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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I've not seen previous reports of this, and I'm a happy 6.25 user on Windows 10 with ~50K notes and 300 notebooks. Did you uninstall And reinstall Evernote using Revo (free) uninstaller? The standard Windows process leaves some setup files on the device, but Revo nukes everything... If you already tried that, or it doesn't help, can you explain exactly how you're changing notebooks? What menus are you clicking / links do you follow?
  2. Stick with Legacy and export whatever you wish... as long as it's HTML or ENEX.
  3. No threats issued. And it's not like they're going to cut you off without notice - you'll still have access through v10 even if all previous versions get suspended. Us users have wildly different opinions most of the time. That is never gonna happen with any company!
  4. Hi. Already reported and questioned elsewhere. Short answer is 'nobody knows' but more updates are coming...
  5. Hi. This has been discussed elsewhere in the Forums. The new version has temporarily limited features. To revert to the previous level please install the Legacy version. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  6. I was getting irrationally frustrated that everyone was reacting so badly to Evernote's mistaken strategies here because I haven't been affected at all* - yet. Good news - I've got to the stage now that I don't care what anyone else intends, or says. Being aware of the occasional dangers of accepting updates as soon as they appear, I checked the initial EN10 launch thread months back for reaction, based on which I changed my preferences early on NOT to even notify me when updates were available in Windows or Android. I kept the last public versions for all my devices, and it's been business as usual on my patch here ever since. I'm not even making urgent plans to move my account, beyond keeping a watching eye on the products that are available, just in case. If Evernote 10 gets sorted out in the next few months I'll probably still keep on my current track unless and until there's a definite date for legacy app support to be withdrawn (or I have some technical issue I can't solve). Then I'll have to make a decision whether or not to move - but that's still months away, and I have deadlines in the meantime. I work for people who don't take "my software ate my homework" excuses too well, so I'm keeping calm and carrying on. It's no big deal (except for iOS) for anyone to step back into this state, so all the 'Evernote ruined my life' agony that's going around now is (in my not-very humble opinion) pretty much unwarranted. Companies (present ones excepted) go out of business, apps fail, hard drives crash and hackers freeze hard data - and more than once I've done something mortally stupid on a 'Format C:\' level and lost everything. The current situation is not anything like as bad as any of that. There's still easy access to earlier versions of the app, there's Legacy, and -if you've used a computer for more than 10 minutes- you should have backups of your data. Evernote 10 might cost you an hour or two of annoyance, but there is always an easy out: just step back to where you were a few weeks ago. If you really want to transfer your data to another app, learn how to use it properly and keep coming back here to armchair quarterback how Evernote 'should' have done the updates, then you go ahead. I'm going to have a very quiet Christmas** and probably catch up on some planning for the new year. The nice thing is that with all these folks leaving Evernote my sync times and downloads are probably going to be lightning fast in '21, while all those shiny new systems are going to be groaning and straining under hundreds and thousands of new users and probably increasingly s-l-o-w. Happy Holidays!! 😊 * other than by having disagreements with lots of other users! Apologies if you were amongst those I grumped at. ** that's like a December Thanksgiving in the UK. Spoiler alert: the Turkey gets it.
  7. No, I meant how have you been trying to access your notes and/ or Evernote support? Your data clearly is very secure since even you can't get access to it, but it's not "at the mercy" of anyone. You changed your password and don't seem to know how many accounts you may have with Evernote. Anyone with the correct log-in details can access their notes at will - I've had no trouble in 12 years or so as a user. There's a standard 'forgotten password' option on the Evernote.com website which might help you, otherwise for password issues, you need the Support department which on a holiday weekend tends to be a slow matter at the best of times. In current circumstances it's really really slow. But no-one else can help resolve this. I have flagged your posts for an Admin to take a look at. We can only wait for a reaction now....
  8. Hi. What have you been trying? At the moment it's Thanksgiving, a weekend and most folks are working from home because of the pandemic so even routine enquiries take a while. You can be assured that your notes are still safely locked away in your account - the issue here seems to be getting access to that account. Please try the Support ticket routes we gave you again - if you can quote a ticket number it will make it easier to identify the right account. I will flag this thread for an Evernote staffer to look at, but it will probably take a few days before they can do anything...
  9. Hi. Evernote doesn't randomly share notes, and I've not seen this issue reported before - can you give us a screen shot of the 'sharing' icon? Does it include the warning you mention? If these notes are shared, it should be fairly easy to unshare them, unless there are a large number involved here...
  10. There's still the legacy version, and my favourite trick: I send emails I want to get into Evernote to another of my email accounts (Gmail in this case) which has a 'rule' that any emails it receives from me should immediately be forwarded to my Evernote account email address. Every time I reply to an email I BCC the same address. Evernote has a reasonably neatly formatted version of the emails waiting for me if/ when I need them.
  11. I want to run an ENScript command via Powershell (like a DOS window) to execute a search for a notebook in EN 6.25.1 & Windows 10. The syntax (I hope) is C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\enscript.exe /q notebook:TestNotes Some part of that needs to be in quotes because of the space in at the beginning, but wherever I close the quotes off, the next character sparks an "unexpected token" error. At line:1 char:xx Unexpected token '\Evernote\Evernote\ENScript' in expression or statement. + CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken I've not been using command lines stuff for a while - does it even still work with this version of Evernote? Should I be quoting a database/ account name for the search? (Can't tell from the documentation) Any help much appreciated!!
  12. Hi. The new app is now being updated frequently. You will be unable to do this in iOS, but on other devices you might want to look into the 'legacy' app, which is still the last version with full features. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  13. Best advice then is to submit a support request. It isn't going to get immediate attention, given the holidays and the updates, but you might be able to get something changed!
  14. Notion have how many customers again? I've given up trying to respond to all these queries, and a couple of my fellow-posters are having trouble too. No denying Evernote dropped the ball from a great height with this 'upgrade', but they can't hope to deal with every single query. The best answer is to fix the problems - and the best way to do that is not to be distracted by arguments like this one and to keep on coding... Have you seen the reaction in Social Media / the Forums here lately?? more than a couple of people are upset. - Yeah; I think he thought "our work here is done". He might have been a bit premature with that. But my point is - if you want to keep a backup, you certainly can. My main objection if to the number of people running around in here saying "the sky is falling" when it really, really is not. Anyhow. Believe what you like - I'm going to try to keep pointing people in the direction of some help whenever I can. If you want to run for the hills, please feel free. I'm not playing any more.
  15. Hi. If someone else gained access to your account it was most likely a scouting expedition to check whether credentials obtained from another website worked in Evernote. So - probably no searches if you changed your password and applied 2FA quickly. If they gained access, they had exactly the same access you enjoy - because they were 'you'. So any search history you can see is all that is available. You could try looking for updated / created dates that match the access date, but that won't include searches, just any changes. Best advice is: take what precautions you can and move on. Just make sure this can't happen again! ...And I merged your other post back here - please don't post on (effectively) the same issue twice...
  16. What, exactly, are you expecting them to communicate? They have hundreds of millions of users. It would take a huge marketing / support team to deal with every single individual!
  17. Hi. I responded to someone else today who was in the same situation - they had used a temporary email address to log in which had (presumably) expired. If that's not the situation here, maybe something else is going on. Evernote support are the only people who can take this any further, and they are 1) away for Thanksgiving 2) pretty busy at the moment and 3) as you noted - not usually available to Basic users. However. Go to Evernote support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and use the 'continue as guest' option to report your issue. When you get a ticket number please post it back here and we'll flag it for an Admin to have a look at... You can also try https://twitter.com/evernotehelps for assistance.
  18. Hi. There are no settings yet in the new versions - updates will be coming, but if you need something that isn't working yet, please (re)install the older legacy version.
  19. How exactly are files likely to be 'gone forever'? It is quite easy to export notes (and attachments) from the Evernote database, and if you run the Legacy version of Evernote on any desktop you already have a complete copy of all your files on your own device. In addition there are various ways to save local backup copies, and many other note-taking services will accept direct imports from backups or Evernote's online API. There is no danger of anyone being left high and dry - so please stop posting disaster scenarios. Have fun at OneNote - when you find out how to export your data from there, please let us know...
  20. If the account has been deactivated, it can be reactivated - but you need to log in somehow. I'm afraid it was a really bad idea to use a temporary email address as a credential that you might need to re-use, and Evernote Support are the only folks who may be able to do anything about it. They're away for 2 days with Thanksgiving, under a lot of pressure anyway, and a Basic account gets last priority for support requests - so I suggest you get your request in as soon as possible, and use another basic account (and a real email address) in the meantime.
  21. I was responding to your earlier post - and with respect - you paid for the older version and (I'm guessing) it was working for you. Why not go back to it for a few weeks while Evernote get themselves sorted out? Even if you eventually have to find an alternative, you don't have to do it now...
  22. Hmmn - could you maybe set your screen saver to require a password on waking, then just 'sleep' the system rather than signing out? Don't know if that is the cause, but it may be worth an experiment if you can..
  23. I'm staying with the last public version before 10 on my Windows / Android devices for the moment. Features are being added back very quickly though - if you want to get a safe preview, sign in via a browser and Evernote.com - the web editor is a good indication of the new apps work.
  24. Hi. How do you exit each evening - do you File > Exit and close down your device, then power back on the next day?
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