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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. You're a subscriber, so contact Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new plus if you've recently updated - just restart everything and try again...
  2. Hi. Use more or less any word processor to create a document (or spreadsheet). Encrypt and lock the document with a password. Attach the locked document to a note. Easy.
  3. Of course not. I duplicate clips from time to time, but if it's in a subject that I'm interested or active in, one of my routine searches is going to throw up a list with one or more notes containing clips of the same web page. If that happens I delete the duplicates. Takes me a few minutes at worst. Premium users have -effectively- unlimited space to save information, so there's no benefit for me in taking a few seconds longer on every. single. search. to save a couple of minutes work every few months. Just my opinion.
  4. Hi. For general payment issues see NB for iTunes payments please contact them direct.
  5. My version in Linux is currently Version 88.0.4324.150 - can you update?
  6. Just double-click the note title in List view and the note should open in a separate window...
  7. Depends on what device you're using - I'm mostly on a desktop, so I'd open the note in its own window and then zap the search term - the note gets pinned in place.
  8. You seem to have access to inside information that the rest of us don't - I'd think the wastage Evernote is seeing from the 'power' users is probably more than being made up with new business. The number of newbie queries on the forums has gone through the roof lately...
  9. Hi. As you're a subscriber now, please contact Support in case we don't sort it out here. While you wait for their reaction, try another browser to see whether this is purely an issue with Chrome. And... log out of everything, power your system off and then back on. Is it possible to download and install the local Evernote version on this device?
  10. I bow to any superior technical knowledge - but if it was easy, I think Evernote might have sorted it already...
  11. Er, not sure - you found a way around any delays in updating the thumbnail views, but there might well be server slowdowns since the app is now heavily server-based. Glad you fixed it, anyway.
  12. I may have mentioned before - you're using a free service; become a subscriber and you'll have access to Support. Meantime: Checking for service interruptions Twitter - https://twitter.com/EvernoteStatus online - https://status.evernote.com/ Support queries https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (if you're a subscriber) https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (anyone) https://www.facebook.com/groups/evernotecommunity (anyone) Or, obviously, post here - where you got a reaction from two of us within 48 hours.
  13. Hi. I'm also using w10 & EN Legacy, and connecting fine. Have you recently upgraded / just installed / tried from your current location before? Have you previously been able to use the app without issues?
  14. I just tried Clipper in Firefox and had no problems. I had to install Clipper first and this popped up - - maybe try removing and re-installing Clipper? If that doesn't work - what actually happens when you try to clip something?
  15. A still better tool would be an actual database or a spreadsheet, not a note-tool. Try AIrtable - it's both database and spreadsheet, and you can start adding records right off the bat. If you find you need extra fields or different views you can change the layout at any time.
  16. Hi. What error, what exactly do you want to do and have you tried in Chrome?
  17. In which case I'd suggest Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Or https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote (sadly not available for iOS)
  18. As I understand it, Evernote v10 defaults to NOT saving its note database to allow offline use. There is however an option to retain the database to allow it...
  19. OK - what I got so far is "my iOS app is not syncing". Does this help? How to troubleshoot syncing issues
  20. Hi. More details about exactly what you're doing and in what OS and Evernote version please - this thread is a year old and there have been changes recently...
  21. Well, it's a report - you could also contact Support or Twitter...
  22. Fair comment that you need something more - I'm still on the Legacy software, and I've always worked with the 'scan to folder' method so nothing would change if/ when I go to v10. If you do have a remote access issue, then I can imagine that there will be a solution if you're willing to look for it - Dropbox or another cloud store can be available to any device, and scans that go into the default notebook can be sorted for you by a third-party app Filterise. I used to have several import folders on my Windows system, connected to different notebooks. Now I only have one folder feeding into the default notebook and Filterise sorts scans based on content or title and tags and assigns them correctly. My Windows and Linux laptops (don't ask) share a Dropbox folder so anything I can't handle directly in the Web client on the Linux lappy is available on Windows when I get back to it. Evernote however is sorting itself out - slowly - so hopefully you'll be able to get back somewhere close to your normal processes soon.
  23. As long as we get Import Folders back it will still be possible to scan to a desktop folder and then import completed scans to Evernote.. plus my Fujitsu scanner has some built in document management tricks if its own that I've not bothered with up to now. Maybe worth looking at what your scanner offers. Using one of the many automation products out there (Zapier for example) it may be possible to move completed scans into Evernote in one way or another. You could also raise this as a feature request - if there's enough support maybe we can persuade the Powers That Be to definitely bring this back!
  24. Hi. We're mostly users here - better to raise this with Support to make your point. Another reader has pointed out that if you can install the Legacy Desktop version somewhere and create new notes in that, the fonts assigned in Legacy will carry over to v10. Haven't tried it, but it might help until the company sort themselves out...
  25. I think not having to create the same feature several times in different operating systems is also quite important...
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