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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Unless you can kill your network connection, use airplane mode or otherwise convince the device you're using that it is offline, you're going to run into this issue - and as soon as the device went back online it will probably try to use the local network and you'll attract the attention of your local network managers... which is often a bad thing. Best advice would be to use a tablet which you keep offline at work but can connect when you get home...
  2. Hi. Why, exactly? Free users should still be able to view, and if necessary, export existing notes. Evernote are simply making it clear that the free service is now a trial only - they cannot afford to keep subsidising free services indefinitely.
  3. Wow. I created a new note on the web client and clicked another note. My desktop client was also open. It took a massive 8 seconds for the new note to appear on desktop. Edits are faster. (Win11 / EN10.79.3) Creating on desktop and appearing on the web version - a bit longer, 10 seconds or so. I'd suggest checking local housekeeping - connection speed / free storage space / other local user traffic - and maybe a clean reinstall?
  4. If it's not working by now I'd suggest contacting Support (I know...) and maybe considering a clean reinstall - delete the local database / uninstall with Revo or Appcleaner / restart and reinstall.
  5. Hi. That's just the way Evernote's very basic encryption works I'm afraid... you could maybe use a password-protected word processor file attached to your note for those with several confidential sections - just add an 'executive summary' in the note to feed the search index. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005547-Encrypt-text-in-a-note
  6. Would be helpful to know device / OS & Evernote version numbers and "from where to where and does it involve images?" Also: we're not support - just other users here, so no fixing possible...
  7. Hmmn. The note has a blue box around it, but I can confirm this... I have 10.79.3 on my desktop with '/' active. I have the same version, just reinstalled, on my Windows 10 laptop; no '/' command... weird. Maybe it's a housekeeping thing - needs time or a restart to activate? On desktop now - will contact Support if the lappy is still mute when I get home.
  8. Doesn't always work, but you can use the fact that Evernote won't change the thumbnail against it by creating a new note with one image and adding more content after the thumbnail shows up. It's a work-around, but since the new owners have been around for less than 18 months and have already rebuilt the product from the base code it's maybe not their highest priority amongst thousands of requests like "lose the '/' prompt"...
  9. I'm on Android, and my version is 10.78.0 and now much faster.
  10. Immediately after you install the new version on a desktop it will start downloading and installing your database from the server in a different format from the original legacy. The app also builds new indexes and generally does the setup work to run faster in future. If you search for a specific note while all this is going on it will be preferentially downloaded for you to work on - but there's no database to scroll through until it's all downloaded which is a single operation that is going to take a little time.
  11. Go to the tags page and search? Seems to work for me...
  12. Hmmn. There's a 10.79.3 version of Evernote around which is probably worth installing, but if that doesn't help I can only suggest... Support.
  13. Hey - don't mess with The Bard! (and I don't mean @Jon/t)
  14. Hi again - I tried a couple of searches with intitle:<keyword> which as you'd expect only came up with notes with that word in the title. Are you saying that you get too many hits, or too few? - and @Jon/t has a point for phrases!
  15. Send to is still here for me - W11 and EN10.79.3. Maybe restart your system?
  16. Hi. Device? Windows and Evernote version numbers? And what's the exact procedure of you creating a new note and checking for it on Windows? How long do you allow for the transfer?
  17. Hi. We're actually - and mostly - other users here, so you might be best served by raising the issue with Support to get some specific help with your account; however in general - it's clearly a completely rewritten package with some processes moved around, so it takes a while to get used to it; and if yours is a recent update to v10 and you have a lot of notes, the new install has to download the new database, rebuild all the indexes and general set up house all over again in your local storage. If you continued using Legacy, notes had to be translated from one format to another to sync both apps. After a few days' use things should get faster. If not, well you now have two databases stored on your system - maybe move one to an external archive or even delete it? If you use Windows and have less than 10% of free space in your storage, your system will be disk-swapping to your disadvantage. Worst case there are text expanders (I use) Phrase Express that can replay keystrokes on command. As example on my system Shift+Ctrl+1 generates "20240312 1507" which is the date and time when I wrote this. Many of v10's keystrokes are configurable too, so you may not even need a third-party app. If you have any specific fields that prove difficult please post more details here - maybe we can help...
  18. Hi. Can you give us a bit more to go on? Where are you seeing the 'match style' message?
  19. Hi. Not sure what magic happened to remove the menu bars, but if you right-click the elephant icon on your taskbar you should get a 'quit' option to close the app, or you could use Task Manager to close the window and/ or click the window to select it and Alt+F4 will close it. Then a system restart might solve some problems...
  20. You're welcome - with allegedly millions of users and lots of recent changes the support team got overwhelmed with work but they seem to be getting better...
  21. Hi. We're (mostly) other users here - for a quicker response from Evernote - which may still take some time - please contact https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
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