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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. If you want some of the new features such as Tasks or Calendar links then you'll need to switch to the web browser version.
  2. I running Evernote 10.43.7 Web Clipper in Firefox 104.0 Windows 11 I clipped a web page containing .webp images and they appeared in a note inside Evernote. I attached a webp image to a different note and that displayed OK. So it clearly isn't an Evernote app issue alone. Could it be the Web Clipper version in use? The webp format is still not supported in Evernote Legacy and never will be. The new version of Evernote has moved with the times and this is another area where Legacy is deprecated.
  3. As already stated, you can use so-called Evernote Legacy edition. Use your favourite search engine to locate using an old edition of Evernote
  4. I'm not a great user of the calendar widget but my events seem to be present and don't disappear. But I'm using the desktop application on Windows. Not the web browser.
  5. So, I think an issue with the web clipper. I would certainly uninstall the web clipper in Firefox then reinstall. This will certainly be recommended by support. If that doesn't work then you will probably need to open a support ticket.
  6. Have you rebooted your PC? Sometimes this can do the trick. Otherwise uninstall with Revo Uninstaller the download and install the latest version and let your data be rebuilt.
  7. I need to confirm your issue. I think you are saying that when you use the web clipper the resulting clip does not seem toarrive in your desktop application. Is that correct? Have you tried accessing your account through the web browser? Are the web clips there?
  8. This isn't a widespread Android issue at the moment. @Dave-in-Decatur has suggested some research options. If these don't work for you then you might need to open a Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning If you are a free user then your support option is via Twitter @evernotehelps
  9. You are probably searching but my favourite search engine took me to this page which includes the Lenovo Ideapad Duet as being eligible for upgrade to Android 11. Not sure if this works for you but there are instructions... https://beebom.com/get-android-11-update-chromebook/ Personally, I wouldn't follow the Beta channel option suggested. Once you are Beta, switching back to release channel erases your data Perhaps Lenovo is the place to enquire for a release schedule.
  10. Evernote should pick up the one that is current. It cannot select from both at the same time. I haven't tried, but it may even be the display language. Try using French as your keyboard language. If that doesn't check in French, change the display language to French as well. Does that switch to French. DO let us know what you discover, It might assist others in the future.
  11. The screen capture for mobile devices relies on the OS (iOS or Android) internal screen sharing function which doesn't offer simplification. The easiest option is to capture the screen and then simplify inside Evernote with the Simplify tool. It is about the same number of clicks but simplifies after arrival in Evernote instead of before.
  12. The spell check in Evernote links to the current language in use with your operating system. So, if you are running an English language OS then that is what you get for spell check. At present it isn't possible to support two languages at the same time.
  13. Evernote relies on the dictionary provided by your operating system so to that extent it is the OS that isn't proving to be useful.
  14. I connected you with the support person handling this issue with the login problem you were having... Follow it up with him
  15. According to my account I can see that you read it 12 minutes ago
  16. There was a suggestion at one point that disabling Work Chat in the account settings rediced power consumption significantly even if you don't normally use Work Chat. SInce I never use it I disabled and haven't had a power consumption challenge... https://www.evernote.com/PersonalSettings.action At bottom of that screen.
  17. For info on updating the Chromebook you will, as you surmised, have to go elsewhere. Meanwhile you could try the web browser version of Evernote which will likely work PROVIDED you set the Evernote site to view as a desktop site.
  18. There isn't a video player in Evernote. But you can save to a private YouTube account and that will embed and play
  19. Sadly, you were unsuccesful. Scripting isn't supported on either Mac or Windows for v10. So Legacy on Mac only would still work while Legacy still works
  20. Hopefully this shouldn't be a regular task. So accessing your account settings on a laptop and then performing the unsyncs from there should be a one-off incident. The account settings are not part of the apps - this is going to the root...
  21. This would be a good UI improvement. I hope you've also used the standard feedback/support path to suggest this too.
  22. Probably you have older Android device. You must have Android 10 or newer to use the latest versions of Evernote. Sadly, for you, there is no support and no fixes for issues with the versions you are using.
  23. See options in earlier comments...
  24. Yes, one of the 'options' on Win 11 is to save/mirror everything to OneDrive. I disabled that from the very beginning and do my own back ups. I didn't realise that this might be why my Import Folders work as designed
  25. I'm still a bit confused. If you ignore the Home screen, Evernote opens laid out almost exactly as it always has. You start a new note clicking on the New button - a double click goes straight to a new blank note. But there are plenty of alternatives. Perhaps these will be better for you.
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