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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. ? Sounds like you were already a free user, so any price hike would have been too much. We're (mostly) all other subscribers here so you can imagine our sympathy. Bye.
  2. You didn't get scammed, but the support team got very busy. If you post your ticket number here we can ask a Forum Admin to look into it for you.
  3. Hi. Subscribers have access to email support as well as being able to ask questions in the forums here. What exactly is your issue? If you have downloaded and installed the Evernote app, you should merely have to use your normal log-in and wait while the software downloads your stored data from the server. Depending on how many notes you have, this can take several hours, but the app should be usable more or less immediately.
  4. Hi. Are you following all the steps in this process? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313338 If so, you'll need to contact Support... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  5. From the looks of it you've been waiting nearly 72 hours for attention - and most of that on a weekend. I'm sure Evernote will give your enquiries the consideration they deserve. I passed on your ticket number. It will go to a Forum Admin - which is not the same as to the Support team lead - who will then have to pass it on within the organisation; since their parent company appears to be well trusted by the local Government, I think they can be relied on to return your cash as soon as possible. You're welcome.
  6. I'm using v10 daily with no issues - I've been a user for 16 years or so (v10 for around 18 months) and I don't miss Legacy at all. Don't know why you're having such issues, but your device(s), hard drive (SSD's are the best!), internet connection and Evernote version(s) are all factors. Maybe give us some more detail and we'll give you some suggestions to look at - or as you subscribe, add your request to the Support queue and give them a workout... eventually...
  7. Whatever happened to polite enquiries? We're not Support - just other subscribers here - so throwing a tantrum is not a good look. If you do need a refund I'm sure that Support - who are not down, just busy - will get around to it as soon as they can. Meantime please try to chill - sending multiple tickets is a good way to make Support even more busy finding your complaints... and slow down any responses.
  8. There was a comment from @Federico somewhere a while ago which suggested that the download speed for new installs had been tweaked, and I had an experience more recently that seemed to indicate a download was completed in less than a day for a 30GB database (must confess I wasn't carrying out a comprehensive check). Even back in the 'old days' before tweaking a new (Windows) install was working almost immediately for me, with requested notes being -presumably- preferentially downloaded if not locally available. It did take a couple of days for the local on disk size to convince me the process was complete, and I'll admit I didn't check for full offline working at any stage.
  9. Similar experience here - my usual process is to scan to folder, edit/ rename as necessary, then batch-move completed files to the Import Folder. Once the import is complete, and since we don't currently have a delete option, I remove the remaining files since they're a waste of storage and an unnecessary duplication. (Actually since I'm a 'belt and braces' person they get dumped into an archive folder on an external drive as an extra backup in case of some problem with the note.) Someone else posted recently that they'd had a duplication recently - I assume it's possibly that the OS does something silly with an archive bit and some files get imported more than once. It's easy to fix since all the duplicated notes will have a created date that's identical to within a few seconds. If batch moves are not practical there are third-party folder-watching automations out there that will put files into the Import folder (and/ or remove them) after a given period... but because I forget, or I'm just lazy - there have been frequent instances where I carry a stock of imported files in the folder for a while without any duplications. Since it's possible to have multiple folders importing to different notebooks, it's IMHO a very useful external automation option.
  10. Be patient? Evernote has millions of users and a lot of support requests. If you asked for a refund, you'll get one - as soon as they can get around to it...
  11. I follow Tiago, so I saw the video when it came out a year (?) ago. The stats are interesting, but IMHO a little flawed since the surveys were likely on his own GTD user/ trainees and therefore a rather 'filtered' source - and a year or more ago (when were these surveys actually done?) none of the apps were where they are now. It's an interesting watch, but as you've found with Amplenote, it's not what an app can do - it's what it can do for you.
  12. Issues with duplicate imports from the Import Folder have been reported a couple of times here, and I also experienced it myself a while ago. It has been reported, but you could tell Support about it. An easy work around is to save intended imports to another folder and batch import them manually a couple of times a day by moving the content to the Import folder, then empty the folder again after a brief wait. Various apps will watch a specific folder and take action on any content moved there - if you use the import function a lot should be pretty easy to set up an automation to move any file from the Import Folder after (say) an hour, so that Evernote has the chance to import it, but not to throw a duplication. I'd suspect that the OS itself can be the major issue here - files can be locked and/ or marked as 'new' by various processes which confuse the Folder logic.
  13. I don't know whether anyone else has the same issue, but Legacy has to be closing down very very soon. They're clearly focussed on moving forward as quickly and effectively as possible this year, and I'd bet that within a few months Legacy access will be gone. Unless you already have some very clear signs that Evernote plan to add in the functionality you need, I'd be looking for alternative solutions about now: either ones where you search for reminder dates / done times first, then filter for (or exclude) other keywords with (possibly temporary) tags; or by finding a different provider. It simply does not seem feasible for an operation with millions of customers on one system to build and maintain any kind of parallel access for only a few.
  14. Hi. Yes (probably). I was using Android Legacy until this week because I have an old phone, but it stopped syncing with the server a week or two ago. I've now uninstalled it - I took the failure to sync as a sign that more server work has cut me off, and it isn't worth spending time trying to fix it. I mainly used the phone as a way to add images to my notes, and I can still take the pictures and now email them to the server. Asking to continue using Legacy is like wanting to buy your videos on Betamax because you still have a perfectly good player and prefer the format. Evernote is about to retire Legacy permanently because there are better and more efficient options out there - I sympathise that you may not like them, but that will be the only option soon. I've been saying for weeks that its better to adopt v10 now than have to scrabble to adapt when the old servers stop working - we'll be happy to try to help with any issues, and you can (for the moment) always dip back into Legacy for a quick familiar fix. I know the 'help' here is sometimes snarky, but that's usually because the initial request comes in with attitude and aggression. Somebody here has probably found a way round any problem you may face, and I'd hope we'll be as helpful as possible...
  15. Hmmnn. New UI. Not an exhaustive test - just chose a few tags with out-of-order names, saw they were in order when processed.
  16. Just tried tagging a note with various options in 10.75.2 and they came back sorted correctly into alpha order.
  17. Check the web client (or another device) to make sure your latest notes have reached the server, because if you follow the next steps unsynced notes will no longer exist on the client you're using...
  18. Hi. You've not given any information about your device / OS / Evernote version(s) so it's not possible to be very helpful. If you updated from Legacy to v10 and use a desktop, then your 'old' database and all your notes should be on your hard drive. It's not possible to extract files from there by date, but you should be able to find and download an older version of the app online, and then export some or all of your original account database to ENEX files which can then be imported to the latest version.
  19. Hi. Device / OS / Evernote version / Screenshot ? If by 'previous version' you mean Legacy, then that is likely to be less and less usable; if the previous v10 appearance, then you should probably contact Support. The latest design hasn't been released 'officially' yet - when it is, there may be an option to use the older version, but I do not know. (We're mainly other users in the Forums here...)
  20. Hi. You control your subscription status - to end payments go to https://www.evernote.com/BillyBillingProfile.action (it's the 'Billing' page of your online account) and check out the very bottom of the page, just above "Terms of Service". 'Cancel your Evernote subscription' is there - choosing it will downgrade you to Free. More help here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360056549574-Permanently-close-your-Evernote-account I flagged #3828597, but Support were running at 10days plus before responses recently, and they deal in priorities; you will get a response, but it may take a while.
  21. I flagged your ticket, but please don't create new ones unless you're raising a new issue. You've been in touch with the team and they should have quoted a reference - just reply to that with more information if you need to. Support probably has a lot of waiting tickets and -as you found- there's a long delay before each new one gets to the front of the queue for attention. If you create another ticket on the same issue it doesn't automatically get seen by the person dealing with your current conversation - it gets tagged on to the end of the other new emails and works its way through the queue again. The agent dealing with your original issue has to go find it in the backlog of other tickets coming through - if they realise you have created a new ticket. I have no current information on the situation at Evernote, but I used to run a support team so I know how much more work multiple tickets on one issue creates.... You're making it harder for them to help you.
  22. Sorry it didn't work; the only option now is Support I guess - Tasks words fine on my Win11 and Win10 setups. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  23. Not sure what you're expecting - Evernote's new owners are updating the basic package for Windows / Android / MacOS / iOS and want (I believe) to get their act together on these platforms before trying to port an effectively completely new app to Linux. They have officially back-burnered Linux development and probably changed the main API around sufficiently that it's currently not add-in friendly. Two third parties - Filterize and Backupery - have withdrawn their own products forinstance until they can rely on a steady interface connection. That's bad news if you're trying to McGyver an.. 'unusual' access route, but pretty good news for the main part of the user-base who are seeing better security / faster speeds etc - and Evernote's blog promises more new stuff this year.
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