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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Unless you have local notebooks there is no need to copy. Just install the software, login, and the data will be re-created. Copying the data file isn't good practice and can lead to list our corrupted data although it used to work for some users.
  2. Assuming you have checked that you are using the correct Email address... Contact support who should be able to assist you.
  3. I suspect that you are getting little response to your questions since you posted in the Teams account area but very, very, few Teams users are online here and mostly the rest of us can't answer Teams questions. You would probably have been better to ask in the Android area. Let me try and answer some of your questions... 1. There's is a widget for the device desktop which opens directly to create a new note 3. Offline works in v10. You have to choose in settings which notes/notebooks will be offline. Inline is the default. 5. You have had several answers to this question. If you have Free account -Access your account settings and remove all the linked devices. If you are a subscriber raise a support ticket.
  4. My guess, you are using the Windows desktop app. This is a known issue on Windows. We await a fix. Thankfully I haven't been holding my breath
  5. Send a direct message to one of the Evernote staff. Their accounts are marked as Staff. @Shane D. might be your best bet. Of course, you can change your linked Email address in your profile account settings.
  6. v10 is not like the old 'Legacy' application. The true copy of the data is in the cloud. You can retain the data directory but it may not be a helpful exercise. I'm not convinced that it provides a true, complete, 'backup' of your data if only because it is continuously synchronising with the cloud. If, for your own purposes, you want to store a copy of the data directory then you will find it at %AppData%\Evernote If you search these forums you will find many discussions of making copies of the local data directory...
  7. I agree that ToDoist remains a superior talk manager cf Evernote tasks. I'll be glad when EN catches up. One fewer subscriptions to pay
  8. I'm assuming that you have a paid subscription. My understanding is that Home customisation is only available to those who pay. If you're on a free account then there is nothing more to suggest than pay if this is something you need along with the other benefits https://evernote.com/compare-plans So assuming a paid subscription, this type of issue is often linked to some account data corruption. My first try would be to sign out abd remove my data from the device (File | Sign Out | Remove my Evernote data). Then log back in and once ypur data has been rebuilt try again. Failing this, fully uninstall using a program such as Revo Uninstaller. Then reinstall and again re-try. Failing this then a support ticket would be the way to go.
  9. @Heronheart makes a useful point. Has your default notebook changed in a desktop client or in the web? They should all be the same. If they remain as expected in desktop of web then you should expect the default in Android to be the same. Reinstalling would be the way to go. If the desktop or web are also not what you wanted then something has arisen at the account level so just change to get it working for now and open a ticket since this isn't an expected outcome. That said, we aren't seeing many reports of this...
  10. This isn't being reported widely and I certainly do not have the issue. I would try rebuilding your Evernote data. File | Sign Out | Remove my Evernote Data from this device Then sign back in and wait while your data is rebuilt from the servers.
  11. We were responding to @atmcmxcviii. You did get replies to your original posts on the same day. Sorry you didn't find those helpful. But in any case, these forums are user-to-user. You are not a customer of any of us. If you want customer service then raise a customer support ticket.
  12. No idea what Circus Pont is but Evernote requires notebooks to have been saved in its standard .enex format. If you install the now unsupported but still available Legacy version of Evernote then that has an additional option to import OneNote files. But, as @gazumped has noted, there are other options but given that I've never seen Circus Pont mentioned around here it may be that there isn't an easy answer.
  13. Sign up for a free account. Then go the account settings and choose to upgrade to whatever payment plan you desire. Because you already have a log-in the payment is pretty much immediate. Even more speedy is to pay Google Play or the Apple iStore.
  14. You'll have to give us a start. Which Evernote application are you using and on which platform? Which level of subscription do you have? Tasks don't need to be disabled, just don't use them. Calendar stuff is linked to a Google account. So the process is broadly breaking the link with the Google account that triggering the reminders. Give us a small clue and we may be able to point you in the right direction.
  15. It has happened to me twice. So not a great issue. THe uninstall/reinstall process takes very little time so I can tolerate it. Should it be necessary? No. Does rubbish happen with IT systems? Yes.
  16. Unchecking 'keep data when closing..." means you do have a local version of your data to work with when you are off-line such as when travelling. So no working on notes which you might want whilst off-line. New data is held ready to sync with the servers when you are next online. Nothing new should be lost.
  17. I've never quite had this issue but similar. Each time, uninstalling the Android app and then reinstalling from the Play Store has fixed the issue.
  18. Actually, you can choose to log out and then your password is required to access your data. A very basic password feature had always been in place. Just most users don't use it. The encryption of individual notebooks is a much more complex thing which would, I think, require a bigger piece of work since it would affect the whole structure of Evernote data. So, what we have available is whole account level or text level.
  19. Try File, Sign Out, Forget my data. Then log back in and allow Evernote to rebuild your data. If that doesn't work you should open a support ticket.
  20. I don't find the internal annotation functions in Evernote very useful. Others use it but not me. I've always used Adobe Acrobat which does all I need. I open the PDF, make the annotations in Acrobat and when I close it saves back into Evernote. I do have the full Pro version of Acrobat. My licence is rather old now but still serviceable. If I had to update then I'd probably switch to FoxIt as a more economical option that the current Adobe subscription model.
  21. My expectation is that the most likely way forward will be Evernote tasks becoming more/fully functional with recurring tasks, hidden or automatically removed completed tasks and the ability to sort tasks so that completed are moved the bottom of the note in which they sit. None of these are going to happen very soon (except possibly the recurring tasks which is promised). Linking to other services will require an update to the API which I can't see happening soon.
  22. I completely agree that the UI/UX and design needed to be started from scratch if Evernote was to retain its place in the market. That is the reason, in my view, that the types of UI decisions were made. It was not/never a decision to change from the old process but rather a design decision made for the new platform. Few, if any, of the decisions seem to have been based on how things were done previously but rather on how can they best be achieved in the new environment which had to run uniformly across operating systems. Some of those choices can be shown to be demonstrably less efficient. More often they are just a different process which confuses the muscle memory for the way I previously performed a particular action. I am now rather confused when I very rarely return to Legacy. My fingers want to do things in the v10 method and Legacy seems clunky and unintuitive. It isn't - just different to what I have now become used to.
  23. Doesn't the sort by due date do what you suggest?
  24. Next time you get a calendar event note save it as a template before you add any content. Then you have it available at any time.
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