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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi again - the Evernote for Android App offers the flexibility of different stacks, notebooks and tags. You can have only one notebook, but the initial display defaults to 'All Notes' which is a list of titles, not a single note. It is possible to have a widget on your home page to save a new note quickly, or you could save a shortcut to one or more particular notes to open and edit it/ them.
  2. It might be easy technically, but for users who don't use or need your workflow Evernote would have to build in options and choices. Getting all that together and designing it to work in various OS's, screen sizes and devices is still a major operation with a considerable cost factor. Your concern that ...is mainly relevant to workflows where research and information gathering is the main activity. I do some of that, but when I use the Android app, the note popping up afterwards (which I've established it does for me too!) is such a minor thing that if I don't need to add/ edit a title, add tags or otherwise curate it, a quick tap gets me back to the browser (or other) window almost instantly. The interruption is so minor I hadn't been aware that it happens until your post. I'd want to to continue. When I do more in depth research I've used Pocket as a triage area for clips - I follow up links. references and random thoughts and dump all of it in Pocket. At this stage I'm reading only for hints as to 'might this be useful?' 'Are there other places I should look?'. I'll then use Pocket as my reading area, deleting anything that's irrelevant, duplicated or unhelpful and save everything else to Evernote. If you want to propose that an option to suppress the display of notes after clipping is made available, we could move this thread to a user-votable forum if you prefer... there is some justification in that the option already exists in other operating systems.
  3. Then I'm afraid it looks like you have encountered the main 'feature' of working with betas... some services aren't yet fully developed. If you need the beta for its positives, you also have to accept that in the short term there will be also negatives. It's usually a fine balance. As a subscriber you should be able to report these to Support direct. Is the desktop installed version an option for you?
  4. Hi. Just tested in Vivaldi, Win 10 and the 'middle' Web version - ie not classic or the new beta. Didn't find a problem. Are using the current Web Beta?
  5. My point previously was that Evernote for Android is already capable of most of Scannables features. Six votes here (in a couple of years) seems to mean most Evernote users are happy with that situation. If Scannable is so much better, which of its features are you missing in Evernote for Android. The Evernote app already captures documents to PDF.
  6. Hi. What OS, what device, installed or web?? As a general thing, 'special' characters in notebook names are not a problem - I use "|" a lot rather than "_", but none of my notebooks ever had an issue. It's not expected at all for notebooks to spontaneously self-delete. Good at least that you still have your notes in Trash.
  7. Hi. No, but new accounts don't get access to sharing immediately - there's at least 24 hours delay; that's to avoid one user spamming others. Try again and it should work... check spam folders for invitation emails.
  8. I'm an old Marketing Manager so I'm familiar with the concepts. You still won't get any useful information by asking open ended questions...
  9. You are a steely-eyed techy person. Glad you found your data. 😊
  10. Sorry - we sidetracked ourselves from your query. Basic users get full access to most features - subscribing doesn't unlock more than higher limits and additional levels of OCR. One web app however is a beta version without full functionality - if you check in Settings you may be able to step 'back' to previous versions which could help. I've not had any complaints that notebooks I've shared have been unsearchable, but I tend to set them up for 'easy' navigation using Tables of Content*. You might also be able to do the same with searches saved as shortcuts. * https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005667
  11. Hi. This has been raised before; not sure if there is a conclusion. See https://www.slipstick.com/problems/outlook-is-sending-winmail-dat-attachments/ for some history on this. It will probably be of no help at all to you that I send emails to Evernote using Evernote's Outlook Clipper, and a snazzy little function* in Outlook 2013 called "Quick Steps" that gives me a one-click way to forward emails with (within limits) specific additions to email subject lines like @<notebook> and #<tag>. Attachments come along fine. I'm actually using Gmail, IMAPped through Outlook, and some automatic forwards go direct under Gmail account rules - that's less fancy; just the bare email to my default notebook, sorted later. There's also an Evernote Browser Gmail Clipper which I use from time to time. You might want to check to see what similar functions Hotmail has. * Quick Steps got renamed and possibly replaced in later Outlook versions...
  12. We already had this discussion - please don't post similar queries in different forum threads - As I already suggested if you have some specific questions, you might get some usable responses. We're all users here (Evernote Forum's staffers are unlikely to volunteer any information) and you'll get a range of opinions, but no real usable information. If you post a questionnaire, some of us may be willing to complete it. Information like age / occupation / business or personal use would presumably be helpful...
  13. Hi. And hmmn. Not a multi-screen expert, but I also have a Dell (Inspiron) running two external screens: HDMI and USB (via an AOC driver). My screen grabs work OK when I use them - I'm getting a 'cross hair' that I can use to outline any part of any of my screens. We're a (mainly) user-supported forum here and as a subscriber you should be able to raise this with Evernote - they may have some suggestions as to settings. Do your screens all have the same resolution? How are you initiating the screen grab? Via the hotkeys? No idea if any of that is relevant, but it might help spark some suggestions this end...
  14. Ouch - it's useful to know that sort of two-way linking has a downside, but sorry that you had to lose a lot of history to find out - I don't know whether an old system backup would have useful data from Outlook or your Evernote database, but per @DTLow I doubt Evernote will be able to help. Couldn't hurt to contact Support though - maybe they can suggest something.
  15. You a response in another thread, which seems to answer your concern -
  16. Two things - 1 - I had a crash (apparently) - started my system earlier and got a Fatal Error window instead of Evernote. AFAIK I think I shut down Evernote normally last night, and it didn't even flicker before I saw the FE window so I don't know exactly when or how it happened. Report sent earlier anyway, so we'll see what happens. 2 - There's an oddity when adding a link by drag and drop. I dragged one recent link into my note quite happily, then found I could not drag a second: so I used the paperclip, which worked fine. Why can't I drag and drop twice? (The first link was a shortcut to a label editor, the second was a short label editor LBX file)
  17. I may have... overreacted, but the point is still: if you can live with this - which you obviously are and have - then fine. Vote for this request, and Evernote will add it to a long list. If you can't abide the situation any longer, then the highway beckons. So far this feature has exactly one vote, so I don't think it will happen anytime soon, unless it's rolled into other updates that are ongoing. Evernote won't (usually) comment on whether they're working on something, or when it might be released, so it's a question of voting and waiting.
  18. And it depends on your platform, but remember that editing the link is frequently possible. As long as the target URL remains unchanged, you can alter the visible text to say anything...
  19. Hmmn. Thaks for that - I was thinking of using the comments to list my daily activities in detail, but it looks like sharing more than my feelings is a pretty bad idea... I do see that there are mobile apps - or at least there is an iOS option... if you subscribe.
  20. There's a whole raft of considerations Evernote might have there... You'll gather from other threads in the Forums here that a number of users have very passionate views about their own particular favourite feature - and there are dozens of them, from copy/ pasting text styles to better editing options, multiple reminders, compatibility with new image formats, calendars... So if your special request is listed along with thousands of others for late 2028, you'll be understandably upset; or maybe Evernote (sensibly) elect not to post anything more than a rolling year's projected launches - so the other 900 requests that haven't been listed then get very upset - "why aren't you even thinking about my request!!" Either way - lots more posts and emails and arguments about relative merits and priorities, none of which is actually getting any coding done toward any of it. And now Evernote does have some up and coming competitors (though they're not that great yet...) it would be a commercially sensitive gift to disclose their future development plans. The competition can start working on their own feature development with confidence - and maybe throw in a few unlisted bells and whistles so their options continue 'better' than Evernote for the next few years. ...And I may have mentioned before than Evernote products work with various OS's and browsers in all their mysterious forms - all of which have developers of their own, dedicated to moving Evernote's goalposts around on their own schedule. What are the chances that some random development in 2020 means a major rewrite which delays things until 2021... To paraphrase a well-used quote, "Hell hath no fury like a customer scorned" - cue a flood of "you promised!!" hate mail... There's more, but you get the picture: if Evernote say anything, it's a hostage to misfortune. Better to say nothing and just get on with it.
  21. ?? How many companies do you deal with where the CEO shares their future plans with anyone? I'd imagine that the otherwise (fairly) nice CEO of SpaceX would be a little terse if one of his customers had a similar request... Use Evernote if it fits your need. Find something else if you can't work with what you have. Things won't change in the short to medium term, and as customers we don't get to be involved with planning or execution...
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