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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. They're current rewriting the central feature of all the apps on all the operating system and -just maybe- might be working on this already as part of the project. I'd bet they're more than adequately busy trying to get all that to release out to their 250M(or so) users at the moment.
  2. Hi Changing the export options realistically in a timescale to help you? No chance. However you can always print a note to PDF... (from the desktop versions)
  3. Hi. What sort of advice would you like? The new web version is not full-featured, but older versions are available which might work better. Different OS's currently show tags with more and less usability. Evernote is already working on a new editor that might address some of these issues, but meantime what you (sometimes don't) see is pretty much what you get...
  4. Hi. Have you tried the obvious uninstall / restart device / reinstall?
  5. Hi. Different operating systems occasionally have slightly different options. Evernote are working to fix this across the board.
  6. Hi. I'm not an iOS user, but as you are a subscriber, why not raise this with Evernote Support? They may be unaware as yet of any issues, and by informing them this is happening you'll be able to assist in there being a fix - if it's possible to do so. Alternatively they may be able to suggest alternatives... As a work-around in the meantime you might look at adding pictures using Evernote's camera function. If you need to add several pictures to a single note at different times you could simply give them a common title or tag and then merge later.
  7. Hi. Wasn't aware that anything changed recently. What device are you using and on what OS? What version of Evernote?
  8. Hi. Having worked for IT companies I can assure you that if you use a work computer to access private information, and your company wishes to observe your activity (which it has every right to do), it will succeed in doing so. Having said which the web client would only download the content of notes that were actually opened online. If you don't access a notebook it 'should' be fairly secure - although clearly there is the danger of random search hits generating lists of titles and partial content. Password protecting content has been a frequent request over the years, though there's a fundamental conflict with the application being designed to find text - that would not be searchable if locked. Best option might be to have any work-sensitive content in one account and other personal information in another. Content could be shared between them and either could be accessed as needed from work.
  9. Do you want to use a different browser for Evernote, or for links which you open in Evernote? Which OS are you running?
  10. Hi. The fonts used for display in any OS are dependent on the actual fonts available for that device. Do you have slab serif installed on desktop?
  11. Various people on Facebook saying their backlogs are now cleared - that wasn't me until today; I now have 6 changes from today still going through, but that's it. Since I'm always fiddling with things I'd regard that as being as up to date as the app can be.... Thanks Filterize!
  12. Sorry for the s-l-o-w response, but I started trying browsers and clip/ copy methods to try and break something. As far as I can tell, everything works for me using Chrome browsers - Edge / Brave / Vivaldi.. haven't tried Firefox yet.
  13. Hi. Are you having some problems with presenting, or are you just looking for best practices? In very general terms you need to be aware of Evernote's limitations - scrolling through notes is not a great idea, and starting and stopping attached audio and video files can be... quirky... plus the type size when projected means any notes probably need to have characters far bigger than you'd normally be comfortable with on screen. Plus this is a network-intensive process, so unreliable connections are going to kill the process. This is just a list a scrabbled together for your question, but it's what I did when presenting. Practicalities may change in future to allow for more remote working... Create your presentation and try it out on whatever screen setup you'll need to use. EDIT: 1(b) - COPY the presentation to its own notebook - you're about to make some cosmetic changes you might want to role back! Adjust the text size so it shows up legibly from the furthest distance away that your customers are likely to be. Now split the (probably much enlarged) notes into single screenfuls - single points or even parts of points of maybe 15 lines max. Make sure you have any video or audio files linked or attached in the right places. Run through it again and adjust the length or timing or content if necessary. Now do a 'proper' full run through while using a screen capture utility to make a video. Loom is good - https://www.loom.com/ Charge everything up, check that you can get to the notes through Evernote.com as well as on your laptop. Get to the venue (or link into it) as early as you can and get set up. Have a beverage of your choice. Go! If things go well, offer the video as revision or catchup for others. The main thing is - to get a best practice for your particular situation, you need practical experience; so do presentations and get your own list together. You might have many more (or many fewer) points than me!
  14. Hi. Perhaps I'm missing something, but what exactly is it about a handwritten note that you want to save as a template? I don't believe that if you open a new ink note you have the option to insert a template - maybe if you save an image as a sort of template, you could annotate a copy of that image? I know some stylus software uses notepaper styles that vary from lined to accounting - maybe a variation on that sort of thing would help?
  15. I'd agree it was probably an arbitrary choice, though likely influenced by the usual user complaints about wasting space for seldom-used features and the importance of screen real-estate. Certainly I'm a 10-year user of Evernote with 50k+ notes and (very approximately) a couple hundred notebooks scattered about the place, but I never found it an issue - at most I've had one alternative Basic account queued up alongside my main account for various operational reasons. If asked nicely Evernote might consider removing or extending the limit - though whether they would actually get increased revenue from it seems unlikely. In my experience many users object to paying for one account, much less several...
  16. Hi. Did you try previous suggestions? What was the result? - Sorry, we can't guess what's wrong with your connection you have to help us by providing much more information.
  17. Hi. Nice idea, but unless you have a 5G device, a 'constant backup' would mean that all other downloaded games, TV and other websites would basically suck. I have a daily backup of my complete account so that if my data did have some sort of catastrophic accident I could recreate any or all parts of it from my own resources. I think it's unrealistic though to expect Evernote to protect you from the consequences of every action, no matter how bizarre. There's a limit to how much they can do off of a phone connection!!
  18. I'm actually confused - I run a couple of Basic accounts alongside this Premium one, and switching into Basic I don't see anything like the nag display you saw. Can you confirm what device, OS and which Evernote version / browser you were using? The company do have some history of selective campaigns and phased roll-outs, but I've not seen that particular style of message before. My basic account offered me an update (and the 40% discount) a couple of time on logging in, but the app display, the web version and a shared web page all just show Evernote branding. Odd.
  19. You did, but I rather got the impression that you were expecting immediate action, and all due respect to Evernote; they do monitor the forums, but with a lot of posts and responses each day they may not get around to seeing this thread anytime soon. The support pages - again with all due respect - try to gently avoid all but the most urgent enquiries*, and what you see is the standard gentle disincentive to go any further. I don't know specifically how to get around that level, but if you don't want to try that again there are options with their Facebook Evernote Community, and Twitter @EvernoteHelps. The company staffers won't (usually) respond to individual complaints or queries in the Forums, but they may note your concerns going forward. Meantime I'm not the only busybody user around here so maybe someone else can come up with a better suggestion if you're still unhappy. * the company has hundreds of millions of users - granted only a percentage have access to support, but the staff are normally more than adequately busy - probably more so currently than ever before...
  20. Hi. This is a -mainly- user-supported Forum, so shouting at us isn't going to get you any further. It's a public forum, so publishing your email here is an open invitation to spam from everywhere. As a subscriber you can vent directly to Evernote through email support - the link is on Evernote.com. If we're talking about the upgrade to premium nag on your screen, you must have seen this sort of thing before - it pops up from time to time for all non-premium users. There's a 'hide^' tag to the right which should take it off your screen if you wish. If you're a 'power user' of Evernote it makes sense to upgrade anyway - which removes the 'nags' This sort of thing is common to all software - I get repeated offers from Microsoft and Adobe (amongst many others) for upgrades and add-ins.
  21. ....and changing the default font doesn't alter existing notes, it just affects new ones...
  22. Not an iOS user, but subscribers have exactly the same interface as the free account.
  23. Evernote don't usually comment until something is released, so I guess we'll just have to wait to find out...
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