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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I think that was inferred, obviously incorrectly, from the fact that you had left the large file in the import folder. Obviously we cannot resolve the 'design philosophy'. To do that open a ticket with support or use the in-app feedback. However, whatever action they take will never affect the Legacy software that you are using. This is no longer supported so I fear that you cannot expect any change. We can point you to the means to resolve the issue in the meantime. As others have said, delete the file from the import folder. Personally, I like to keep the import folders tidy and empty so I routinely check and delete any remnants. In fact I have a batch file that runs on a schedule and deletes files in the import folder every time I log on to my PC.
  2. On the other hand you haven't had an increase in price for a number of years when costs of providing the service are always increasing. My view is that Evernote makes a millstone to hang around it's neck by not increasing prices incrementally. But it was inevitable that prices would increase and have to make up the lost ground.
  3. I'm not convinced that the offline process is reliable. I don't have experience of iOS so cannot say how will it works with that OS.
  4. As best as I can see, if the Task box was either moved or removed there would still be a problem in that Notes or comments and the settings and account options would still be out of sight. As it happens I can view the whole Web Clipper panel on my laptop screen. Runiing Firefox and Web Clipp 7.29 (7.30 hasn't arrived on Firefox yet).
  5. I got a request for an account that doesn't exist. One of several Email addresses that I use for purchasing online which I otherwise treat as a collecting pot for spam. So my best guess is that someone either guessed at one of my Email addresses or they grabbed it from one of the many spammers lists and tried to see what would happen. Nothing, because I don't have an Evernote account with that Email address.
  6. OK. Sorry that I misunderstood. You can select which notes/notebooks are made available offline. Settings / Offline Be warned, however, selecting large numbers of notes for offline use takes a significant amount of time to process.
  7. This is an archived thread for previous releases of the software. If you look in the Keyboard shortcut menu for the desktop apps you'll see the keyboard markdown for headings. They've been around for sometime.
  8. Do you know the Email address you used? If so, instead of logging in via Google select the lost password option. Reset the password and then login not using Google using the new password you selected.
  9. I think you are asking how can I export these notes and keep for the future and then remove them... The best option is to do this via a desktop app or the web browser. Move all the notes you wish to export and delete into a new Notebook. Open that notebook and click on the menu option in the Notebook and choose Export and then choose ENEX format. (You could, if you prefer, export to HTML but this isn't so easily imported back into Evernote in the future. But it is easier to read these exported notes in a web browser). Once you have completed the export you can then delete the Notebook containing these exported notes. Note, however, if you are a Free plan user all the moves will count against your monthly limits.
  10. The original poster will have marked the issue as solved. Presumably because it was for him/her. You should probably open a support ticket for the web clipper after making one last uninstall/reinstall of the clipper.
  11. I would follow the link. It is a GitHub project so it will be more or less support yourself.
  12. The configuration for import folders is in the settings area on the desktop applications. A quick use of my favourite search engine took me to https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004967-Create-import-folders
  13. Not wishing to teach my grand father to suck eggs, have you tried rebooting your computer?
  14. I'm not absolutely clear how you are attempting this process. I think I'd create a note that you might use as a template but, instead of saving this in your Templates, save this as a Master Note. Now, when you open the Master Note use the ability to duplicate the Master. This will give you a note you can work with - change the name etc. It will also retain all the tasks in the Master copy. Note, though, that the tasks in the Master will appear in the task pop out from the sidebar. A neater method might be to create your Master note and then export it as an ENEX file and store it somewhere on your computer. When you need to create a copy based on this Master you then import it by opening the notebook you wish to store the note in and then dragging and dropping the ENEX file into the sidebar. The Master will appear in your notebook which you can work with. Meanwhile your Master remains in the ENEX file and can be imported as many times as you wish. One point ot note is that the created date and updated date will be whatever the Master version had. The updated date will change as soon as you edit the new copy.
  15. Also, I think that Evernote presumes a landscape view for tablets and desktop/laptops. I'd imagine that rotating your tablet into landscape might make the view easier to manage but, obviously, not what you would prefer.
  16. Yes, that is exactly what it looks like for me. As others ask, please tell us about your device.
  17. I have the same version as you but my device screens look like this... I'm quite content with the performance of 10.47 but Android is not my main device. As you can see, my now snippets appear in their own view...
  18. I think I was pondering the value of the markdown strings on their own with nothing else. I type without much use of the mouse but use the Ctrl keys as I type along. Much as you like to use Markdowns. Each to his own. I was actually supporting the more comprehensive outcome when/if markdowns ever arrives. Indeed, I suspect I might have reached the point where my ability to type will long have passed before this comes along. But I have no secret knowledge. I have, though, learned to manage my expectations 🤐
  19. Ummm... Which version of the app do you have? Your screenshot looks nothing like anything in my Android app but exactly like my Windows app. Nonetheless, if that's what you have, there is no means of changing. However my Android app shows no sidebar and just the note list as you feel would be more useful.
  20. This is, I think, designed to emulate the layout of the earlier versions of Evernote. The columns view has only minimal adjustment to the sidebar. The middle notes summary column can be dragged a little bit not full width and not hiding the right note view. Just to observe that this isn't an issue with the Android app where this thread is posted. This relates to the desktop and web view.
  21. I just recorded a short screen video to illustrate this. I'll upload it shortly. LWR_Recording.mp4
  22. A lot of us using ScanSnap scanners save the scans into an Import folder and prior to saving rename the file at that stage. It then arrives in Evernote with the human readable name and the resulting note also gains a name that is intelligible. As to whether you'll see the old way of doing things return, that I very much doubt. This is one of those user experiences that you will, I fear, need to swap. Actually the Import folder method is, in my view, at least as easy - possibly easier. You can even have multiple import folders so that you can save into the relevant folder and then file directly into the associated notebook. BTW, you can try out the import folder approach with the Windows Legacy software (It wasn't a feature MacOS under legacy).
  23. I'm not interested in adding to the heat or light in the discussion of Markdown. It wouldn't trouble me if this was available for those that want it although it isn't of personal interest or value. However, I'm not sure that the first level suggested really adds anything. In Windows I can type Ctrl+B and then the text is bold followed by Ctrl+B to turn it off. Likewise Ctrl+I for italics and Ctrl+U for underline. I'm not sure why the more standard markdown codes of ** _ or * would be more useful. At least not on their own. If I was advocating Markdown I'd want level 3. But I truly hope that Markdown is lower on the list of things to be done than some of lingering issues connected to restoring functions that have been lost or are still not working correctly. Not an attack on Markdown - just looking to get what we have working seemlessly first.
  24. From what you share it looks like you could try allowing fonts.googleapis.com and bing.com and see if that fixes things. Otherwise I think you'll need support from Norton.
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