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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. We users can only note that there have templates for each year for quite sometime so there is a fair chance that one will come along.
  2. No. There is no update and no public beta. Other than that it is being worked on.
  3. This may or may note be a specific answer... The annual rolling maintenance process is underway at the moment. It is possible that syncs are interrupted during this process and that might cause double syncs etc. So as well as the continuing note duplication issues that are reported there is this additional factor which might also contribute just now. From 31 October 2022...
  4. I tweaked the multiselectionlimit in config.json to 500 and it is never overwritten. It has remained at 500 since the very earliest days of v10. I seem to recall that setting it to 1000 was more than the maximum allowed. I don't recall but I think I found 900 worked. But to be honest I never run foul of even a limit of 50 so 500 is far more than I need.
  5. There is no public road map. The future calendars were mentioned at one point. What is completely uncertain is how long it will all take.
  6. I'm sorry that you suffered this issue. As previously noted in this relatively old conversation the issue you describe isn't normal or typical. I am certain that Evernote developers are very aware of the importance of not losing content when working off-line. If you want to raise the issue with the support team then you should open a support ticket. We're largely fellow users here and can sympathise but unlikely to be able to do anything for you.
  7. Sometimes, when this happens the simplest solution is to subscribe for one month. The cost is modest. You canfix all the unsyncs and evice stuff then unsubscribe ready to revert to the Free plan for the following month. You are correct that, apart from the Teams plan, Evernote is designed for individuals. All members of the family should have their own account from which they can share notes with friends and family. Certainly there is no suggestion that logins should be shared. That would be a very bad idea.
  8. As @gazumped says and noting that there is a direct link to Google Docs in Evernote. If you don't mind using Google products then you could slightly more seemlessly use Google Sheets
  9. For understanding devices you can forget the web CLIPPER in Firefox. This is not a device. You say you are using Evernote on a laptop and a desktop. If you are using the Evernote application on either PC that will count as a device. If you also access via the web browser in addition to the apps then that would count as a third device. If you are only using the web browser and none of the applications then the good news is that this will only count as one device no matter how many PCs you use the web browser on. In addition to the device limits, a Free account also has lower limits than a paid subscription on the amount of data you can upload each month AND the maximum size of a note. So it is possible that you could be busy clipping and exceed the monthly limit using the Firefox clipper or you could clip a web page that has large images or media files. I think the latter is unlikely but for a busy user it would be quite possible to exceed your monthly limit without realising.
  10. It is not possible. Others have asked for this so you could search for those threads and add your voice there. Otherwise, three feedback option in the Evernote apps is probably the way forward.
  11. I think you need to open a support ticket. We're just fellow users. We are happy to share ideas based on experience but you are stuck. Open a ticket and let us know how you get on.
  12. The sort isn't part of the widget. Use the Due Dates view in the tasks pop out in the sidebar.
  13. You could also export a notebook as an ENEX file. Then delete it from inside Evernote keeping the ENEX stored on disk ready to be reinstated should you need to access the notes. Remember that anything you delete will still exist in the Trash notebook.
  14. @BruceVaCan you tell us more about the problem you are experiencing along with the Evernote app you are using.
  15. You are correct that the sort for each notebook feature is absent in v10. I remember when it arrived on what we now call Legacy.
  16. Evernote-backup does two things. First off all it creates a local database. I run it every Sunday and the local database is updated to match the online copy. You can then, as required run it to create the notebook ENEX files. These ENEX files are created from the locally backed up database. So nothing affects the master copy. It is a simple backup which you can then import. But I note again, the cloud copy is your safest backup.
  17. There is no method in Evernote to automate the process. There are a number of third party Github products that will automate the process. I use evernote-backup but would note that the primary backup will be the cloud copy.
  18. Nothing has changed in the Legacy program since it was locked down prior to the launch of Evernote v10. However, some things change in v10 which the Legacy program does not support. For example a Checklist created in v10 will display as bullet points in Legacy. Tasks and calendars are not supported in Legacy and will not display. The note link function in Legacy has not changed since v10 was released but other programs may interpret what is being pasted because their own updates. For example, it is possible that Microsoft has updated its Word program so that when a note link is pasted NOW the URL is displayed and not the note name. Or you need to do a special paste or similar. So explore what else may have changed. For sure the Legacy program has not been touched or improved since 2020 when v10 was released.
  19. Assuming you have a paid subscription, you should be able to access your notes on as many devices as you wish. If you have a Free account then you are limited to two devices and there is no way around this limitation. For your problem, in general, I think your issue merits a support ticket.
  20. All users can obtain support for account and billing issues. In the mobile app access support via the settings menu or go via the website https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new This would be where you could also ask for a public Email address.
  21. I think I can confidently say that this is nowhere on anyone's plans for Evernote. You can certainly advocate for this but I don't anticipate you'll see any progress. Capture free hand sketches as images would be my way forward. I use Rocketbook linked to Evernote to add free hand content.
  22. And neither are any other apps that use the Electron development framework. That includes a number of other note taking applications.
  23. Ctrl+R is usually sufficient to sync everything if something has gone wrong or you need to save the few seconds for a sync to take place naturally. Ctrl+Shift+R is more radical
  24. I'll say goodbye to you. For other Windows users who come by, there is an Evernote version in the Microsoft store with the same controls etc as the Apple Store. But with the same limitations.
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