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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hmmn. Does the new version only work in Google Chrome? After a couple of false starts I got through to the 'switch to the new Evernote web', but https://www.evernote.com/client/web#?an=true& gets me here. I'm logged in to my account, but the options are to download Evernote or to use Chrome.. I use Firefox...?
  2. I don't think anyone has posted anything like that. Some people seem wedded to hierarchical filing, others are willing to adapt to tags. Evernote -by their own choice so far- only does tags. (Except - look at what 'Spaces' can do - that might be more your speed.) If tags don't work for you, it's possible you're using the wrong application. If anything the main argument here is like saying you love Pizza, but you just wish they'd stop putting cheese and tomato on it because you hate the taste. Best suggestion might be - stop buying pizza...
  3. Hi. I visited the site and watched the videos. I'm sure I'm over-simplifying it, but 'conceptualizing' and 'visualising' seems to boil down to an alternate UX for Evernote, with more colors. I was also thrown a little by the fact that 'Categories' seems to be your name for Evernote's Tags (but with added colors) Do you have any examples of use cases to further illustrate the power of your app? Your website is also a little shy on who and where the developers are, and whether we will be able to access the service in 10 years time. If we come to rely on the new layouts and colors - what happens to all the styling work if the app is no longer accessible for any reason?
  4. Hi. With a mobile device I'd suggest you sync the notes you have, uninstall the app and restart the device to clear memory, and then reinstall.
  5. Hi. There've been issues with the Chrome Clipper lately - this thread has the latest posts...
  6. Doh! I completely forgot to say that there's an option in the mobile apps to automatically record the location of the note still - Atlas was just a way to show note locations on a map.
  7. Hi. What do you mean by 'track locations'? Do you need to find all notes in a particular geographical area, see all notes by area on a map, or find notes that have a theme like waterfalls / trees etc. Atlas has been gone for 2+ years so I don't see that returning. Google Maps does allow you to link pictures and locations together. Evernote would allow you to add tags to a small image so you could link waterfalls etc together. I don't know of any photographer specific apps, but its likely that others will have wanted to record scouting locations...
  8. Hi. Can you give us a full explanation of when and how you found that your trash items had disappeared? Had you cleared the trash on a desktop or via the web?
  9. Its always possible, but Evernote very rarely comment on whether or when new features might be released.
  10. We're busily hijacking @Myles McGinley's thread here - if there's more non-Tangle related stuff I suggest we take it elsewhere! I set up a new thread here: I'll add some more comment there... (Sorry Myles... )
  11. That's a little unfair IMHO - the search feature always allows you to highlight items of interest. I tend to throw everything into Evernote and 'connect' it later. If I buy something online I'll make a note. Then add the acknowledgement email. And the 'we're about to deliver' email (with a reminder for the date). Plus the delivery note, user guide and -maybe- pictures of the unboxing. If I need to see the whole story, a search on the order number will connect all the dots. Or maybe I'm researching a holiday... tour guides, travel plans, checklists all go into Evernote. This time I'd cheat and add a tag <holiday2018> to find all the bits. But searching for each country name will remind me that I have a friend in Spain, so I can tag his address in case we get a chance to visit... Or I might have saved endless clips about photography and decide that I want to do some landscapes / portraits / night shots while away. I can set up some saved searches in favorites to bring up the relevant clips. New 'views' of existing data are never bad - the clump of information around photography might suggest I'm spending too much time there; or analyzing emails might show me my most important customer isn't who I thought. I actually don't know what connections might show up, which for me is the interesting bit.
  12. Hi. If you're clipping the whole web page, then the resulting note will show the whole page. You're right there's (currently) no way to jump to the note highlighting a location within that page. If you copy or clip that section to another note however, you can get the URL to point to that instead.
  13. I'm always a sucker for alternative views of my data - I signed up; let's see what you've got...
  14. That may be the case, but 1) a new feature called Spaces is (allegedly) about to launch, which may solve the issue, and 2) at 220M users and counting, I think Evernote was learning to cope without a folder structure, at least until now...
  15. See my post in January 2016. If the fixes in this thread don't help, contact Support.
  16. Hi. Not sure whether it applies in iOS, but Android users have a widget that can be set up to show notes from a variety of sources - recently changed, a specific notebook etc etc. Can I ask why you prefer a one notebook view? Is it for efficiency, security or quickly finding recent notes? (See previous sentence!) I ask because when you create a new note it should be possible to assign it to a specific notebook...
  17. Pleased to see that you're not an AI yourself anyway! We're (mainly) all Evernote users with various day jobs so I'm not sure this audience qualifies as experts - other than the personal research put in toward finding our own productivity solutions. IMHO most apps claiming "AI" involvement are just using advanced marketing speak (also known as 'handwavium') for what amounts to a new paint job. In any event I'd be highly suspicious of any app that genuinely used AI to make decisions for me - as would many others, judging by the generally bad reaction to Evernote suggesting that they were about to "help" users by analysing our databases. I have a deep aversion to any black box operation that processes by rules I don't totally understand and control. The apps I have tried that claim to learn my preferences usually wind up beaten (literally) into submission when they make continually bad choices. While there are thousands of productivity apps out there, I still haven't found one that can handle everything I need, AI or no. I'm currently back at three or four complementary standard apps for the whole process - including Evernote, Ticktick, Zapier and Airtable. Plus other apps like Freeplane (mind mapping) for planning and discussions. If anyone has any AI related suggestions, I'd be interested...
  18. Always your right and your choice to vote with your feet - it might be worth waiting around for a little while though.. looks like some interesting changes to Evernote Web are on the way through, and as long as Evernote is still a browser option in any OS, and effective web solution might be better than nothing.
  19. The word currently, is "No", but some fairly major looking new features are expected soon...
  20. Evernote (AFAIK) have never 'refused' to entertain any feature request. They proceed at their own pace, and some developments take much longer than others because they're not just adding a final detail to an overall picture - implementing one small additional step means a whole section of code has to be rewritten and upgraded to work across all supported operating systems, then rolled out to 220M users who will be a little upset (see other threads here) if even the slightest detail goes wrong. Individual developers have suggested that the web client is being upgraded with the new Spaces feature, which seems to answer several frequent requests - 'pinnable' notes, shareable notebooks stacks, and variable notebook collections. When all those things get rolled out, it's possible that any argument here will become moot - Evernote will have dealt with this feature request along with several others. But developing something new* takes time. *And I know sub-folders aren't a new concept, but they're new to Evernote...
  21. Using the current web client, no. As discussed above, if you can, revert to the 'old' web version, or use the installed desktop app, you can merge notes.
  22. I believe the recent Windows Beta now includes some more friendly (and optional) warnings about various account limits and actions. While a 'simple' update to fix one message might seem a quick fix that is being willfully delayed, Evernote apparently had a more detailed overhaul of the user interface in mind which took a little time to design, test and release. They're also making some detailed changes to the web client (which could be good news or bad news!) but probably means it's not cost effective to change the old version at all - any new features will be in the new one...
  23. Hi. If you're using an up to date version of the app and still seeing this issue, then clearly there is still a problem on your system. It may be to do with screen scaling. Have you tried opening your PDFs in another reader? You're not obliged to use the Evernote reader / annotater - you should be able to open the PDF in another app and annotate the content, then save it back to your note.
  24. Me too with the DM - and an additional use case: I just had to restore my laptop to a previous date because the OS was shutting itself down randomly today. (I must have fixed something that didn't actually need fixing or something). Resetting to a week ago, we're back to normal - but after a solid 30 minutes of other issues, I now have to wait until Backupery completes another backup or kill the processes in Taskmanager. The app is showing the next backup as 'yesterday' so I guess it was affected by the system restore; it kicked off a backup as soon as the OS loaded up. On another subject: I was intrigued by one post that seems relevant here... This fix originally from @Austin G has been rolled out a few times with (apparently) excellent results, and seems to get totally around the drawback of simply copying the whole Evernote database (in Windows, anyway). It's apparently possible to parse an original EXB file on the fly into individual ENEX files (including tag data), one per notebook. There's still that current problem of big imports, but copying an EXB is a lot easier and (I'm guessing) quicker than ENEXing individual notebooks...
  25. Seems to have been moved - in the words of Shaggy: it wasn't me. I did vote though... ? See top left of this page.
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