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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Bookmarks have been requested, but at the moment are not available. There is a way to create a Table of Contents listing multiple notes, and my detailed notes are usually comprised of individual sections - one per note - connected by tags. titles, or ToCs. Shorter notes are preferable because they're quicker to load (especially on mobile devices) and it's easier to jump to the correct section of a longer note if it's just a question of opening the required paragraph(s) in one note.
  2. That's also a 5-month old post... 10 days after -
  3. Yes, sorry - my intention was for you to copy and paste the content rather than move it within the forum - we can all move topics, but not individual posts. I see @DTLow already mentioned this feature nearly a year ago - and the implications flew straight over my head. Sorry to both! No reason to do more than you already have by posting in that thread.
  4. Hi. If you check the Copy options (literally!) you can keep the created and updated dates if you wish, and choose whether or not to keep tags. Duplicate simply and immediately does exactly what it says on the can. I tend to use whichever seems appropriate. If you're creating Templates, don't forget it is possible to export a note to ENEX and double-click on that note to create a new copy with the same title, tags and content. The way to get around the lack of titles in Evernote's templates is to put the title in the first line and - if there's no other content - a few blank lines. When you create the template copy, edit the first line if necessary, or just type content and Evernote should populate the first line into the title immediately.
  5. Hi. I was aware of Filterize, but not that you could create dashboards / TOCs in this way. At first glance it looks potentially very valuable - I propose to play! (When I can find some time to do it...) If I may suggest - I think it would be worth you moving this post to the 'Integrations' part of the forum, since it looks like this would be generally useful for a lot of the requests that are coming in for additional functionality within Evernote. It certainly means that a bespoke workflow is much easier to set up... Thanks for the headsup - I look forward to getting into this in more depth... 😎 EDIT: I'll do some research into this too, but it looks like it should be possible to share a dashboard with other users, who could use the links there to navigate around a set of shared pages which they might otherwise find difficult without knowing the framework that the owner of the notes has applied. My ideal project would be to create a sort of activated 'site map' for a group of shared pages that automatically updates as new pages are added... Hmmn.... 🤔
  6. Hi. No way to change that display that I'm aware of - you should be able to opt back to the previous UI in Settings though.
  7. Totally agree - I topped out at just over 1,000 tags with lots of duplications and typos. As I frequently mention, I then re-thought tags and went on to 'smart' titles - the note date / type / source / keyword(s) - which is how my primary indexing now works. Tags are a curation afterthought - an easy way to include or exclude notes from search results, because adding a tag is quicker than editing the title. Having 100,000 tags would be a nightmare for me to manage - but maybe somewhere, somehow, there's a system for doing that. Certainly means you can hierarchify (new word for the Holidays) tags to your hearts content and (probably) never run out... ☺️
  8. Sounds like a job for a third-party developer... any takers out there?
  9. Hi. You don't say what you want to import from, but on the assumption that it is Google Keep, this should help. If not, it has some good ideas about using Google Docs as an interim stage to change the format of your notes. If you have stuff in a CSV file I have used a 'mail merge' operation to save data that was in a spreadsheet as individual 'letters' with two main fields: <Title> and <Note body>. It was a while ago so you'd have to experiment to find out how it works best. Short term, a CSV file is a text file, so you could just dump the whole thing into one note (if it's less than 25MB) to make it Evernote-searchable, and copy individual sections into separate notes if and when you need to edit or refer to them. (Has the advantage of being quick and dirty and spreading your curation work over a period if your notes aren't time sensitive). Edit - NB: large note sizes and mobile access don't go hand in hand however - you might want to break the content down a little, at least... Edit #2 - Oh yeah.. that link... https://www.guidingtech.com/transfer-notes-google-keep-evernote/
  10. Slight typo I think - maximum tags is 100,000... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005247
  11. Zapier enables lots of links - https://zapier.com/apps/things/integrations/evernote
  12. Evernote don't (usually) comment on what may or may not be in development. Arguments against this idea - Other software isn't usually password-locked (Outlook / Word / Excel / most (all?) browsers / editing software... / database software...) It's bad practice to allow anyone else access to your unlocked profile on any computer protections already exist - log out of Evernote / lock the device As users, we're perfectly entitled to request the option; as providers, Evernote is equally entitled to have different priorities.
  13. It may be well-stated, but it's an archived non-voting post: the only thing that counts (pun not intended) are the numbers at the top of this page. The more votes the more likely Evernote is to consider this, though the decision - and the eventual priority - is all theirs.
  14. Hmmn. Shift/Ctrl/I on my keyboard opens the "info" panel on the currently selected note! -Which is something useful I didn't know (or didn't remember knowing) too. A few more PE codes need to be entered this weekend I think... 🤫
  15. Just for information, and pending Evernote being able to consider this as an option at some point in the future, I use a "text-expander" - Phrase Express (although it does WAY more than just expand short codes into longer words and phrases) to insert the date and time in my notes in various formats, and to insert other words and phrases to avoid repetitive typing. I haven't tested it with the search box, buy I'd imagine you could set up a range of Ctrl+<key> shortcut to generate search terms like intitle: as necessary.
  16. It's a reasonable (and popular) request, but again - do you use standard laptop/ desktop security to lock your device when you're away? Do you sign out of Evernote when it's not in use? Why is an additional level of security necessary?
  17. As you're perfectly entitled to. I gave an opinion - I don't know enough about the topic (or Evernote's intentions) to argue more - just sayin'.
  18. I think we're pretty much the same priority as everyone else - but desktop users have things that mobile users don't, Androids do different things than IOS, and Macs and Windows users always think the other OS is doing better. It would be nice to have the dark theme, but - if you were reading all the posts - the Windows team don't seem to have the same kind of flexibility in the OS that Macs have. Maybe they're waiting for the OS to catch up...
  19. Stacey says: (amongst many other good points) Objection #2: “Notebooks can be stacked, but not nested. I need more organizational levels.” We’ve all been trained (through email, and computer technology) that the right way to organize things is to use hierarchies that are many levels deep – but it’s not necessarily the best way. If you’re using the search function correctly, it doesn’t matter if you can nest your notes and notebooks. The power of my Evernote organization system is its flatness and flexibility. If you prep your notes for search success (note naming conventions are key here), it doesn’t matter where your notes live – you’ll be able to locate them. Evernote's Spaces (https://evernote.com/features/spaces) is the closest they've got -so far- to nested hierarchies, but the concept doesn't seem to be designed as hierarchical, and is more aimed at multiple users and the Business client. (My emphasis..) "Every member of a space has access to everything in the space. So the information you need is easily accessible and always at your fingertips."
  20. Interesting, but I'm not sure how practical that might be... Evernote Web 1 was launched in the dim, distant past when folks still used vanilla HTML. It was a bit of a dinosaur - and rapidly fell out of touch with the bells and whistles being added to the desktop and mobile apps on a (more or less) monthly basis. Things languished. The along came Evernote Web 2 which was an attempt (then) to add the extras which the other clients enjoyed. At some early point though they hit a roadblock and very little further development seemed to happen. The 'beta / test / sampler' web version was dignified with a public release label, but didn't have much added that I could see. After a LOT of complaints about the continuing lack of features in the web app, an engineer came out of the woodwork and commented that web development had moved on so far since the initial version was launched that an 'upgrade' would have to be a complete rewrite from the ground up using 'modern' tools. That would take time he said. About 3 years ago. Then along came Evernote Web 3 (the current beta / test / sampler) which I assume IS the much-vaunted rewrite, now available at a web page near you and subject to a ton of extras still needing to be coded (or maybe just tested and QA'd). I don't know to what extent that new version is 'progressive', but I do know I'd far rather have a page that is responsive and feature-compliant with the other clients than have Evernote go back to first principles (again) and start working! Filing this one firmly under the 'nice to have' category! 😏
  21. For technical or commercial reasons? Evernote has (AFAIK) never explained a decision to remove a feature - presumably because they don't have to do so, and because having taken a commercial decision they're not likely to amend it because they receive less than 100 complaints from 225M users. Plus that decision is now nearly 2 years old...
  22. If the note is all text, that's just normal encryption. If the note is an attached file in a particular format (PDF, DOCX etc) then you may have password-protected the contents. Maybe?
  23. Hi. This is a (mainly) user-supported forum so we can't comment on Evernote's campaigns or pricing policies. With a Plus subscription you're best off raising a support ticket - have a look here for some background... https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/527-administrativebilling/
  24. This might help... https://www.guidingtech.com/transfer-notes-google-keep-evernote/
  25. I currently have 45,000 notes, mainly in one notebook and only differentiated by titles and tags. The system works for me - possibly because I'm now used to it - though I had similar reservations when I started several years ago. This being a (mainly) user-supported forum, Evernote haven't commented more than once on this - they're under no obligation to offer an explanation or to follow any requests for a different structure. Like any other software company they have a product. It's entirely up to an individual (or maybe a mentor) whether or not to use it.
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