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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. More on this - A quick update on the separate account idea: I wanted to use Filterize to manipulate notes in my Premium account and a notebook shared in to that account. Unfortunately Filterize isn't able to manipulate notes from a shared account. The guys there say I'd need two subscriptions to Filterize and duplicated 'recipes' to handle notes. The fudge factor just went off the scale, so I'm back to square one. Interesting idea to try another Windows profile - I'll give this a shot over the next few days. Real Life requires some attention though, so it may take a little while. Does occur to me that when installing software I usually take the 'this user only' option for security and kids access reasons, so a new profile might be a tad limiting... The download issue can be overcome by copying the Databases folder to an external drive and then installing Evernote, using the copied Databases folder in place of the original empty install version. Don't know whether that could be counter-productive - bringing some old account 'cooties' with it (new Evernote technical term 😏).
  2. Hmmn. Since I raised the question of a second account just let me update it here - my idea was to run it as a 'to-do' center to build up a library of work in process that I could archive back to the main account on completion of each task for longer term reference. Over time this would make the Basic account my 'action center' and the current Premium account my long-term storage. Using four Eisenhower-derived personal categories I'd tag each note NOW / Soon / sometime / whenever (you have to imagine a Gallic shrug on that last one) and share the notebook with my main account. I'd use Filterize in the main account to update a dashboard with items (forinstance) with a reminder date of today OR with a tag of NOW - and I could share my dashboard(s) back to the 2nd account so they could be accessed whichever one was in use. (There would be rather more categories, but that'll do for an illustration.) However. Now I get it to the state where I can share the notebook to my main account, I find that my carefully-tagged notes came across nicely, but not -apparently- access to those shared tags. (Yes I checked the share had edit permissions and have gone back to edit the notes a bit to sync changes...) Don't know whether this is Evernote's answer to complaints about seeing shared-in tags on individual accounts, or just a sync delay. Things, as I said, are ongoing. I'll continue trying options and if I can get this to work, I'll boast - er, post - about it in another thread... The moral here though is - running two accounts is not necessarily going to be a viable long term option. I'm currently conscious of breaking my own basic rule #1 - don't get distracted setting up work systems and forget actually doing the work! After my headache goes away I might try something more constructive. 🤕
  3. I assume it depends on which version of Android you currently run, but if I long-press tap my Evernoted PDF file, this is the screen that I see... Edit: Actually I need to tap the file to see the menu and choose View from the menu. No ling presses required. Xodo is always the first choice, which is why I see it as the 'default' - though if I didn't have quite so many competing PDF readers installed it would be an easy two taps to see the file content... Samsung Note 4 / Android 6.0.1 / Evernote 8.8.1 AFAIK though PDFs have never shown inline in a note.
  4. Hi again Don't think so - except in so far as Premium Windows users are likely to build up a greater number of notes / larger database size more quickly and (maybe) therefore run into this issue sooner and with more gusto. My Basic account foray (which is ongoing) was to compare the performance of a more-or-less 'empty' account, with a huge one. -It was a suggestion by the then Evernote tech staff to one of our earlier Guru members some while back that she should start a second account after her first got very large and started freezing. @EdH has also waxed lyrical about the deficiencies of Evernote's Windows database design. You'll notice that Mac users don't seem to have the same issues, and on a Mac the "database" is actually a folder of separate note files rather than one humongous repository. Again the sync on demand option is not about sync issues, but about database size. If my 20-odd GB database shrinks to 100MB or less, I'm assuming there's correspondingly less data to shuffle around on my hard drive, therefore less disk access. -And like @CalS I went for ages without any noticeable freezing issues - I was cautious about approaching 40,000 notes because that's where our old colleague had problems some years ago: but when I passed that I didn't immediately hit a wall. I'm now up to 45,164 notes though and things are getting more annoying... 😕
  5. Can we make this an optional feature though? Rather than a removal - there are bound to be a number of users who do actually like it...
  6. Hi. As mentioned above, if you step back from the current limited-feature web Beta to the previous UI (in Settings) you will be able to view encrypted files again. Can't comment on an intermittent Android issue - maybe try Twitter @EvernoteHelps ?
  7. Suddenly I feel very depressed 😏 I've had sudden shutdowns too - not often, but I'm very occasionally aware that Evernote isn't 'there' any more for no reason that I could fathom. That in itself is worth a Support ticket - it would be nice to stop that happening! Plus yes, after that happens I'll as often as not have to kill the running Evernote processes before I can start a new instance, and the first sign I get of a successful restart is the Fatal Error window. Complete and send that, and the app will come back without a problem. You're on your own with a BIOS downgrade - that's well outside my comfort zone; but if you do go ahead, please let us know how you went about it, and whether there's a good outcome! Final suggestions - I have flirted with a second Basic account (running alongside my main account on desktop) so I can create new notes more quickly and then copy (drag/ drop) the day's note activity into the Premium account whenever I take a break. That at least avoids freezes on new notes; and when working on a particular project I can move those notes from Premium to Basic (depending on the content) and then edit in some peace. Only drawback: remembering to copy the notes across and then delete the originals to avoid duplicates. Don't know whether it's been mentioned in this thread yet - is the good old "sync on demand" option. It is possible to set Evernote to 'purge' (that's the slightly ominous term they use) "rarely viewed content" - any notes that haven't been accessed for X days - from the local database. Notes are NOT removed from the server, and are still available on demand, but - like the mobile experience - the content has to be downloaded when you want to see the full note, so there will be a longer wait time. That's Tools > Options > Synchronization and tick 'show advanced options' to see the.. options. I tried this out when setting up a new laptop, and my huge 20+GB database shrank to a few MB. I want to keep regular local backups though, and if the database isn't stored on my device, there's nowhere to source the full content. The only way I found to get out of that situation quickly was to recreate my local database from the server, which took a couple of hours. I don't recall any freezes while using it though. PS @jefito, I gave up worrying about himem.sys with Windows 98! or do you have a secret hack for Windows 10? 😄 ... and I might have had about 10 tabs open - I get distracted easily.
  8. @Ralph77 - if you have Task Manager open, check the Processes tab and click on the Disk heading to sort activity from most to least. Watch what happens to Evernote when it hangs. In my experience now, I can add a new note, and then go to attach a file and find that Evernote just jumped to the top of the ranking with a much higher disk access score than anything else. Creating a test note got me an 8-second freeze whilst (presumably) Evernote updated the database and index(es); deleting it afterward got me another similar freeze with activity up to 12.7% - presumably as the system deleted the data I just created. I added some more Readtboost memory to my system recently with 30GB of USB3 stick, and that has helped. (My Dell already has the max onboard memory it can support at 8GB.) Currently still looking at an SSD, a custom-build desktop or a high(er)-end laptop for more resources!
  9. I've started to work on this feature - - and while the basics are easy(ish) to set up, I need to get my head around some hierarchies. My vision was to have a 'grandparent' note that would list parent notes for projects / to-dos / contacts etc, that would list their own child notes for individual tasks and actions. Working towards that means a lot of tagging, and/ or testing of reliable searches for specific keywords - something I wish I'd done before having 45k notes to work with! Still, my note 'entropy' is actually declining into a somewhat better order as a result. I think...
  10. Hi. We're (mostly) not Evernote - just other users with the same issue. Evernote don't generally respond to input here - it's a free forum for user-to-user discussion.
  11. Hi. Mainly I think because many of the features of Scannable were added to the main Evernote app, and someone, somewhere, decided it wasn't cost effective to convert the iOS code to Android to mirror what already existed. If you go to the top of this page there's a counter for users to register their support for the suggestion - that so far still stands at 0.
  12. Hi. Nothing that I'm aware of, and I have an Android tablet that can't edit tables either. AFAIK it's a desktop-only option - Mac/ Windows/ Web
  13. It occurred to me a couple of weeks ago, that Evernote companion app Filterize nicely fills this gap in Evernote's architecture - it's possible to create multiple self-updating Tables of Contents for a client, a customer, a product or any general class of note that you may have. Put general notes in one notebook, and a set of ToC notes in another, and you can browse through your ToC "drawer" to find all your current clients listed in one note - even if you added one 5 minutes ago. Click on that client's link in the ToC to see a note listing your entire contact history and all the current projects you have in hand and quoted for. It's a set of virtual folders as individual ToC notes. Filterize also answers any problems with saved searches and favorites - your ToC notes are searches that are running constantly; so 'next tasks' and open to-do items are also ToC notes. Still getting around to setting this up for myself, but it should work...
  14. Hmmn. This is a (mainly) user supported website, so AFAIK we don't have any technical information to share. Evernote is more likely to respond to a support request through the usual channels by a subscriber, or via Twitter from Basic users. There's some basic information here -
  15. Hi. I said here before that fixing a technical issue is 95% about finding it, and 5% or less about fixing. But until you have enough information to find it, it's impossible to suggest when it might be fixed. Best suggestion for all parties - raise a support ticket, or tweet @EvernoteHelps; whatever you contribute, you'll be adding more technical information to the general pool of knowledge and helping resolve the problem.
  16. Hi. If you are adding a 'scan' with the document camera on manual, tap the thumbnail image immediately after taking the shot(s) to get a choice of saving the image(s) as photo / document / color document / post-it / business card. The icon at the top right of the screen selects between 'auto' when the camera detects the boundaries and 'manual' when you have more control over framing. In both cases you have the same choices if you tap the thumbnail. Where image boundaries are being detected badly, the best option (IMHO) is to choose a manual shot and save as a picture, when you can edit it later in the note to correct the boundaries. If you save as a document, you can "annotate" the document within the note to crop it. In both cases it's a straight-lines crop - squares or rectangles only, no distortion corrective angles. Adobe Scan and MS Office Lens do autocorrect for distortions and both seem (again, MHO) to have better border and format recognition. YMMV.
  17. These forums are for feature requests - Evernote isn't obliged to deliver on any of them, and may well have other work planned (or other, better supported requests) which have to be completed before a given request is considered. This particular suggestion has 11 votes - some current requests have over 100. And the CEO has just gone public with a statement that existing bugs and inconsistencies are being prioritised over new features - which may mean development being shelved for a year. Although, this feature already exists on mobile devices so maybe they'll bring desktops in line...
  18. Hi. I don't move tables between devices, so I'm not aware of what Evernote does to the formatting. Would it be practical to attach the table to your note as a separate file? You'd be able to open it in Word or Excel directly on other devices (with those apps installed there) and re-save it to the note.
  19. Hi. I assume 'create a space' is specific to Business or Macs - I've never seen it. We're a -mainly- user supported forum so no access to Support, but you should be able to submit a ticket without logging in - there's a 'guest' option; also a Twitter account is available. I'll flag this post to see whether an Admin can help... Edit: sorry - slow on the uptake here "Spaces" are a Business feature. (Doh!)
  20. There's also an on-screen keyboard in Win 10, with its own emoji key.
  21. Hi. Try a 2-column table, with the image in one column and your comments in the other. The image side can be made as small as necessary. The thumbnail will still work and the notes will not be overwhelmed by a large image. It's also possible to select an image and change its size with the 'handle' in the bottom right corner. If you have a complicated setup with tables, you could consider creating a 'template' note with that layout to copy and use as necessary.
  22. Hi. Have you tried the simple stuff like signing out of Evernote and back in? If that fails, go to the Shared With Me listing and right-click, delete.
  23. Hi. I'd guess that's an impossible question for Evernote to answer given that it seems to affect different hardware, operating systems and browsers. This is not happening for me. If everyone suffering from it submits a support request by whatever channel is available the company can 1) collect useful data on where and how this happens and 2) get some idea of how many users are affected. Subscribers please start here, and Basic users here
  24. Hi. As was already posted, some web pages are fussy about what they allow on their page - I can imagine a Bank would be unhappy about a third-party application like Evernote leaning in to steal a customer's information. I always save the PDF files my statements come in to my system, and then attach them to my notes. Clipper isn't always effective on web pages - just most of the time.
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