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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Have you asked your question in Stack Overflow? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/evernote
  2. Hmmn. The developer of this app gave me a return-of-mail response when I queried what I'm doing wrong - but sadly he doesn't seem to think that even when I get it working it will do what I want it to... He wasn't familiar with Evernote at all however and was relating my query to a database stored on my desktop (I think...). I'm still going to play with this when I get time, but despite the year end, 2019 is still getting in my way a lot! I may have to beat it to death a little before I do any more experiments. If anyone else has a go meantime, please comment!
  3. Hi. ??? To attach a photo to an existing note, tap the paperclip (if there's no camera icon visible) to choose between attaching an existing picture or using the camera. If you see a camera icon that will open the camera directly to take a picture. To create a new picture note, tap the '+' to create a new note. If you have an option to create a 'camera' note, that takes a picture. If you don't have that option, long-press the '+' for an option to customize the choices, or check in settings.
  4. AFAIK this already exists - right click 'customize toolbar' and look for Back and Forward buttons.
  5. Hi. As has already been said: the short answer to your question is no. It is not possible to share an 'empty' Evernote account which contains only notebooks, templates for notes and maybe example tags and saved searches. It would be possible to > export current notebooks to separate ENEX files, each containing a template note with additional information. Those individual exports could be zipped into a single file which could be used by someone else to create a new account containing those notebooks. The structure of the new account would have to be created manually. > create a duplicate shared free account containing example notes in the recommended structure. Someone invited to the share could then see the original, copy notes across into their own account, and mirror the structure. > write a 'how to' description and publish that as a blog. - Obviously all of these are compromises and require a fair amount of work by the other party.
  6. I subscribe to help keep the company going. They appear to have an annual income of over £150M and substantial investment backing so I don't expect any unwelcome surprises. It's more likely (but not very) that someone will launch a killer product that will make me drop Evernote before they drop me - and in either event I will have all my data and, as @DTLow an exit plan to continue operations on a fairly even keel. I don't worry about what can't be predicted - too busy sorting out the present.
  7. Since I get the same warning from other online services, I assume it's 'good practice' from some web authority or other. It's been 4 years since this was introduced, so it doesn't seem likely that there is going to be a rethink any time soon...
  8. Not sure what would happen to the notes that did not require two tags. I use a separate filter for notes that need 'special' attention, and yes, that table has three columns for tag1, tag2, and the condition. I don't know what Filterize does if there's no variable to use... They're pretty responsive to emails - you could try their support for a definitive comment.
  9. ...and to answer your query - I think you have to set up two actions. "Add custom tag 'work' AND Add custom tag 'archive' if note is in notebook..."
  10. Something else that caught me out when Filterizing was the fact that only newly changed notes are checked on sync. Pre-existing notes just stay dormant. Pascal says this is by design, and I can understand that - if you process a note once by filter, you don't want the same action carried out again and again - at the very least it's a waste of bandwidth, and might annoy Evernote if their API gets tasked too many times in 24hrs. (Both of those are my guesses rather than Filterize statements!!) Filterize suggest that we can 'trick' the system by adding a tag to a notebook, or to a set of notes. The notes will be synced to add that tag to the server - and incidentally Filterize will run the same series of notes through their process. Once that's been done you can search for your temporary tag and remove it from all notes.
  11. Nice 'how to'! Thanks for that - there was a bit of a recent exchange on Facebook in the Filterize Community where I replied to a post about 'para' with my version of the above. (It was much shorter, with fewer pics!) See https://www.facebook.com/groups/filterize/ if you want the full original post from Paul Chow. Seems there's a bit of a hiccup when first setting up the filter, hence the time delay when first creating it. I really like the feature though - quite apart from allowing me to be really lazy (one of my main aims in life) it means I can add and change condition and action parameters really quickly if I add new variables to a filter @Pascal Held from Filterize (hope that's the right link...) Added this to the posts a day or so ago... If you create a new parameterization note. This note will be index when the filter is loaded the first time during processing. We will fix this soon. Until then a workaround would be to create a new filter with the parameterization note but with no actions. The filter must be enabled. Then change and sync any note and the filter is loaded so the parameterization note gets indexed. Now you can setup the filter as you want. * Just to add a little confusion, like the picture, 'Gazumped' is not actually my RW identity - look for posts by some bloke called 'Stuart Cliffe' on Facebook... 🤓
  12. I use a free text app (Phrase Express) to insert "20200103 1756" with one keypress. Other date formats (and text apps) are available.
  13. Isn't this thread solved? I can drag and drop into a web note, and download image easily from a web note... (it depends on which version of the web app you're using, of course...) - but what exactly is missing now?
  14. I'm reporting this post to Evernote myself to make sure they're OK with me sharing the information, and I'll tell you up front that I haven't made this work yet; but I figure that if anyone is interested (and the post is still here in a couple of days) a problem shared is a problem that may get sorted quicker. First, the good news. It seems that it may be possible to increase the amount of internal storage available to unrooted Androids running 6.0+. It's NOT working for me yet, but here's the deal - I saw a reference in a Linux group to a snazzy app called SSHelper being able to access SD cards like internal memory. It depends on your Android version and the device manufacturer, and requires some mid-to higher-level tech skills - possibly ones better than mine, because I didn't achieve this yet! 😕 WARNING If you're not very sure what you are doing with this - beware: the author makes the point very strongly that mistakes can result in your device becoming bricked: an unresponsive doorstop useful only in windy weather. If you decide to read on, it is at your Own Risk. (-And there's a LOT here!!) The alleged method requires SSHelper to be installed and active on your device, which should also be in Developer Mode and USB-linked to a (Windows or Linux) computer with some "Android Debug Bridge" software installed. I also installed WinSCP and ADB software on my Windows laptop. All these apps are free, and the main author and developer here has a solid record of mainstream software development, so mistakes apart this appears to be a useful hack. As a useful side-effect I now have full wifi access to the SD card, which is nice.. Now: the catch(es) SSHelper's original page waxes lyrical about Google / Samsung's attitude to internal vs external storage, but describes a method whereby converting an SD card wholly or partially (not recommended) to dedicated internal storage, the device can be tricked persuaded to 'see' the SD card as valid storage, and winds up with - " Check the amount of available storage space on your device — it should be larger by the size of the private allocation you just made." BUT the update page includes the comment "An unsolved but serious problem in the Android ecosystem is access to external storage, which at the time of writing is somewhere between difficult and impossible (this topic is fully addressed in the main documentation section above). To me this is the single most glaring deficiency in the present Android environment." - which to me sounds like all this is not going to work... The author's instructions are not exactly detailed - he says "Open a terminal session in the directory containing the ADB executable (named "adb.exe" on Windows and "adb" on Linux)." without specifying what terminal to use. I tried starting ADB directly - no. Used WinSCP and tried to get to the ADB folder on my hard drive... nope. Then I started web searching and found https://android.gadgethacks.com/how-to/make-adb-fastboot-work-any-folder-windows-0177198/ which seems not to use a terminal session at all... At which point I decided I'd been distracted too long by shiny new toys and need to do some work. So I documented (and Evernoted) all of this to act as a reminder and reference for my holiday-soaked brain for later when I can spare more time* - and also a potential post in the Forums for all you happy and much smarter folks who might, out of the kindness of your hearts, tell me how to make this darn thing work!!! * the flashback image of a screen door blowing back and forth banging against a small inert bricked tablet has also been in my mind... Thanks (and congratulations) if you made it this far - if anyone gets this to work, please post an "idiot's guide" level instruction sheet for all us humble mortals out here! I am definitely not worthy... 😌 For: SSHelper and WinSCP (Windows & Linux) installation - see https://arachnoid.com/android/SSHelper/ - be sure to read this section: https://arachnoid.com/android/SSHelper/#x_new_version_update and check the heading "External Storage Access" on the main page Device Developer Mode - see your device user guide or do a web search ADB software - beware: the link on SSHelper's page goes to v23 of the software. It's now up to v29 which is available here (I advised SSHelper) - https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-windows.zip
  15. Hmmn. When you try to send, exactly what links are you tapping? Is it a question of tap the picture, choose share to email? That still works for me. Or are you sending the whole note? - which also seems to work. I'm on Android 6.0, which might be the difference...
  16. Ah. Sorry about that. Thought I was being creative.. back to the drawing board... 😊
  17. May not be relevant, but I do have a Kindle and I believe I've exported my highlights and notes from a Kindle (& the Kindle software on an Android) - it is (I think) possible using inbuilt Kindle options, to then save or otherwise output those notes to third party software. I was using the feature to edit someone else's book, so used the notes via email to advise the author what typos needed fixing. Haven't done it for a couple of years, so I'd have to research exactly how I got those comments out of a Kindle and into email - but if it worked for mail, there's no reason why it shouldn't work for Evernote. I'll leave the details as an exercise for others at the moment - still trying to beat the old year to death and start on the new - but if I find my 'how to' description or have time to open a book in the next couple of weeks I'll post more on that.... If anyone else gets creative in the meantime, please post your solution here!
  18. My Settings (in Android 6) include an option to enable or disable 'multi-window view', though if you're already able to see other apps that way that's not exactly relevant here...
  19. I had this running on two laptops a while ago - one full copy and one limited copy. Since my full database was over 20GB at the time it seemed like a good idea. The ODS version ran at a few megs rather than gigs and I played with the purge period until it ran pretty well... Then converted that laptop to Linux for other reasons...
  20. Although... if you created a Table of Contents for each of your notebooks and opened those Tables of Content in separate windows... How to create a table of contents with links to other notes
  21. Hi. As with all unexpected behaviour, I'd suggest you change your password for Evernote to make sure that only you can log into the account, and that you then revoke access to that iPhone, sync your notes and sign out of and then back into your account with the new password. If you notice the connection come back again, post back here and we'll help you raise a support ticket as a potential security issue.
  22. Hi. There's a basic problem that Evernote doesn't store anything locally on an Android (except for search indexes) - each note you look at usually has to be downloaded from the server and any edits have to be kept in temporary storage and uploaded ('synced') from time to time. Doing that is hard enough for one note thread - getting the bandwidth to download, edit and save multiple changes would probably destroy performance. When there's more demand for Evernote to be active alongside other apps, they might consider building in the display technology that will allow shared screens (if it doesn't already exist) but so far I get by with being able to 'share'/clip content to my notebooks with Evernote available if I need it as a 'recently used app' on my Samsung. Haven't tried split screen in the new Beta, but I'd doubt it's available. Anyone else had a different experience?
  23. Hi. I think you're in the wrong thread, and you need to give more information so we know exactly what you're trying to do and what OS and device(s) are involved. But short answer: Instagram tend to be... territorial about their images. You might want to try screenshots rather than clips?
  24. The Android app can auto-crop. Tap the image thumbnail just after you scanned it, and you should see a 'save as' option. Choose 'document' and the app will crop down to what it thinks are the edges. Other options are available...
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