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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. This has always been the way Evernote sharing works. When Evernote launched that was the way collaborative editing worked in general. Other services have come along since which have found the way to do what you describe. Perhaps this level of collaborative working should be available but I doubt anyone has heard of any plans. In fact I don't that there are any plans for this in the near term. The editor has just been reworked for v10. I think that works have been the time to add this.
  2. Open the Emoji picker (Win+.), Select the coloured bullet you want to use
  3. I think we're going around in circles here... Since we're all just users and each of our requirements and experiences are personal all we can do is share our personal place. There isn't a cloud service where we can say with certainty that it will be around tomorrow so we make the best estimate of risk to ourselves and our data that we can. We've pointed to ways in which Evernote data can be exported if you feel the need. We've also said that for many of us the future of Evernote is as secure as we need it to be whilst recognising others want more. Since you are so uncertain about the future with Evernote I'd recommend one of the many alternatives. However, they, too, come with risk and work differently to Evernote. I hope you are successful in your search.
  4. I don't think I've seen reports of quite this issue before. Generally, they reflect a glitch in the locally held data. So you could try these two approaches... First Ctrl+Shift+R (not sure of the Mac equivalent Cmd+Shift+R ???) to Force a Reload of your Data If that doesn't work then File | Sign Out | Remove my Evernote data Then reboot your computer and sign back into Evernote. Your data will be rebuilt from the cloud. If neither of these work then a complete uninstall, reinstall ensuring that all copies of the data directories are removed is the last option.
  5. First option Ctrl+Shift+R to Force a Reload of your data If that fails then try: File | Sign Out | Remove my Evernote data from this device Reboot your PC Sign back in and allow Evernote to rebuild your data.
  6. On the web: Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning In the mobile application in the help/support menu. Only available to paying users otherwise via Twitter
  7. Have you rebooted your computer? That's my usual first choice but I sometimes forget until a colleague reminds me.
  8. I don't claim inside knowledge, just said that my view is that Evernote doesn't look likely to fold. As I noted, YMMV. I'm fortunate, I'm a tagger. So most of my notes are in a single notebook. It is easy to export that notebook in v10. Even in Legacy, exporting notes was best done by notebook in order to retain notebook structures which a whole account export didn't support.
  9. This is a known issue with 10.25. It seems to be resolved by uninstalling and then reinstalling from the Play Store.
  10. The easiest way to achieve what you desire is to change the way you type the list. The intuitive method is to select the checkbox type the content and hit enter but, as we know, this now converst to a checklist format. Instead, type the list then highlight all the items and select checkbox. Each item will gain a checkbox at the begining. Personally I've got a keyboard macro which types <space>[] which does everything in one shortcut keystroke. Really not any slower than selecting whichever check style with the mouse which is what we have otherwise had since time imemorial.
  11. I can't think of any method working on a batch process within Evernote Legacy (or v10 either). I think you would need an external scripting process to open the PDF, remove the password and resave back into the original note. SO your Applescript idea may be worth exploring. However, I have to say that if I was wanting to get to where you want, I wouldn't want to start from where you are
  12. I'm not sure that this has ever been a possibility. Even with Legacy authentication was required with the servers to connect up the software. I think the only option would be to schedule regular exports of your notebooks as .enex or whatever you wish. Choose the format that enables you access the content either standalone or via import into an alternative application. I guess, though, there's no more certainty that Notion, Joplin or whatever software you switch to is any more secure in terms of longevity. My personal view is that Evernote is not likely to collapse and I can afford a routine export/save/backup process... YMMV
  13. Correct. That's been clear since v10 was released. Local folders were removed with v10. To use local folders you need to stick with Legacy.
  14. Finally found time to test the uninstall/reinstall of V10.25 on Android. That seems to have fixed the ability to share from my browser to Evernote on Android. Thanks @JenTo for the nudge.
  15. That's never been a promised function. It seems that the integration with Google Calendar is only one-way, or am I missing something? You are correct...
  16. These forums are user to user. So whilst we empathise, you are ranting at fellow travellers. Other users have been very successful using APKmirror which is decidedly not shady. In the meantime I searched the forums and located the official download. http://evernote.s3.amazonaws.com/android/google-play/com.evernote.google-play. Searching is often a means to relieve frustrations.
  17. Does this help? https://evernote.com/blog/introducing-evernote-for-outlook/ It only works with older versions of Outlook and Outlook on the web.
  18. It is a two step process. You join the programme then Evernote chooses you to participate in a specific beta. I think there are many who have offered to participate but not been invited. You can export notebooks to a local enex archive. You can also backup your data directory.
  19. Yes, there is a separate area for Android. The problem with sharing content into Evernote 10.25 is known by other users. Unrelated to the web clipper on desktop.
  20. Did you try the suggested data refresh? I don't think this is a block on you. It seems to be either a glitch (most likely from my perspective) or a general setting (that hasn't been declared). Either way, reset your data and failing that contact support.
  21. Number of people you can share a notebook with: 500 Number of shares via Work Chat: 50 See the link above. If this isn't the number for you then presumably a glitch on your account. You can try the File, Sign Out, Forget your data option of you are on a desktop app. I would not anticipate that to provide a fix but worth trying. Otherwise contact support.
  22. Yes. And why would you be unnecessary in your response. Like you, I'm a user. I answered your question to say 7.19 was working fine. Please don't be quite so unpleasant.
  23. V7.19 automatically updated for me. Seems to be working just fine. No idea why it would reformat the HDD😉
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