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About david_woznyorg

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  1. Hello, As a follow up to the unresolved query about orphaned tasks which I've raised in this forum, I went ahead and seemingly raised an Evernote support call on this matter in May of this year. I didn't get a response, so I've tried again earlier this August, but again with no progress. There's no great importance to my support call, but I wanted to check with this group that I'm using the correct protocol. I've accessed the page here https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us Then clicked submit a request, then provided my account request to confirm my subscription. Can any one advise whether I should be doing something different? Cheers, David
  2. Hi Mike, thanks for following up. I've just done the signout with removing Evernote data - unfortunately when I signed in again I can see that it hasn't purged the orphaned tasks. I'm hopeful that EN support can do something for me, as I saw in some forum dialogue that they'd fixed a similar problem. Cheers, David
  3. Thanks for the suggestions folks. I've included a web view of my Tasks, which only shows the one 'legitimate' task (attached pic) - but it suggests that there are five tasks - which I imagine references my four orphaned tasks. So, it is a little better on the web edition, but not perfect. I've done complete local re-installs of EN on my Windows computer, my Android device and my iOS device (each time deleting all local EN content) - this hasn't resolved my issue. I class the problem as an annoyance only, something I'd like to be resolved, but doesn't impact the fantastic experience I get with EN. I'll hang on to see if there are any further suggestions, but want to say that "Evernote Rocks" 😀
  4. Hello, I'm hoping for guidance on how to remove four orphaned tasks which I've been unable to delete for many weeks. The tasks can be seen in screenshots from my Windows EN - 'Paint Utility', 'Finish painting hall', 'Fix workmate' and 'Untitled task'. The task labelled 'Genuine task' is something I've simply added to evidence that tasks are generally displaying OK - I've temporarily moved away from using tasks while I'm getting these unexpected behaviours. On Android and iOS I've tried deleting / re-installing the EN application, but it hasn't helped me in removing the tasks. I've raised a couple of support calls with EN (I have a 'Personal' subscription) a few days ago, but not had any response.Your help would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, David
  5. That's fantastic advice, I'd never thought to tap that button. I'm entirely happy with this approach. Many thanks
  6. I apologise for giving misinformation Dave. URLs do open in my default browser on my Android phone - doh! It's on my iPad where I experience the behavious I mention. In 1.jpg I demonstrate a URL in an EN note In 2.jpg The web page is opened in a 'sub-window' In 3.jpg I'm switching between open applications, and can see that the web browsing is 'within' the Evernote app The behaviour I am hoping for is the web page to be opened in the default browser on my iPad (DuckDuckGo), such that I can then switch into EN for whatever note taking I might want to do. I do recognise that this may be an 'iOS thing' rather than an 'EN thing'. If so, I apologise in advance. 😌 Cheers, David
  7. Hello, I'd like to learn if there was a way to set a default behaviour in EN, on Android or iOS, such that clicking on a URL in a note results in a web browser (preferably the default) opening, rather than it being opened in an EN sub-window. I'm finding that if I'm viewing the web page in the EN window and want to annotate an EN note, I have to mess around with exporting to a browser, before returning to EN for the edit. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, David
  8. Thanks for confirming this behaviour. I'd like to ask a follow-up question... When viewing a web site in the EN integrated browser, I sometimes want to snip (copy) a little text from the web page and drop it into an existing EN note. I seem to have to close down the EN browser to get to EN 'proper' to be able to select the note I'd like to use for hte pasting operation. This seems like a lot of rigmarole, as I then need to open the web link in the integrated browser again to return to where I left off. I only have this behaviour on iOS, when using EN on my Android phone any web links open automatically in my default browser (DuckDuckGo). I confess this is NOT causing me sleepless nights, I was just wondering if there was an easier way to copy data into notes when viewing a web page in the integrated browser, though opening web links in the iOS default browser would have been even better. Thanks, David
  9. You're both right that I shouldn't be too bothered about the EN footprint on my mobile devices. I guess it's hard to get out of the habit of wanting to prune away my unexpectedly large EN notes based upon a 20MB PDF, or being alarmed that after merging several image notes they came to 30MB. I will have to learn to 'chill out'. 🙄
  10. Thanks for the advanced search tip - I will look into that. I was hoping there was something akin to the Windows (File) Explorer view, where you can see choose to display the size / date of a file, and sort by it if so desired. I do recognise that because it's easy in Windows, it doesn't follow that it is 'do-able' in EN. Cheers, David
  11. Hi, I think the 2GB footprint was on my iPad - I always update to the latest client. I only have 3,200 notes. I have some saved images for sure, but don't know an easy way to identify them, so that I could then potentially delete them. Thanks, David
  12. Hello, I'm an EN fan on Windows, iPad & Android. Sometimes when I get into problems with syncs, I've needed to delete the app / data, then re-installed and re-synchronised. I was recently amazed by a message that said I had something like 2GB of data - I didn't imagine I would have such a big footprint. Is there a way to display the size in MB of my notebooks and / or notes (preferably in a list), as I imagine I have a few rogue notes which I ought to identity and prune. Thanks, David
  13. Thanks for the beebom link - it seems very promising. I'm also grateful for the suggestion to switch back from Beta - I'll do it straightaway, before I customise or configure my Chromebook much further. Thanks Dave Decatur - here's a link to some of my volunteer efforts https://www.ineededtobeneeded.com/work/passwords/ Out of curiosity I did a search on my web site for "Evernote", and there were three records in my diaries! TTFN, Dave
  14. Hello EN addicts, I'm a dozen or so years fan of EN, I presently use it on a Windows 10 laptop, an iPad and a MotoG Android phone. I do a little voluntary support of elderly folk as a 'tech buddy', and decided to plunge into getting a Chromebook, as I imagine they might be a good fit value-wise for people who have no affinity to Windows / Apple. As a complete newbie, I've just bought a Lenovo Ideapad Duet Chromebook 10.1 (August 2022). I've installed EN from the Play Store onto my Chromebook, but it's showing as version v8.13.3, dated June 3rd 2020. I've learned from an EN support call that my Chromebook needs to be Android v11, for EN10+ to work. Despite my ChromeOS being up to date at v104.0.5112.105, digging under the covers shows that Android is v9 (security patched to August 5, 2022). I'm feeling a little deflated with my Chromebook experience, where the device that I've just bought is seemingly two years out of date already. Since I'm unable to install a current version of EN, support advised that I might be better off using Evernote for Web - my EN 8.13.3 doesn't even show tasks. I'm taking a long shot that someone could signpost me to engaging with a suitable Chromebook forum - my hope is that I can somehow get Android updated to v11. I'm keen to become familiar with a Chromebook, and would dearly like to get over this EN hurdle. Kind regards, David
  15. I hadn't realised there was a means for a subscriber to raise a support call on Evernote. I shall do that now, and mark your response as a solution. Cheers, Dave
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