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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Not sure I would agree about using only one platform and doubt the data would support this assertion. It's easy to assume that our own experience is normative. Perhaps that is what you do but most users that I come across, at least, switch between a desktop OS (Mac or Windows) and a mobile device (Android or iOS). Quite a few also jump over to the web based interface too.
  2. Thanks for this... I had understood that whilst the app owner says what they want, Google Play then implements the process according to its algorithm. I'm not sure that the release is staged other than restricted to Android 10 and 11 users but happy to receive the additional info.
  3. That's the pop-up that should appear when you click the green + symbol which, of course, is hidden under the pop-up. Clicking outside Evernote closes it on my machine. If that or ESCape doesn't clear it then perhaps try clicking New Note and create something new which you can then delete. Otherwise File | Quit Evernote and restart and see what that does for you.
  4. First, install version 10. The current version is 10.15.6 - https://evernote.com/download Once that is complete, download and install the legacy version 6.25.2 - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote You will have two separate installations - the Green shortcut icon will be the new v10 and the Grey icon will open the legacy. Be warned - the two versions sync at different speeds. So don't edit the same note in both versions until you are certain that they are in sync.
  5. In case you have not tried, you could completely uninstall the application and then start again by installing from the Play Store. As a Basic user you do not have access to the tech support ticket system. Sorry.
  6. It generally takes a number of days for the Android update to roll out to those with the existing v10 app. I got it on my device overnight which is rather quicker than usual. I normally don't give it much attention for a week after release. This delay is in the Google Play Store managing the release.
  7. The short answer is no - not at he moment. I remember when it wasn't possible in the old version of Evernote and its arrival was a really useful.
  8. The Web Clipper is a stand alone plug-in for a number of browsers. Once installed it creates an icon button on the browser toolbar. I'm not sure what you are requesting about adding to shortcuts - could you describe it in a little more detail?
  9. @teresacuervo The new version of Evernote appears to uninstall the old version but, in fact, it does not do this so leaves the old andadds the new version. This isn't a bad thing - you can install the old, legacy, version and have it available while you become accustomed to the new version. If you want a clean installation then you can close Evernote, uninstall the new AND the old. Then reinstall the new version and your notes will be synchronised.
  10. @Kburke Can you describe how you are getting this result? Are you scanning a PDF or image from ScanSnap? Which method of scanning with ScanSnap are you using? (ScanSnap Manager or ScanSnap Cloud???) Which version of Evernote are you using? v6.xx or v10.xx??? If one of the v10.xx releases is downloaded from the Micorosft Store or direct from Evernote? I'm able to do basic searches in Evernote 10.14.7 and locate text inside PDFs that have arrived from ScanSnap.
  11. The post immediately before yours poits to the way to force a sync on an iPad or iPhone: HTH
  12. I find the web page for contacting support better for me: https://evernote.com/contact then follow the additional support options links for Premium users.
  13. I'm sorry that you have this issue. I suggest you open a support ticket. Since you don't have %AppData%\Evernote - even after installation - there is something unusual about your installation. This is the standard location for the data files. Pasting %AppData% in file explorer should take you to the directory where the Evernote directory should reside. If it isn't there then I'm stuck knowing how to advise so the support ticket is the way forward.
  14. The issue for Evernote is how to faithfully replicate the original content. They've chosen to do this in an HTML container. As you have found, as soon as you simplify the formatting to allow you edit the content then the original HTML is often lost. I run the legacy version alongside v10. I find that if I make a small edit to the content in the legacy then the formatting in v10 is often more amenable to further editing. Or I just make my changes in legacy. For now, legacy may be the better option for you.
  15. You need to remove %AppData%\Evernote and %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote These are c:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Evernote and c:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Programs\Evernote Subtly different to what you say you removed.
  16. This issue was fixed for me with a release of v10.10 (although I see no mention of it in public but neuither am i a beta member...)
  17. Evernote 10 does have this function (quite possibly missing other stuff) but to create a screenshot you need to have your passcode security turned off... The screenshot stuff is respecting the passcode security.
  18. I'm not experiencing anything as you describe. I know that on first installation you do need the sync of notes to complete and, if you have a large number of notes, this can take sometime. Until the initial sync is complete searches don't work. With note count display tuned on I can see the number of notes connected to each tag. I click on a tag with, say, 12 notes and I get 12 notes listed. I put that tag in my shortcuts and it shows with the number 12 alongside. Clicking on the shortcut also lists the relevant 12 notes. So I'd say that you probably need to wait longer for the sync to complete. As for Ctrl+Q, I never used it before and don't think it will be a tool that will be useful for me in the future. It does, though, appear to do what is expected.
  19. Some of the earlier releases of Evernote version 10 failed to update automatically. Download the latest version and install it manually over the top of the existing version and you should be good to go.
  20. The usual route to resolve these types of issue is a complete uninstall. This should include removing the data and program directories. Then reinstall. The directories to delete are: %AppData%\Evernote %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote
  21. I think that this must be a more complex issue than it at first appears. I just used the Gmail integration to put an Email into my EN account. It appeared perfectly. Likewise sending to my Evernote Email address also works as you would expect. Using the Evernote web clipper certainly does have the experience you describe. Assuming you are working in a web browser to view Gmail, I would suggest you install the Gmail integration add-on and make your clipping by this means rather the Evernote web clipper. Complex text will still end up in an HTML block in the resulting note but attachments will, I think, appear inline and accessible. https://evernote.com/integrations/gmail
  22. I haven't seen this issue. More browser detail might assist. I'd move this thread to the Web Clipper threads - you might connect with others who have a more active engagement with the Web Clipper. https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/257-web-clipper-issues/
  23. If this is your experience then it is a particular problem faced by you. I don't think that the need to repeat the process as you describe is common. If this continues for you I recommend opening a support ticket. The more general issue of not being able to set a default option for the 'View As' setting to Attachment (or for that matter All Pages) hs not been offered and is a definite feature request that has been with us since version 10 was released.
  24. @herdianto Did you ensure that you deleted the program and data directories before reinstalling? That is usually also required in order remove any corrupted configuration and data files. %AppData%\Evernote %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote
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