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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. plus a 20% discount off Adobe, which seems to be worth more than the price difference in itself - if you use Adobe; which I'd like to... [Exact terms of the offer not known yet, but it's looking interesting...] Couldn't find a way to add this benefit to my account, so bounced off a Support request. I'll let you know... EDIT: For interests sake - Adobe subs are a little more expensive than Evernote - and they only create documents!
  2. Hmmn. 20% off Acrobat would be interesting to me... wonder how I apply for that?... Oh yeah... Support...
  3. Works for me. Were you logged into your own account when you tried? The payment details get imported - I fuzzed mine out of the image, plus some personal stuff.
  4. Hi. There are (usually) no company mods or support staff around here. We're all users and (mostly) subscribers, and (definitely) entitled to our own opinions of individual rent-a-moans who pile on without -apparently- knowing anything about the recent history and lack of any price hikes at all for the past few years. Lengthy, inaccurate whinges get lengthy rebuttals: but the situation boils down to - Evernote needs to charge at this level to support its comprehensive range of services. Users need to decide whether they need all those services, or whether they could manage with a cut-down version elsewhere in the market. Users' choice.
  5. Hi. You're apparently using a wildly out of date copy of a now discontinued and unsupported application which could stop syncing with Evernote servers permanently within days or weeks. And that's the good news! Hopefully you have enough time to navigate out of this situation safely, and this is what I'd suggest. Download a 'safe' version of the old software from here - https://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.25.2.9198.exe Find your Evernote folder on your local hard drive - probably C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\Evernote\Evernote\Databases (or search for *.exb files on your system which will be in the Databases sub-folder) Go up one level to the main Evernote folder and copy it somewhere safe as a backup. - if anything goes wrong you can at least get back to where you are now. Log out of / quit everything else you have running and just run the 6.25.2 installer. This should replace your existing installation. If the install finishes successfully, open Evernote and leave it running for a while to catch up. You can sign in to Evernote.com to see and check your notes on the server. After 24 hours copy the main Evernote folder somewhere safe - again. Download and install the latest v10 version. It will uninstall the 6.25.2 software, but you have your backups and the download link above should you still need it. Good luck! You will, I guarantee, hate the new version at first sight; but get used to it, because that's now the only game in town. I've been using v10 now for most of 2 years and no longer have any access to - or need for - the older versions. If you have any concerns or questions, please ask!
  6. If you check Evernote.com, the latest download should be 10.76.2 - try that one...
  7. Evernote updates frequently because it's under active development - which is normally considered a good thing: because "real time editing" makes collaboration more efficient: and it allows for security updates and bugfixes. If that means the app is unsuitable for anyone on a metered connection, it puts those users in the same class as anyone who doesn't want their data in the cloud - one where what makes Evernote great for some users, makes it unusable for others. If I were a developer I'd be cautious about giving my users the opportunity to avoid updates, because some are going to keep doing so for long periods and possibly create another semi-Legacy situation; and others will 'forget' something essential, have a crisis and blame me for something that's entirely their fault. Sorry to be unsympathetic here, but if the way Evernote works doesn't fit in with someone's usage, then maybe they should be looking at alternatives...
  8. Yup. Got that one too. If I export from a notebook the notebook option goes on to the print to PDF menu above, but @s2sailor's post shows an image quoting "5 posts" which I assumed was from selecting individual notes, rather than notebooks. I chose the 3 dots menu from the blue pop-up and got the same print to PDF option. Odd.
  9. Export as a PDF is available on the Notebooks page and the popout Notebook name menu in 10.76.2 - 3 dots for the first, and right-click for the second.
  10. No options to change the defaults yet. You could set up a 'template' note with some "Lorem ipsum" text(s) in the correct sizes and duplicate the note to create a new one...
  11. See also https://github.com/vzhd1701/evernote-backup - third party automated solution that requires some tech expertise
  12. There are previous reports of over-enthusiastic update date changes. Feeding back to Support is the best way to register your concern - please let us know here if/ when you get any response...
  13. You need a 6.25.2 or 6.25.3 version to have a chance at connecting. You should be aware that Evernote no longer support the older apps and the backwards compatibility necessary for them to operate has been slowly disappearing. Please be aware that even if you get your connection working it is very much a short term arrangement and will probably disappear later this year...
  14. Hi. Are you still having the same issue? There are no system problems...
  15. Hi. There are no specific courses for journalists that I'm aware of, and given that Evernote is currently re-inventing itself under a new ownership, you may find an absolutely up-to-date feature description hard to come by. Having said that, general help is here in the Forums and online - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us Many YouTube creators offer start-up videos, including these - https://daveedwardsmedia.com/category/evernote/ https://www.harmonenterprises.com/learn-to-use-evernote#evernote-freebies https://dottotech.com/evernote-quick-start-lp/ One of the benefits of Evernote (IMHO) is that it should be adaptable to your own ideal workflow (everyone has a different approach) but if you list out processes like: Recording Interviews best done in third-party apps (transcription is increasingly available) with an MP3 file attached to a note taking notes in Evernote while also recording in the app risks losing copy as well as the recording Research - collecting / collating information emails direct to Evernote Web Clipper saving part or all of web-based material Scanning / mobile imaging for paper documents Searching Drafting copy Stacks, notebooks and notes. Titles and Tags. Word Processor attachments. Sharing Collaboration RTE (real time editing) -I'm sure the assembled brains trust here will be pleased to add more topics you could look into... Best advice is always - don't wait to find the best method and then start; jump in now with both feet. Put everything in Evernote and work out how best to manage it as you go. You'll find out pretty quickly what works and what does not. It's (usually) a forgiving environment - I'm currently on my 5th(ish) iteration of my own GTD process and I haven't lost any information -that I'm aware of- yet... Good Luck!!
  16. Barring a global catastrophe I suspect someone will always be here in the Forums, but obviously there are payment and authorisation issues we can't help with. I flagged your tickets for a Forum Admin - hope that helps...
  17. That option is no longer available in recent versions, and was presumably removed for a reason... Have you tried the whole "remove local database / uninstall with Revo" option?
  18. They've been in process of re-organisation for several weeks now - hopefully to re-appear soon. If you can list the ticket numbers and the issues here I can flag them for a Forum Admin to look at...
  19. Maybe try disconnecting your other calendars and try reconnecting that one first?
  20. Hi. No. Do your recordings not show up at all in notes? Or do they show up but remain unplayable.
  21. Check for other notebooks, notes in Trash; find another notes app; subscribe.
  22. Hi. Have you tried to subscribe through the mobile app? To contact support Use https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?guest=true - and the issue type "Account" - there will be a delay in responses...
  23. No clue - it's a hugely popular request, but I assume if it were easy or feasible they would have done it. Evernote altered the way notes are coded, and are introducing/ using a new database backend so I'd assume its backwards compatibility that's the problem. The new system could (or will be able to) do it, but the Legacy hangers-on may be a factor. I'm sure it will happen - there's an obvious need. When is the issue...
  24. Me too - available from the pop-out notebooks list when the left panel is hidden, or from the Notebooks page (the notebook name, but not the three-dots menu).
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