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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I know that the new owners are exploring AI. I also know that for some users it is an inevitable, possibly essential, development. Others cannot see any value in AI whatsoever. I think AI will appear but I'm not sure how I would use it.
  2. I think that either you have a malfunction of backlinks on your account OR you have misunderstood how backlinks works and are expecting backlinks where none would be provided. I can't tell from your description to be sure. Backlinks are not instant either. I'll try and create a graphical representation to illustrate what should happen.
  3. The affiliate programs is suspended. It isn't clear what, if any, options are being considered. The CJ programme is over and will not be resumed.
  4. It is hard to say without more information about your device. I will note that this sort of issue has been resolved in the past by rebooting the PC. Also, ensure that your screen resolution is on the standard default for your PC.
  5. If you wish to suggest this to Evernote then I'd recommend you use the Feedback option in the application. These forums are primarily user-to-user support and Evernote staff are only here infrequently. To be sure that your idea is noted, use the Feedback option as well.
  6. I think this is one of those options that will be great for one user and terrible for another. We can, of course, start a new note and add the task to it. But tasks are intended to be located with context. So a note per project, for example, mighht hold all the tasks related to that project. That's the intent with Evernote tasks.
  7. I think the issue is that left clicking on the tray icon now opens the helper rather than the program. That's different from Legacy. But I'm confused why we have a flurry of concerns since this has been with us for nearly 2.5 years. I was able to quickly re-program my fingers and for awhile right clicked the tray icon and selected Open. Later I found it better to ignore the tray icon. I created an Evernote program shortcut on the task bar. Double click that and program opens. SImilarly for a desktop icon. The tray icon is then the helper (which I have hidden away to save tray space).
  8. @Harry79 You didn't say which process you previously used to manage your ScanSnap scanner. You have the option of the ScanSnap Manager software (which was the older software) or the newer ScanSnap Home package. Both should work for you. But note, that the ScanSnap Manager software was updated to work alongside Evernote v10. The current version of ScanSnap Manager is 7.2 L60 If you are away off that version then you might benefit from manually updating the software. If you are using the ScanSnap Home package then this isn't relevant Fujitus/ScanSnap recommends the Home process but I have happily stuck with Manager. Like @PinkElephant I use the Input Folder approach for its overall flexibility - upload direct to a folder, select a filename which is reflected in a useful note title. But that is achieved inside the ScanSnap packages Home or Manager.
  9. This has always been the Evernote way. So until it changes it remains the best option available. I make no comment on what may be better, just point to the current way of achieving this feature. As for the "silly widgets", I think you will find many users for whom these are key features. Each to his own.
  10. Have you deregistered the devices? On a Free account the limit of two registered devices is likely to be at the bottom of this. https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action
  11. If you are still on a Professional plan and do the linking on that plan then it should work. If it doesn't then open a support ticket.
  12. In Evernote the best approach is to create a series of shorter, smaller notes and then create a ToC note linking to each of these shorter notes. With the backlink feature it is simple to navigate back to the ToC. If the linking within a note is essential for you then probably the applications you name would be the way to go.
  13. v6.25 is over two years out of date. The latest version of Evernote is v10.53.2 Home screen is not supported in v6. If you want to see the Home screen you should install v10.53.2 by download from https://www.evernote.com
  14. It has been clear for sometime that Evernote on Android does not play well with the Google Gboard keyboard. @Paul A.'s stoical advocacy pays testament to this. That other keyboards do what is expected just underlines the difficulty between EN and Gboard. I'm not sure whether EN or Google needs to fix the issue but there is a problem which affects users who want to use some of the slightly less standard features of Gboard.
  15. As I said you have to ask your browser to display the Desktop view ...
  16. A guess, I can't tell from the screenshots. You created this note with gazumped_1 and shared it with gazumped_2. You view the note in gazumped_2 and it shows as shared with two users. And that is correct it has been shared with users 1 and 2. But it hasn't been shared by gazumped_2 so when you check the sharing, nothing is shown. Presumably if you switch back to account 1 it will show the share with gazumped_2.
  17. 😁 I'm not denying that what was once available is now lost. The reasons for the changes have been well rehearsed. However, I'm attempting to point to ways of achieving, now, what is wanted. Even if the developers at Evernote were to decide, today, to restore some or all of this function I doubt it would return in 2023 so I'd need a workaround until then. It would likely be longer. If a user needs this feature then, by all means, vote or advocate for it. In the meantime I offer these imperfect ways around. 😉
  18. I believe that the use of AI is on the agenda of the new owners. But nothing will happen soon. That's for sure.
  19. There are several methods of achieving this with what we might term a 'template'. Create a blank note and adjust the formatting to your desires. 1. Save that as a personal template into the Evernote Templates. Start all new notes from that Template. 2. Export the note as an ENEX file and save it on your computer. To start a new note with your formatting double click the ENEX and start a new note Or 3. Create your own Templates notebook and save the note there. You can duplicate that note each time you want to start a new note.
  20. Printing in Evernote 10 continues to be one of the functions that doesn't work well. I export a note to HTML and then print from a browser on the very rare occasions I need a paper copy.
  21. What @Dave-in-Decatursaid. You might find the help document useful https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313998-Change-your-password
  22. Normally, the easiest way to open a ticket is via the support menu in the app. If it is not accessible you'll need to go via the website https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
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