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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Possibly not. But in the note it is made more complicated by the checked/unchecked status which can change frequently. WHatever, it is the way it is. If you want advocate for change then you have the feedback/tech support option.
  2. Scroll to the very top of the thread and click the large grey Up arrow at the top left. Although I doubt it will make any difference 🤐
  3. No. The website view via a share is a best approximation that can be shown in a simple web page. The checked items in the list are not simple HTML to display. Neither can they be checked via the shared view. If you think it should be different I'd recommend you issue a feedback from within the application or open a support ticket.
  4. Thanks for the information. I suspect that you have corrupted local data. First thing to try... File, Sign Out, Remove data from this device Sign back in and allow Evernote to rebuild your data from the cloud. If that doesn't work uninstall Evernote using the Revo Uninstaller program. A default Windows uninstall does not clean out all the data and configuration. Then reinstall from the latest version at www.evernote.com/download Again, sign back in and allow your data to be rebuilt from the cloud.
  5. Can you identify what happened a week ago? I'd explore which software was updated at that time. Could be Evernote or something else. Which version of Evernote do you have? Have you tried opening support ticket?
  6. Predictive text is an OS or keyboard feature. Not sitting in Evernote.
  7. Evernote 6.25 is deprecated, unsupported software. It has been for over 2 years. No changes or updates coming in that direction.
  8. I think you are out of luck. Support says you aren't able to satisfy the security checks. Sorry. Your only hope is too remember the password or open a new account with a new password.
  9. I never said stop using any function. Not sure why you think I did. Anyhow, the OP hasn't returned for more information.
  10. Here is the official advice on recovering a lost password even if you don't have access to your Email. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313998-Change-your-password
  11. Then you should try again. Maybe they didn't properly understand your problem. I confess that I'm unclear. You say you haven't accessed your accounts for years. But I'm not sure if that is what you mean. On the basis of your first post I would be suggesting that you start by asking Gmail/Google to reset your password. When you have access to Gmail then you can reset your Evernote password and receive the messages from Evernote.
  12. If what I described above doesn't work for you then, yes, you'd be wise to explore other options.
  13. Exporting a note containing a PDF as a PDF will only display the attached PDF name as you have shared. If you want to 'export' the attachment then right click and select Open or Save as required. Or you can drag and drop to the desktop or to the File Explorer.
  14. There is a known bug with the PDF view preference which depends upon how the PDF is attached to a note in the Windows app. Drag and drop a PDF into a note and the view respects the preference setting. Drop the PDF onto the notebook and a new note is created but the PDF will take the one page view.
  15. There is no means to collapse a code block. Your best option would be to put each code block into its own note then create a Table of Contents note which links to each of the individual blocks. The ToC note would appear with just a title or preview a you choose. Click on the title/preview and the code block note will open. Folders in note is an entirely different concept to the current Evernote structure. If that is something you need you should probably look around for an alternative application.
  16. Since we are only fellow users we are unlikely to be able to resolve this if tech support are not able. Sorry.
  17. If you are wanting to export all notebooks in ENEX then the GitHub evernote-backup project works well for me. Once configured it works seamlessly. I haven't tried pasting source code but I would first start a code block and then paste the code into the block. I have a feeling that this might work.
  18. Thanks for your suggestion. A reminder that these forums are mostly users helping users. If you want to be sure your ideas are seen by Evernote staff you might want to also submit them via Feedback in the apps or a support ticket. Whatever, even if your idea is adopted, it will be some time (I would say many months) before it was implemented. If this is critical to you you may need to consider which other application can give the graphical view you desire.
  19. Whilst I mostly agree, when I was working on my doctoral thesis I used Evernote to capture ideas and quotes when I was out and about. Like @sgade799 I manually entered the citations using an external citation database manager. At the time I would have found benefit of being able to drop references into a note more automatically but it worked manually. The citation manager I used had a plug in for Word but we're not interested in developing anything for other applications.
  20. You don't say which version of Evernote you are using. That will be useful in offering advice.
  21. As you will have read further up, there are multiple ways of exporting your Evernote notes that you have created. However none of these relate to your personal data which are held by Evernote. For that you will have to make a data access request. So, if you want the data you have created in notes, then follow the options as above. For the data access stuff go down the route you propose. As an aside, the users most active in this thread offering advice as user to users are all European residents and subject to the same legal structures as you The company's new owners are also in the EU so you should find some good understanding of EU law.
  22. In Evernote v10 the Helper is installed alongside the main application. If you are being invited to install the helper on its own then you may be best uninstalling Evernote and then downloading the application from evernote.com and reinstalling which should fix the problem. As @lost_gweedo notes, the helper changed between the older v7 of Evernote for MacOS and the current release. But I think my advice would be the same except that if you wish to remain with the older software you will have to download what is now called Legacy (search for download old version of evernote). If you go the Legacy route remember that it is an unsupported software and from time to time issues arise that make it less relaible. I believe that user of MacOS Ventura are experiencing issues with the Legacy software which will not be repaired.
  23. The best means of achieving this inside the Evernote application is to export each notebook. Open the notebook. Click on the three dot menu at the top of the snippet column and choose Export notebook. You get the choice to export as an ENEX file, HTML one page per note, or HTML multiple pages for the whole notebook.
  24. If you are sure that you don't have an account connected to that EMail then just delete and ignore. If you do have an account and are certain that you did not initiate the change request then you can still ignore but be sure that you have the best practice configuration of security including two-factor authentication set up for your account. Either way, Evernote has set up its checks to ensure that you, as the Email owner, get to positively make changes rather than allowing anyone to make a change without authority.
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