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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. You're posting on a semi-pubic forum so I hope that's not actually your Evernote email address. If it is please edit it out of your post unless you wish to fill up your account with spam and malware. This is also a -mainly- user-supported forum and we have no access to your account. Please try the email without any subject line changes - simply forward an existing email to your account address - and search your account a little while later for any keywords from the email. It should be in your default Notebook. See also: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Save emails into Evernote
  2. Not sure how you've managed that - if you check in Settings, do you have any other options to step back a version? If not, you could try Support... also try zooming the web page as you're using Evernote for larger/ smaller icons.
  3. Hmmn. I use BitDefender and email too, but mine is not offering any warnings...
  4. Hi. Have you checked to see whether anyone else is signed into your account? Is this note shared with anyone who might also edit it? Unless you have any obvious suspects I'd suggest a support request...
  5. Yep - done. I moved it to general requests, because it seems relevant to all users. Vote away...
  6. Hi. Have you tried powering your device off/ on? Uninstalling & reinstalling?
  7. Hi. In Evernote go to Tools > Options > General and untick all the 'check for update' options. That's not a guarantee you'll be able to continue indefinitely - Evernote could probably still force an update, and could certainly stop the older versions from syncing if they wish. But that won't happen anytime soon. I'm currently continuing to work on 6.25 on the same basis. The new versions are being improved, and -hopefully- will be worth using in a few months when I'll consider looking at the situation again.
  8. Hi. Is this your personal Business account, or your company's shared resource? Can you post a screen shot here of where you see the greyed-out link?
  9. Evernote staffers do read the content - usually starting with the release threads which pull in most comments when things go wrong. They'll get around to this thread eventually, but they tend not to comment on individual issues. If you need a more timely response related to your individual use case, then Support is the way to go. "Feature requests" don't usually have much urgency...
  10. As a Business Subscriber you should get individual attention from Support. The product you're paying for already includes both personal and business account access for employees. Evernote presumably are reacting to legal opinion that if employees have personal information on the system and want to export it to their own account on leaving the company, they will need an account to move it to - so they split business accounts into two so that the employee can take theirs with them when they leave. When you remove that employee's access to your business account when they leave, you're no longer paying for their personal account - it's up to them to either pay for it or close it down. So you're not being asked to pay for extra, and there's no 'blackmail' involved. This is how the Business account works though, so if it doesn't suit your needs, you will have to find another alternative...
  11. Try uninstalling / powering your system down, then reinstall from Evernote.com?
  12. Hi. Evernote's announcement: https://evernote.com/blog/new-evernote-android/ The important bit: "if your device is running Android 9 or older, or is not yet in the update queue, you won’t see the new app in the store."
  13. Unless your Android has the Android 10 OS (the most recent) your 'phone won't even load the newest Evernote. If you do have Android 10 the update is being rolled out slowly and many users with the correct OS are complaining they still haven't been able to access it. In any event there have been several updates and the performance by now is pretty good. If you are still unhappy there's a way to step back to Evernote 8.13 (the last public release) but it's a bit technical... Merging notes on the desktop means having the Evernote app - either version 10 or the 'Legacy' (old) version - installed and selecting all the notes to merge. That can give you incorrect results if there are lots of pages - they may not be in the correct order. If you do have lots of pages the best way to merge is to change the title of each note to include a page number at the start - "001 <title>", "002 <title>" and so on, then sort the notes by the title and merge them when sorted into order.
  14. Hi. We're mainly a user-supported forum and clearly this is an important issue for you - I'd suggest reporting the matter to Support to get some direct feedback...
  15. You're also missing about 200 words of background for any hope of help... Have you checked via Evernote.com? Looked in note history? Tried the Trash Notebook?
  16. Absolutely. Like the pilots say - any crash you can walk away from... ☺️
  17. Install the Evernote app on your phone. You'll be able to share images and web pages to the app and use its camera feature to take more pictures. Use 'share' in your Gallery app to add these pages to Evernote notes. They will MAY* go to separate notes, so you'll need to merge the notes (on a desktop) later. Evernote will OCR the images for you and make them searchable. Alternatively if your apps are backed up by Google Photos you could go to their web page and download the images to your desktop. You could then add the images to a single note by signing into your account at Evernote.com Yes. *See @PinkElephant comment below...
  18. Hi. This may help - Import content from other apps into Evernote
  19. Hi. I'm also using Evernote 6.25 and I'm not aware of any changes to print processes. It's possible that your template has been corrupted somehow and contains 'hidden' code that is affecting the process, or one or more of the techs adding the content is somehow contributing to this. I'd suggest you try using the template yourself to create a few test returns and then try printing, and if the issue remains you may want to consider recreating the template in a new note. Do you have the new version 10 installed on your device too?
  20. Short term the answer seems to be to use the Legacy version if that one works, but if you're having problems with your 5 devices and need them connected I'd suggest subscribing for at least one account so that you can report the matter to Evernote Support and get their help to resolve this.
  21. A ton of other apps including Outlook, MS Word - and many many others - don't have any other protection than a login, because they're sitting on a PC with two levels of security. Lock the screen or sign out of the -2FA protected- app. Mobile apps historically have more security because the device actually provides it... Pre v10 Evernote would have had to code any additional protections into various versions of Windows and Mac OS's - meaning doing the job at least twice. Now they're operating on the shiny new base, and when v10 reaches feature parity with the pre-10 apps then - maybe - they will consider beefing up security if that's possible. I don't see that it will bring them too many more sales to compensate though - I've worked on Government sites where walking away from your desk without locking your screen was a disciplinary issue; as was keeping data on a server outside the building, or personal information on the company kit. And having been in the IT departments of those happy people I know that passwording an app would have been zero impediment to someone having a look at the content if they felt a need to do so. The company I worked for wouldn't consider adopting Evernote because of the central feature of syncing to a server, and I think that's true of many others in an increasingly security conscious world.
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