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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. OK - if you're adding new notes and the default font isn't being used, it may not be compatible with Evernote. Evernote for Android doesn't have any font options within the app itself - what you see is presumably set by the options available on the device.
  2. Hi. No image editing options at all I'm afraid. If your various images come as digital files you could attach them to a note (subject to a fairly generous note size limitation) within a table. The images are constrained in size by the table layout - you basically see thumbnails. Double clicking any image starts a Gallery session which will step through all the images at full screen size. Evernote however is not (AFAIK) HIPAA compliant, which may be a factor... You too. Much respect.
  3. Hi. It's not possible to attach a multi-page file to an Evernote note and have it show up as single pages which you can then annotate and draw on. The Powerpoint app allows you to do something like that with slides, but Evernote does not. PDF files will appear as a scrollable window or an icon. You could (I guess) export the individual pages of either PPT or PDF files (using their individual editor software) as images and save them to a note (within a table to control the size and layout) with additional commentary - the individual images could also be annotated or drawn on as necessary. The source files could also be attached to the note and edited if further changes are required.
  4. Hi. What device / OS / Evernote client are we talking about here?
  5. Hi. You found it! That's the way I use to add an email to Evernote so that if necessary I can doubleclick the icon and reopen the email in Outlook to forward or respond. I drag and drop to the desktop and from there into a note: effectively one extra keystroke. When I just need the content of an email I will often just forward it directly to my Evernote account. With some mail clients it's possible to choose the notebook / apply tags / set reminders that way too. If that's not available I set up a generic rule and use third-party app Filterize to check new notes and reroute / tag them as appropriate. How to save email into Evernote https://filterize.net/
  6. Hi. Just for reading purposes, I use Ctrl plus + or - to zoom in/ out. It's not otherwise possible to change the margins applied by Clipper.
  7. Hi. When you do a generic search for 'bronchi' (for example) you'll get a list of notes containing that word. Select one note from that list and you're then editing, rather than searching, so your highlights go away. Search within notes will jump you to recurrences of a keyword, but handwriting within PDF files is not OCR'd by the system. You won't find any instances of handwritten text unless you add the documents as JPG or PNG images. Text recognition within images however is a whole other issue and can generate a lot of false positives when 'Heart' (again for example) also gets assigned to Hat and Heat as possible options.
  8. Hi. There are several threads around with variations on this in different operating systems. Generic advice would be to create a new note and copy the old content into it. Delete the original.
  9. Hi. Issues in Beta applications are kinda how life works. Have you tried changing back to the 'other' web client via Settings?
  10. Hi. If you're talking about changing the default font for note content, that's not going to affect existing notes. The default font applies to newly created notes only. Existing notes need to be edited individually if they are to be changed.
  11. Hi. You're talking to a -mainly- user-supported forum, so we can't provide any information on Evernote's future plans - and In the 10 or so years I've used the app the company has never, to my knowledge, promised "we'll be launching that next week" or offered any similar information on delivery dates for new features. The thing with Evernote, as with any software, is that it's a tool. Use it if it does what you need, find an alternative if not. They seem to be working on a fairly major rewrite of the entire package - not just bolting on one extension or another. When it's ready, they'll release - and I'd be very happy for them to be really really sure that any new version is as bug free and efficient as possible before that is done. I understand that its very frustrating that RTL is not yet available - but there are hundreds of other user-requested upgrades outstanding and Evernote will (I hope) be addressing a lot of those too...
  12. I used the 'saved enex' route for templates before Evernote came up with the in-app version. Still do to an extent - it can be quicker to set up an import on my laptop than to create a new note and find the right template from a thumbnail. And there's no limit - apart from sanity - on how many possible combinations you can have. There's a folder on my hard drive with suitable note layouts like 'blog' 'budget' 'listing' 'review'. The imported notes do wind up in the default notebook, but I tend to work in All Notes anyway so I just drag them into the right notebook for that action.
  13. Hi. It's possible to get the title information out of Evernote as a spreadsheet, and 'mail merge' individual note titles into labels using a word-processor. Open Evernote desktop and search for the notes for which you wish to create titles. If those notes are all in one notebook, select that notebook. Click in the all notes / search results window to highlight one note, then Ctrl+A to Select All Copy and paste the list into a spreadsheet Mail merge from there By clicking on the title bar in the results window you can control which columns of information are shown or hidden; or the full display can be pasted into a spreadsheet and any irrelevant columns deleted. (I have a Brother QL-570 label printer which can work directly from a spreadsheet 'database' to produce batch labels.)
  14. Hi. If a device you're looking at runs a recent version of iOS, Android, Windows or MacOS, and can install additional apps from the appropriate store, you should be able to download and run an Evernote version. Given the number of devices in circulation that are compatible with those operating systems, Evernote is certainly not in a position to recommend a specific individual purchase - you'd be better off asking the vendor of a device whether it will run an Evernote app.
  15. Increasingly weird. I ran your search and got this: I think your issue is with the internet, not the page - maybe clear your browser cache and try again?
  16. Hi. Evernote via Evernote.com is never blocked for device count issues. If your installed app is blocked, try via a browser, or just sign out of another device if you haven't already done that up to the limit of allowed times to do so. If you are seeing a browser block, please post a screenshot.
  17. Hmmn. Everything seems to be normal with me. Restart browser / restart system maybe?
  18. The editor is famously limited in its layout and style options, but it will capture basic text with some minor flourishes. MS Notepad is even more limited in being plain text only, but it's still presented as 'Notepad'... depends on your opinion as to the minimum styling required I guess. The next version 'should' be better...
  19. Hi. I'd suggest you look into screen shots if the layout is important, or maybe copying the YouTube content into a word processor and then copy/ pasting the WP text into Evernote with any necessary editing along the way. The lack of line breaks in this specific case isn't enough justification (IMHO) for Evernote to issue a 'special' fix, or to rush through the general upgrade (which has to apply to all Evernote versions on all OS's).
  20. Hmmn. That's definitely a puzzle. Email support is strictly a subscriber option I'm afraid, although there's a Facebook group and a Twitter option @EvernoteHelps. Maybe someone else here will have a better suggestion... maybe.
  21. Hi Robert. This is a public user forum, so first may I strongly recommend that you edit your post to remove your personal information which is currently available to everyone. Second - as we're mainly user-supported - no one can offer you any assurances that your proposed scanner / device will work as you require, though quite a few users here (I believe) have a similar setup and the IX500 seems to be a popular model. Some of my Mac-user colleagues on here may be able to comment further - I use Windows and an old Fujitsu S1500 so can't really help with that... Don't forget to zap your details!!
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