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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. @Mike P Your 'Whoops' set the cat amongst my pigeons. I tried importing and ENEX file called inbox2 and for a moment thought I could see the same as you. BUT the message on screen said: Import complete Evernote has placed your imported notes into a notebook called (Imported) inbox2. I clicked on the option to open this notebook and, indeed, all the notes were where it was promised. When I clicked back to the default folder they no longer showed there - just in the newly created (Imported) folder... Whew!
  2. You are, of course correct. I was thinking only with my desktop application head on. With mobile offline is, of course, by notebook and only for paying users. In the desktop apps all notes are available offline. Thanks for the nudge.
  3. A little diagnosis... Copy one of these non-functioning images to the desktop. Ensure it has a working name and file suffix. Can you open this inside a image editor such as Photoshop or built-in Windows Paint? If it opens OK then try resaving it using Save As. Now move that newly saved version of the image back into Evernote. Does it now display? It is possible that when they were originally saved they were formatted in a manner that no longer displays. If saving via a newer program does the trick then this will be something you can feed back to Evernote. Also, if it works, you could gradually fix the issue by right-clicking the broken image in Evernote, choose Open, then force a save (Ctrl+S) back into Evernote. That may also do the trick. As others have said, raise it with support whatever. The more information you can provide the better for a diagnosis.
  4. The concept of offline notes is, in reality, dead. Those who still use the Legacy application have that option but we are told that they are gone in v10 so once Legacy ceases, so will offline notes. So my view is that it isn't wise to base a workflow around offline/local notes.
  5. A few people say it would make a difference but in 14 years I've not seen a scrap of evidence that up-votes count for anything. Happy to be proved wrong and, as I said, no harm in trying 😉
  6. @ahmedmorad The debate between notebooks and tags has been going on for as long as Evernote has existed. You'll find proponents of both - I am with @PinkElephant and prefer tags but if we wait long enough or you search in the forums you will find dozens of discussions saying that notebooks are more efficient. You may even find a few saying tell your brain that tags are really just notebooks by another name. There are also many who find that Evernote's great strength is its ability to search. Some of these folk have a single notebook and place everything there and just search when they need something. This is an extreme approach. If you share notes with others then sharing a whole notebook makes the process easier. Pop a note in a shared notebook and it is automatically shared with the participants in that notebook. Move it out and the share stops. A notebook structure works well enough for those who think in a physical filing mode. Tags are better once you get your head around having the same note in multiple places. Instead of having to copy the note it just appears under tag1, tag2 and tag49 or whatever. Tags add more flexibility. It isn't either/or. You have to have at least one notebook. In my view tags just add extra versatility and capacity.
  7. I have no idea of how the conflicting notes process works and whether it is really possible for a conflict to be resolved without human intervention. I wouldn't have expected so but... To have two notes with same title but missing the 'Conflict' flag in the title suggests, to me, that the note has been created by some other process - for example, but unlikely for you, copy and paste the content into a blank note or import an exported note. Your challenges are, perhaps, sufficiently complex that reporting via support ticket might be helpful. If not for you then for the continued development of the application.
  8. Actually I'm not sure that there is any evidence that up-voting these threads has any impact on development of the Evernote app. But no harm on trying...
  9. You should definitely be on Unrestricted. Since Android 9 or 10 reminders on some devices have been hampered by battery optimisation for a whole range of apps. Indeed, since Android 12, reminders are more troublesome generally on my device. I agree, however, that Evernote v10 is particularly flakey. I've managed to get an adequate result with tweaking of the battery stuff and ensuring I open Evernote each morning.
  10. I've never believed that ALL attachments are stored locally. That's based on feeling rather than evidence or testing. I concur about the challenges in the current scenario. Definitely a support question.
  11. I didn't know that. Thanks for the heads up. Actually it doesn't appear to be a bug. When I attempted this Evernote presents a warning that attachments won't be backed up if offline and allowing me to just download the content without the attachments. A defficiency but not, technically, a bug We don't know about the OP's notes which aren't corrupted on one Mac but are on the other. If they don't have attachments then this wouldn't be an issue but otherwise this could be a problem as you imply. This is probably a job for a support ticket. If the OP is on a free account then a short monthly subscription would be likely to be a worthwhile investment.
  12. You can, instead, export a single notebook. This should be much quicker and is, generally, the preferred approach. Unless you have dozens of notebooks it should be quite speedy.
  13. As ever these Android issues appear to be inconsistent. I have been using EN on Android in the previous and current versions. I find v10 significantly improved and improving. However in that time I've also had a couple of phone upgrades. That means my device specs are much improved too. My collection of notes is not the largest. Maybe the issue is connected to the number of notes so having fewer means I don't get issues that others get. I also see more issues reported by users of Samsung phones. But since Samsung has the bulk of the market that may mean nothing. So all I can say is that I don't share the experience of others.
  14. Not so far... There was a second update today. I had 10.41.4 and then it moved up to 10.41.5. I presume a late issue in 41.4
  15. Since there are no covers for notebooks you cannot customise them. Suggestions can be given direct to Evernote via a support ticket and they will go on the very long list. Since I've never seen this requested I can't imagine this will be high up the list.
  16. Hope you feel better having had your rant on a one year old thread. Truth is, the users in these forums can/do empathise but if you want to engage with Evernote you'll need to go back to your evidently despised support tickets.
  17. One of the challenges of the highly customised Android environment is that every version can be different. Perhaps search in Samsung forums to find out how this might be achieved. Sometimes these things can get moved to the hidden-by-default Developer Options. I suspect your favourite search engine is your next port of call.
  18. I'm not sure what you mean by hibernate tabs on your browser and how that relates to Evernote. Alt+Ctrl+H opens the Evernote helper - which you displayed in your last post. I think you're saying that Evernote is now taking control of something that you previously did in your browser. If that's the case you need to change the Alt+Ctrl+H shortcut in Evernote. Not Alt+Ctrl+V.
  19. The default paste to Evernote shortcut is Alt+Ctrl+V. Alt+Ctrl+H is the shortcut for Open Evernote Helper. BUT, these are built-in shortcuts in the desktop applications. There are no shortcuts in Evernote for the web browser. The only shortcuts you get there are part of the web browser configuration. How are you changing the configuration? Can you confirm which version of Evernote you are using - ie dekstop or web browser? If the browser version, which browser do you use?
  20. I have Android 12. Settings / Battery / Advanced Settings / Optimise battery use Select Evernote and the options are Auto-optimise / Don't optimise / Always ask. You want Don't optimise.
  21. I believe that the data showed only marginal use of Presentation mode such that it probably wasn't worth investing effort. You could emulate presentations Open the note in a separate window. Layout the note so that the window contains the first slide. Carriage return until the first slide is off the top of the window the create slide 2 as so on. When presenting you should be able to move between 'slides' with the page up/down keys. I haven't tried this but there's no reason I can think why it wouldn't work...
  22. The only option, at the moment, to layout images is to place them inside a table. If you want to reinforce your request direct to Evernote then you will want to open a support ticket
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