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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Is this a Teams account? You've posted in the Teams forums. If so, contact your Teams account contact. In general, this isn't an issue widely. PDFs render and are created seemlessly for me. I'd suggest you fully uninstall and reinstall. Use an uninstaller such as Revo Uninstaller as the standard Windows uninstall leaves left over data.
  2. Sure we do. But the problem is that some posters don't provide the information needed. Which application they are using? Which OS? Ranting at others for not being able to read between the lines isn't helpful and unlikely to win you friends.
  3. The post that is cached in Reddit still exists. But it is in the Evernote Experts area so not intended to be visible to those who are not Experts. It was addressed to Experts after we had a conference call with Francesco Patarnello.
  4. I wonder if that was one of those Mac only legacy features in the same way that import folders were Windows only.
  5. Hi @Roger Blair. You've posted in the Android app forum. When you refer to the app I'm presuming that you are not talking about the Android app but rather the Windows desktop app. Can you log in to the web browser version of Evernote? If so that will give you a means to keep working. Have you tried uninstalling the Windows app? I would try that. But be sure to use a program such as Revo Uninstaller since the standard Windows uninstall leaves a lot of files and data which can just bring you to the same point again. If this does not work for you then you will need to pay to open a support ticket. Subscribe to Personal for one month and user it to open a support ticket.
  6. Could it be the first note that's at fault? Sometimes this type of issue is created by problem in the local data. So my first port of call would be to rebuild your local data. In the desktop app File / Sign Out / Remove data for the device. When you log back in your data will be rebuilt. It could take some time so be patient. When you feel the data is complete try the PDF expert again. If it still hands on the same note, try moving that note to a different notebook then try the export again.
  7. I don't think that there is a reliable review comparing Legacy and v10. This is due, in part, to the fact that v10 is in long term development so regularly updated. An example: import folders which were a Windows only feature in Legacy were not supported when v10 was released. Now they are available for Windows and MacOS. There may well be lots of volunteers to pitch in and tell you what they think it's the current position.
  8. I intended to return and post the batch script that I run. I have three import folders on my desktop: EN Import / EN Accounts and EN Bank Statements I have this batch file set to execute whenever I start up my PC using the Windows task scheduler. I could equally have it set to run at a regular time/day of the week or whetever. When executed it empties the import folders and leaves them empty. This appeals to my slightly obsessive desire for a clean PC. Others might argue, with some justification, that if you have plenty of disk storage then just keep the files in the folder and have a less frequent tidy up. As long as you don't edit and update the files they will be ignored by Evernote. Make a change and they will import a fresh copy of the amended file. But this will not replace the previous import so some tidying in Evernote may then be required. set folder="C:\Users\myusername\Desktop\EN Import" cd /d %folder% for /F "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b') do (rmdir "%%i" /s/q || del "%%i" /s/q) set folder="C:\Users\myusername\Desktop\EN Accounts" cd /d %folder% for /F "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b') do (rmdir "%%i" /s/q || del "%%i" /s/q) set folder="C:\Users\myusername\Desktop\EN Bank Statements" cd /d %folder% for /F "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b') do (rmdir "%%i" /s/q || del "%%i" /s/q)
  9. @Kerry62189Is this an issue with the web clipper in browser? This thread is a several year old issue with the old clipper that used to exist for Outlook.
  10. Drag and drop the PDF from Evernote direct to the Email. If that won't work drag and drop to the desktop and then into three Email.
  11. The note history suggestion is your probable way forward. If you pay for one month that is the same as posting for sorry for the month.
  12. Couldn't say. The selection too set a default for viewing Title only etc is a new function. Until recently the view was whatever the Devs had chosen. The live view for spreadsheets is also new. Open a support ticket and make the request. In the meantime you'll need to manually change the view for spreadsheets as you import them.
  13. Running the installer as admin gives you a 32-bit program. You can install without admin and that should do the job.
  14. Just to note that the spreadsheet view is only for Professional and Teams accounts. So the upgrade prompt is to alert you to that.
  15. Is this a Free account? If so, it is possible that the reinstall is being identified as an additional device and breaching the device limits. If you have a paid subscription then @gazumped 's advice seems best. https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068-Understanding-the-device-limit
  16. All sorts of changes are going on the background in relation sync. It may (my guess) relate to that. However, I doubt much testing will have been done for Legacy so whatever has changed probably hasn't been noticed.
  17. @Pierre Menard I don't have an answer to your dilemma but I can see that you continue to use the old, now deprecated and unsupported, version of Evernote 6.25. The website it likely to be delivering via the new v10 of Evernote. As you may be aware, should anything fail with the so called Legacy version it will not be fixed and there is no support available other than to suggest you try the new v10 of the software. I realise that this may not be what you want. You will see that a shareable link from the v10 desktop is in the form of the web browser format you shared. I've edited this link so that it doesn't go anywhere - just to share. https://www.evernote.com/shard/s1/sh/7be9aee1-d979-af0a-0cba-1bb2c19c8a/dWQjKUlmVbjstwaAdqIJUlZhmRR52R7XI-3Vctt1tHE5qg3j1JI-oQ
  18. It does sound painful. I don't run the Evernote app on a tablet. I prefer the web browser interface on my tablet which runs Android 9 so would not support the new Evernote app. Checking my phone using the app, I can delete a note title and type in something new without any issue. It updates at my typing speed. This feels like a conflict between your Android keyboard and the Evernote app. What about trying Evernote in a browser window to see how that does? When you open evernote.com in the browser be sure to set it display the desktop version otherwise you will likely see error messages. The web browser seems to resolve a number of challenges on tablets with the Evernote app. YMMV
  19. In 2020 users were invited to download the new software. Perhaps you missed the invitation. For now, visit www.evernote.com/download Be warned, the new version w will feel very different and some features and functions work differently. A few have been removed. Most users who made the switch will admit that it took a week or two to adapt their workflows. You may need to reconnect your import folder(s). You will definitely need to manually remove imported files unless you wish to keep them in the folder. As I mentioned, I run a batch file daily to clear out files which have been imported.
  20. Could the location depends on whether this a direct download installation or the Mac store version? Certainly the Windows versions install in different locations.
  21. I also gave it a try with Gmail in my normal browser, Firefox, and also in Chrome. The Gmail add-on opened and performed the task as expected. Like @Dave Andrade I rarely use this feature but the add-on was still connected to my Gmail account and worked first time.
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