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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. @Frédéric Sagaer Thanks for your contributions today. I think the point is that we hear monthly, if not more often, that such and such function "...would be easy to implement." However, whilst it easy to say and describe, implementing often carries lots of unwanted complexity. If it was easy then Evernote would probably have done it already.
  2. I think you will need to open a support ticket. Here's the link (reached via the Contact Us option at the bottom of all the help pages)... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  3. I mean that the updated sync process has not been released for general use. It remains as a beta test. Presumably that's what will remain until the new sync is working correctly.
  4. With a paid account you can save your own templates in the Evernote template repository so instead of duplicating the note you can just create a new note based on the template when you need.
  5. I'm a Windows/Android user. I think I've had just one note conflict in the past year and I knew it would happen almost as soon as I had edited a note. I edited the note online. Then an hour or so later edited the same note on a device that had been offline. As soon as I finished typing I realised what I had done. As sure as eggs are eggs up popped a conflicted note. Otherwise the sync process works will for me in my use. I'm not suggesting that others don't have this issue. But it certainly isn't clear why it affects some and not others. My view is that it is the way we each work. My hope is that the revised sync process which remains in beta will resolve things. My impression, though, is that this revision is proving rather challenging.
  6. @NITIN SHAH Welcome to the forums and for sharing your thoughts. These forums are primarily users supporting users. Evernote staff are only here infrequently. You might wish to also share your thoughts directly with Evernote via the Feedback option in the application. I'd also encourage you to edit your post and remove your Email and phone number. These are public forums and it has be known for personal information to be scooped up by spammers/fraudsters.
  7. Create a template note using your chosen formatting. In a Free account duplicate news notes from that template..
  8. You can disable this keyboard interaction in Evernote. Open the Keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+/) In the Global section, point with the mouse to hover over the 'Open Evernote Helper' option Select the three dot menu that will appear to the left of this option and select Disable You should find that the AltGr+H no longer opens the Evernote Helper and is now only doing what you need. I'm not sure why AltGr and Alt+Ctrl are captured as the same keystroke. If you want the Evernote Helper you can change the keystrokes to something else via the Edit option.
  9. There are a handful of ways of grabbing a copy of all notes depending upon what you want at the end of the process. Backup the data directory that @PinkElephantdescribes. I schedule a Github project called evernote-backup. One can install the Legacy application alongside V10 and download all notes using that program although that is just a dump of everything into a single file without notebook structure. There is a project that will export as HTML. I don't have details of that to hand.
  10. Looks like the previous screen has been jumped over. I'd suggest log out. Remove Evernote cookies & cache. Restart browser and try again.
  11. Not at all. Nothing wrong in my view. That's what I mean. You've nothing to lose.
  12. Just choose the Google Autheticator option but use one of the many others that are the same. For example the Microsoft Authenticator produces the same stuff. Try it and see. The absolute worst thing would be to have to go back and start using the Google app.
  13. I'm not sure that switching to a different authenticator will affect that. If Bitwarden simplifies the process then all you'd have to do is register Bitwarden as the autheticator you want to use and off you go.
  14. Yes, that was always my view. Ian Small's job was to make Evernote sellable. I would expect that it was agreed in the sale process that he would step aside very soon after the sale.
  15. I take a pretty relaxed view of these kinds of situations whether or not I've had a conversation with the CEO or not. I really don't know what I would expect Bending Spoons to communicate to customers. They clearly aren't going to say you should expect a worse service or product following the takeover. Neither would they say, to customers, 'We are going to lay off some staff after the take over' and certainly not until the staff had been told who would be affected. We had lots of guesses at what the affect of the takeover was going to be before it took place. Few were informed. Now we are seeking answers to questions which may not, yet, have been answered by the new owners. One thing the new CEO did say to the Experts was that they were astonished by the commitment of users to the Evernote product (Implied: compared to their existing product line) which they put down to the investment we put into storing everything. I renewed my Personal plan last November so will start taking a very active interest in future developments in September or thereabouts.
  16. Lay offs in a corporate take over are not at all unusual. They are hard on those affected but not unusual. While the product does what it needs to do and whilst development continues I'm good to go. Not a great deal of point in analysing what was always going to happen.
  17. I'm not sure that there is anything further to offer. We've pointed to Revo Uninstaller and provided the steps if you want to use the Windows uninstall. I hope you are successful.
  18. We've recommended Revo and it has worked perfectly for many. If you prefer you can use the Windows standard uninstall and manually delete the left over files. You'll find these in %AppData%\Evernote and %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote Once uninstalled locate the Evernote directories and delete them. But Revo Uninstaller is much easier and reliable.
  19. There is a Github project which will export everything to ENEX files if you wish. https://github.com/vzhd1701/evernote-backup Works well enough for me. In common with a lot of Github projects it does demand a little tech expertise.
  20. If that's what you need then, possibly, Apple Notes is your best option. You can tell Evernote your idea via the Feedback option in the app. However, I would anticipate that even if your suggestion is adopted it will take many months to arrive and you will never know whether it will be adopted or not.
  21. I couldn't say. Why don't you try and let us know what you discover.
  22. @ThomasWeaverThere are some helpful videos from various Evernote Experts. Here's one from @vladcampos You cann search for others.
  23. The simple answer is no. Tech support is a paid benefit. You can get support on a case by case basis by paying for one month. In these forums fellow users will do their best to advise on ways to resolve an issue. You are, of course, free to try the suggestions or not.
  24. And please use Revo Uninstaller or remove all leftover data prior to reinstalling.
  25. You could just download the latest version and install. But your fellow users are often inclined to point to ways of avoiding issues that might be caused by locally corrupted data.
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