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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. AFAIK you're completely correct. Changing the note will not change any link (or links) and changing one link will not change either the note or any other links. Deal with it. This is the way that Evernote is (currently) configured. At some future stage we may see more functionality, but that is not available now. If you absolutely need the feature, then you need to search for another option. Or you could use Filterize.
  2. Hi. The previous post is now more than a year old, and at least two of us have been using Filterize for at least that long without any obvious issues... from their web pages... "We store and process only necessary data like your notebook and tag names, but not the content of your notes. All data that is transmitted between you, Evernote and our server uses military grade SSL/TLS encryption. Data that we have to store is encrypted with AES-256." If that doesn't seem sufficient security, you have the option not to use the service.
  3. Hi. I apologise in advance, but while I do journal, it's more to have a separate overview and reminder of how my day has gone rather than any kind of therapeutic interaction. I'm not looking to increase the number of incoming of emails or share inner thoughts with friends. I'll give the app a spin, but my immediate feeling is that I'll be dropping out fairly quickly. Having said which I am impressed that this is the best designed, most intuitive introduction to a new application that I've seen. 100 out of 10 for logic, design and coding. I do feel like I just had a brief rest from the aggravations of my day - which included a very slow 2-hour road trip to get to my current location. Maybe I will stick with this a little longer just to see how things play out... Only caveat - it's web based, so not easily accessible on my mobile, where I'd think I'm most like to use it. I hope you have Android and iOS apps in mind for the future. And yes, because my life is also in Evernote, if I do use this app for a long time, I'd want my output to be available in Evernote.
  4. Hi. As a subscriber, you may be able to get some useful comment from Evernote direct via Support. We're a (mainly) user-supported forum, so no inside knowledge here; and Evernote don't (usually) discuss future plans or release date, but they may be able to comment on how well (or otherwise) the app works with ARM processors. Even if that's not good, you will have the option of using the web-based application via sign-in at Evernote.com, but the web versions are -currently- all (IMHO) substantially less useable than the downloaded app. If anyone else here is using Evernote on a Surface they'll maybe be able to comment in more detail...
  5. Hi - out of around 250M users, I'd guess the vast bulk are not business, and range from students studying at all levels of school, to the elderly trying not to forget where they left their keys (not being disrespectful, I'm in that group too...). I doubt anyone outside Evernote knows the total number of active users, or has any accurate idea of the range of profiles - you'll probably get some idea here in the forums if you can put together a short questionnaire that anyone can complete, and copy it to the Facebook group plus any other social media forums you can find...
  6. My takeaways from that posted article - "As part of a dark web drug case the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) obtained a search warrant compelling cloud-based note taking app Evernote to provide a user's data, according to court records." - AFAIK every web app's T&C's include a caveat that they'll hold user data completely secure except (some legalese to the effect of) "when compelled to do so by law". Good luck with Joplin. To get a warrant the DEA would have to have had enough evidence about this individual to convince a judge that it was legally correct for the authorities to raid his account. So - no mistakes by Evernote, no volunteering of account information... I'm utterly shocked. That a user would so blatantly disregard Evernote's terms and conditions, which (IIRC) specifically forbid use in connection with illegal activity...
  7. Doh. Android forums. That's about mobiles... I'll check where I am next time!
  8. Occasionally... and thanks for the implied and very shared compliment
  9. Hi. If a description of my current setup (above) didn't put you off, I'd say the easy thing to do is to create a new note with a table to hold your content. If you think you might have more than one level of dashboard, it may be worth setting up a new notebook for 'dashboard notes' so you keep them together. Create a general note on one specific topic - say 'daily tasks' and list your tasks so you don't have to remember them. Get and copy the link to this note. Then in your top level note, create an entry that says 'Dailies' and add the link from your 'daily tasks' note. Repeat the process for health / car / house - whatever other subjects you want to see listings for. Change the created year of your top level note to something like 2999 so it's always at the top of a created-date-sorted list. Add a shortcut to this note from your computer and 'phone desktops. To add images, you copy and paste into a table cell. I'm not sure whether anyone has added 'dynamic' images in terms of ones that change daily - but they'll comment here if that's possible... Have a look at Filterize - https://filterize.net/ - if you can get your head around it, the app 'could' dynamically change notes for you, but you'd have to create the linkages for yourself... Hope that helps. Keep asking questions if you want - I'd suggest starting a new topic of your own in the Forums so as not to hijack this competition too much!
  10. Wow - some impressive work shown here so far! I'm also not eligible for the contest as such, using Evernote on mobile and desktop (Android/ Windows) My minimalist dashboard is mainly driven by Evernote + Filterize. It’s not clever, it’s not glossy, but it does the job. The ‘buttons’ (like the arrowed 04_soon) are hyperlinked images in a small table which has cells the same colour as the button. The link goes to another Table of Contents note generated by Filterize from a search: 'what reminders are due in the 7 days from tomorrow?' I actually made the table twice. Once with real links in cells, which I then screen grabbed and chopped apart (in an image editor app) to put a picture of a cell inside an actual cell which was given the same link. My excuse? - It does give me a larger target for tapping on a mobile device screen, and it did seem like a good idea at the time. This table is small enough that it appears in full on my phone screen. I have a link to the note from my home screen. It’s all I need to navigate around my 50,000(-ish) note account quickly. The “01_” style numbering was so I could quickly allocate the tags which generate the sub-dashboards these links call up. “Lists” is a catchall addition - I can have a dashboard listing more dashboards of the last notes saved in some of my focus notebooks. There are entries for ‘Evernote’ forinstance for issues and tips, and ‘photography’ because I take pictures and clip locations and ‘how to’ pages to try out. The emergency contact entry is so someone can get into my phone in the (hopefully unlikely) event that I get hit by a bus - and so I can get hold of my dentist when I need to. It’s all driven by either note tags or reminder dates, triggering listings on dashboards created by Filterize. So these links actually go to 'dashboards' - Table of Contents notes - which in some cases are listings of other dashboards of further subsets of notes... Look: it works for me, OK? 😎
  11. Hi. Good question. Is that a PDF file you're viewing? If you hover over the window, do you see these images in the bottom right?
  12. Hi. No personal experience, but does any of this help? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115012563688-How-to-use-Siri-with-Evernote
  13. Hi Alan. I'm also running one laptop on Mint but I've made do so far with the browser version of Evernote - my main need is to view, clip and make notes rather than do any serious level of database maintenance. Evernote Web had done reasonably well for me so far - though I tend not to use the beta version; it's still missing too many options. There are threads in the Forums about running Evernote on Linux via Wine, but my 'backup' laptop is seriously underpowered and I'm doubtful about its speed in that setup.
  14. Hi. AFAIK you do need to keep the browser tab open on the page you're clipping until Evernote pops up with a confirmation that the clip is done, but there's nothing (again AFAIK) that stops you switching tabs or opening a new one to look elsewhere while you wait... Most of my clips seem to complete fairly expeditiously anyways so I don't recall any need to find something to do in the interim...
  15. I've changed web version so many times I'm dizzy now. Hadn't noticed that tweak though; useful to know! Thanks.
  16. Hi. How exactly are you saving an article as a new note if this is a web page and you're not using clipper? And whether or not you are using clipper, 'remarks' can be added pretty easily to any note by creating a new and separate note with the same title or tags - one or more of which can be merged with the original if necessary to allow further editing.
  17. Hi. I didn't even know we could see version numbers for the web app... where do you see that? I also don't understand how you 'generated two users' - one account = one user, unless you're an Admin on a Business account??
  18. Try Evernote > Settings > Notifications and UNtick "collect notifications"
  19. Hi. I strongly doubt your notes have been deleted, though clearly they're no longer displayed on your current setup. Try restarting your device and browser. If that fails, do you have access to another device on which you could check the account?
  20. I have a <whenever> tag that has an implied ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  21. This thread, and my comments, deal with issues to do with paragraph style. It's not (AFAIK) about clipping issues, which is a whole other subject to do with the zillion new and different technologies used to make web pages. Evernote isn't getting worse: copying page content is getting harder. The team is actually fighting an increasingly difficult battle to copy the content of a page into a note - which in itself uses different processes to show the page that will make it visible on (almost) any device. I use both Evernote's features and -occasionally- external browser based apps to copy web content. If there's a PDF involved, Evernote already clip that directly into the database. If not, then services like Nimbus Capture can save a page as an image which Adobe (amongst others) can convert to PDF. As to "acceptable time to wait" - that's your decision; if you can find a way to work with Evernote, then you can be flexible. If your workflow stops dead at this point, then it may be time to look around...
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