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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. The web client has been counted as a device for some years and, more recently, the number of devices restricted to two.
  2. The store version runs in sandbox and has been noted for some limitations. It also cannot be removed by Revo Uninstaller etc. I'm hopeful that the direct download will resolve this particular issue.
  3. This sounds like an installation that is well and truly broken. But just to check... Which version of Evernote do you use? The direct download from Evernote.com or the Microsoft store version? If thexstore version, uninstall and start again with the direct download. If you are on the direct download... If your actions aren't effective you could try either of the following. 1. Uninstall Evernote. In Windows file explorer navigate to and delete %AppData%\Evernote Similarly with %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote 2. Alternatively, Reinstall Evernote and immediately remove with Revo Uninstaller.
  4. I certainly have this function with ScanSnap Manager (Windows 11) although I rarely use it preferring to scan to input folders
  5. Sadly, you may find that the 'classic' interface will cease to work if a browser or OS is updated. It is an out of date editor which may, or may not, work for much longer. You might try switching to v10. If that fixes things for you it will give you more data to add to your ticket. Then switch back to classic and see if that now works.
  6. I'm not sure if this will help, but I would try uninstalling Evernote using the Revo Uninstaller program. This will clear out all left over files and give a properly clean start.
  7. This is a user setting in Settings / Notes and select your preferred default view for a YouTube video. This has been with us since late 2022.
  8. I wasn't suggesting any stupidity. If it came across that way then, of course, I apologise. I'm delighted that you've apparently resolved the issue. Although, please note that logging out doesn't drop a device. As long you only have two devices listed in your settings, that is the key thing.
  9. If you have the desktop app on two separate computers accessing the same Free account that will take both of your devices. The web counts as a device separately so one this case would be a third device and, therefore, blocked from connecting.
  10. You can drag the corners of an image to change the display size although it doesn't change the physical file size of the image.
  11. Since all apps sync first with the cloud you should focus on the Windows app. I noted briefly elsewhere that you might rebuild your Windows data. Since you've tried uninstalling did you use a standard Windows uninstall? This leaves lots of junk which can continue the problem when you reinstall. Try uninstalling from Windows using the Revo Uninstaller program. This clears out the junk. Then reinstall and see how you get on. Be sure to capture the content of any notes on Windows that have not synced to the cloud.
  12. It is. Just to note that the issue is always a broken sync with the cloud since that is the stepping stone. I'd try rebuilding your Windows data but first capture any notes you've created on Windows which haven't synced.
  13. I haven't noticed this issue. Mostly I drag and drop but, occasionally, I right click and the save as option works.
  14. Either tap quote or highlight the specific text and you get a 'quote selection' pop up.
  15. I guess you'll go with Personal since Premium no longer exists I often tell others to view a one month Personal sub as a payment for single issue support. You might want to wait until Monday. Occasionally issues like this seemingly resolve themselves after a day or two.
  16. Please forgive me for pushing back on this statement - if not for you then for others who might find themselves here... It is not uncommon for Free users to assert that they are only using two devices but when they check in the Evernote settings they find more than two listed. I'm on a Personal plan so am not limited. But if you asked me how many devices I have registered I'd count up three but checking in the account settings I find that I have four. One a hangover from a previous mobile device. https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action
  17. Delete the cache and cookies related to evernote.com in the browser is often a way forward in this situation. I see that @PinkElephant and I were typing simultaneously...
  18. There is no 'you' here. We are mostly fellow users. So we can sympathise or, sometimes, provide ways to tackling issues but if you want to address Evernote staff you should submit feedback from the apps or open a support ticket to be sure your concern is noted.
  19. When you click the option to reveal the encrypted text the Hint is displayed underneath the box where you type. If the hint is empty then you did not provide a hint. As you can see I store passwords in a secure storage program. It compensates for my ever increasing forgettery...
  20. I don't think that Scannable is the tool for this task. In fact I cannot think of a program that would do that for you in one go. It's possible that someone might know of something but you might find as much help from your favourite search engine.
  21. The AppleScript support was supported by the old Legacy application for Mac. There is no scripting support for v10 on any platform. If you can write your own working with the API then you have some potential options but I would still say that broadly speaking there are no scripting options available to achieve what you requested.
  22. I've not noticed anything. Although my web access is not frequent A few times per week when I'm working on my Android tablet...
  23. The Plus and grand-fathered Premium plans were increased before Bending Spoons took over. These were significant increases introduced because there hadn't increases for those plans for sometime.
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