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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. We're a mainly user-supported forum so have no access to password information, but I'm surprised that you seem to be getting no help - you will have a "ticket number" reference somewhere - if you can quote that number here we can ask a Forum Admin to look into it for you...
  2. Setting up sounds like an answer to me too. Also if you have an issue please contact Support - they were buried with enquiries, but now seem to be coming out of it; even if the issue is fixed it's useful for them to know that this sort of thing still happens. If you don't see any improvement it is worth trying a clean reinstall - Support will suggest it anyway.
  3. Hi. Should be easy enough to check - this is the only detail I've seen... https://evernote.com/blog/microsoft-outlook-calendar https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500009437482-Google-and-Outlook-Calendar-integration-overview
  4. I usually suggest using a word processor and attaching the output file to a note - add a PDF version if the content needs to be visible inline.
  5. Hi. The Note editor is not known for its layout options - best suggestion is usually to use an external editor and attach the output file to a note. If the content can't be searched for some reason, just copy and paste plain text to feed the search index.
  6. My blue dot disappeared - I think it was just to highlight a new feature
  7. Hmmn. Odd. Maybe uninstall the app / restart the phone / re-download and reinstall?
  8. Hmmn. I can only suggest Support for this now - they have ways to see inside processes that we don't. Sorry we could help fix it!
  9. I use extremely unlikely words (pun warning) like xnotebook (sorry) or add icons as in 🔸notebook.
  10. Hi. Have you tried using Firefox? (All other browsers these days are Chrome variations). If you can log in there, try a new profile in Chrome or uninstall / reinstall the browser...
  11. Hi. What device are you using and what's your OS? I'm on Windows and Android where the Evernote versions are 79 and 78 respectively. You might want to level up if you can. The usual causes of 'no notes' are Not allowing a few minutes to pass after upgrading from Legacy to v10 - the app has a lot of initial housekeeping to do on upgrades Not using the right user ID and accidentally creating a new account. - There's a 'forgot password' link at Evernote.com if you want to check.
  12. I agree the bottom icons are greyed out - I tend to scan to folder and check for scanning errors in that folder before sending the scan to Evernote. I'd suggest raising a support ticket so it gets fixed, and using an external PDF editor for now...
  13. Hi. We're mainly other users here and drug use is optional... you could contact Evernote directly https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or mail feedback@evernote.com The '/' shortcut is in use in various other software and I got used to the prompt very quickly - there's no way (yet) yet to turn it off AFAIK
  14. Personally I was shocked and horrified to find that things I saved 20+ years ago are still available... 2013_01_21_18_16_06 cutting.pdf
  15. I suggest you look up the term 'moderator'.
  16. Contact Support at https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  17. Hi. You really do need to deal with Support on this (we're mainly other users here). If you have contacted the support team, you will have a ticket number as a reference. If you can post that ticket number here, we can flag it for a Forum Admin to contact Support internally and see what they can do.
  18. They somehow managed to hang on to tens or hundreds of thousands of subscribers, so I think they'll struggle on for now. Good luck with Obsidian.
  19. ? It's a single icon or a short line of text at best. What would you suggest? I think including the Tasks feature happened because There was a constant level of user request It levels the playing field if a user likes both Evernote and a Tasks app - if they're a long time user of the task app they might drop Evernote; if they use Evernote too... they might drop the tasks app.. With increasing Calendar integration and new users joining every day Evernote now has an extra feature they might use...
  20. I do know the developer of another third-party integration that had notes that could sync to and from Evernote has also decided to deprecate that feature. I tried it out but couldn't authenticate with my Evernote account.
  21. Hi. The current version is 10.79.3 - check with Evernote.com to get an update.
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