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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. So far today I've not been aware of any sync issues with 10.42 EDIT: I've done some deeper checking and find that I do have some sync issues with 10.42 Just not consistent. I have one note (created via Email to Evernote) that appears on all devices - to be expected since it goes direct to the servers. I have a note created today which has the title but not the attachment content on the web browser version and mobile. Another note has been updated. The updated version has not propagated to the web version.
  2. Are you sure that the renewal price you're writing is what you will pay? If you haven't chosen to upgrade then you should find that you are grandfathered in at your old rate. The prices on the website are for new subscribers or upgrades from older plans like Plus and the old Premium which didn't qualify for an automatic upgrade to Personal. If you plan shows as personal then you should find things don't change for you.
  3. There is also some anti spam filtering that goes on in the process. I had a problem where my Email domain was inadvertently blocked. Again, the only solution was to contact support. The fix, on that occasion, was quick.
  4. Welcome to the forums and thanks for your contribution. You may not, yet, have realised that these forums are mainly users helping other users. If you want to be sure that Evernote hears your plea then you should raise the request via a support ticket.
  5. To speed things up, change the Email address on the unwanted Teams account using a temporary Email address. Many Email services allow the use of the + symbol extension in an address. So andrew@gmail.com can have andrew+anything@gmail.com Evernote treats the address with the + extension as different. Or just register a free address somewhere.
  6. If you're in a team then Teams might offer you what you need. Personally I pay for two or three months as a trial and see if it does what you need.
  7. Not a terrible idea but I really don't see it happening 🤔
  8. At the moment the only option would be to create a note which could contain the task plus any narrative you wanted to add such as duration...
  9. Teams, by its very definition, is intended for groups that are working together on a continuing basis. Will you have a team to bring along with you? If not, I doubt you will get any benefit. You could get the bulk of the additional functions by moving to Premium. Assuming that you do I would recommend that you change the Email address on your current Personal plan. Once that's done you are good to go using your business Email for teams. Your current notes would remain in your current Personal account. You would want to separate your work related notes and export them into your new Teams account. Teams subscribers get a Personal account included to hold their Private notes. This is a separate account, not linked to the Teams account. You would have to check with Evernote support whether your existing account could be transferred into the Teams deal. Otherwise you would need export your private notes into the new Personal account. You shouldn't really be tempted to use Teams for a mixed work and private account. Teams is intended for team working on shared spaces etc.
  10. And I can edit tables in the web version without difficulty. What is missing is the ability to right click in the table and make changes by that method. But the built in table options work well enough...
  11. And as noted previously in this thread, this data is exactly what we signed up to when we agreed to the privacy policy when we registered. So take a look at the privacy policy to know what is collected and how it is used. If you don't want the Email there is an unsubscribe link. Otherwise, I don't see the privacy policy being amended. So the only option is to leave Evernote for another service. But they will likely collect similar data in a similar manner.
  12. No. The Clipper was removed sometime ago - before Evernote v10. It isn't coming back and will only work with older versions of Outlook. There is a new Outlook add-on but I believe it only works with Outlook 365 and Exchange https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005997-How-to-use-Evernote-for-Outlook#options Assuming you are a subscriber, you could also create a macro to forward to your Evernote Email account.
  13. As I think you will have realised by now, there is no means of doing exactly what you describe. The users in these forums are a creative bunch who can often suggest other ways of doing something when the application doesn't support it specifically. There is almost no possibility of the approach you would like being offered in the short to mid term. Please open a ticket with Evernote to suggest this if you feel it is important. These forums are not always noticed by Evernote developers.
  14. As with all other ideas, you should submit direct to Evernote via a ticket since these are primarily user to user forums.
  15. The Tasks Overview page is more clear. Apart from the basic functions, you need to be on Personal, Professional or Teams. Those still on Premium would have to upgrade to get the additional functions. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500003792141
  16. The print function in Evernote 10 is, in my view, the weakest aspect. I almost never print or export notes to PDF but I have kept the Legacy version for only this purpose.
  17. From the description I think you are saying that you have added ammotations in an external program but when displayed inside Evernote this problem arises. It remains OK in the external program if you reopen the PDF from inside Evernote. THis could well be an issue between the PDF program you use and the PDF reader that is built into Evernote. I recall, in the past, that annotations I made to PDFs in FoxIt Pro did not display well inside Acrobat Reader. The basic PDF standard works well enough but the add-on stuff such as forms and annotations less so. I think you'll need to open a support ticket and provide the fullest detail if anyone is to be able to advise you further.
  18. These forums are user to user so you are making the request to others users here. Open a support ticket to make the request with Evernote support.
  19. Me neither but don't expect a solution soon. If you want to tell Evernote your concern then open a support ticket. These forums are user to user...
  20. I had a workaround on Windows with v10. Using the AutoHotKey program I was able to create a shortcut which opens a new note and then moves focus to the title. I think I mapped Ctrl+F10 which opened a new note (Ctrl+N) and then switched to the Title (Shift+Tab) I also use AutoHotKey for several other compound key strokes.
  21. Evernote had a series of videos on YouTube which will be useful. There are MANY videos online which tell you about Evernote but be sure that they refer to Evernote 10 which is the current release version. Many videos deal with the older versions.
  22. Worth noting that for Android, content sharing to Evernote works more reliably if you first open Evernote and then go to the browser and choose the share option.
  23. You may well be in the minority. I understand that presentation mode was not well used. Since Evernote made it clear that it has been removed permanently, I doubt that it will return. You will need to find an alternative way of emulating presentation, or revert to Legacy for as long at it works. Legacy and v10 will work alongside each other.
  24. I believe that has been the case for awhile but, yes, it is more convenient than going via the settings menu.
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