordered in the same way as you selected them. I think what you are requesting is a button in the blue menu which does the Alt+Ctrl+L thing and then pastes into a new note. That doesn't sound like such a bad suggestion but, for now, you gain a small functional gain alongside the loss of the ToC button. The Beta testers didn't consider that a terrible trade off, as I recall.
  24. I'm not noticing this issue although I have seen it with various other application shortcuts at different times in the past. They always turned out to be graphics card issues bringing challenges inside Windows 10 rather than the application itself. You don't say if you are using the Microsoft store version of the program or the direct download from the Evernote website. My first suggestion would be to logout and then completely uninstall version 10.5.7 and ensure you have removed the data and program directories. Since a new, updated, version is released today, download that from Evernote and install. See if that fixes the issue. If this does not resolve then you might try a support ticket.
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