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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. But sadly we're dealing with reality and Evernote's published specs which define that substrings are not currently searchable. The link I provided was for search terms like "resource:application/pdf" which is typed into the search box to ID notes with PDF attachments - there are no 'dropdowns' in search.
  2. Hi. We're a -mainly- user-supported forum, so no information on Evernote's billing or strategy, but it actually looks a bit amateur-hour to tell you that your subscription expires on 'invalid date'... I'd suspect a glitch in the matrix and maybe suggest a payment issue query -
  3. Hi. Try searching for the start of that string - Evernote won't find the middle/ end characters. How to use Evernote's advanced search syntax
  4. Ouch. I'm afraid I didn't know... I'm still firmly Legacy! It might still be worthwhile using that version to resolve this - any changes you make will still sync to V10. The advantage being that in Legacy you can use ENscript and sort on various field names, and so (hopefully) find the notes you need. Worst case you could export to ENEX and re-import in v10 to generate the "untitled note" heading and then search for that... Let us know how you get on!!
  5. Hi. Display notes as a list. Sort by title. The blanks will be at the bottom or the top. If that doesn't work in v10, it certainly will in Legacy.
  6. It's an arbitrary temporary limit imposed by the developers, presumably to avoid stressing their systems too much until they're sure everything works out. Two options - move notes, 50 at a time, to a notebook (hopefully repeatable), then delete the notebook. Or. Use Legacy to delete the notes.
  7. Hi. Any of this help? https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/112160-text-to-speech-or-text-to-audio-for-desktop/
  8. Hi. Any improvement if you use Note History? Use note history to view older versions of a note
  9. Hi. If you choose "move" in any note, or group of notes, you get a searchable drop-down list of available notebooks. What exactly did you have in mind with "shortcut notebooks"?
  10. Sorry - no experience with the Tasks feature yet. Maybe another user here can help...
  11. Hi. I don't think there can be such a thing as an 'urgent' feature request - like most busy software houses I'd think Evernote has their road map for the next 12-24 months pretty much laid out; and when (and IF) any feature requests are entertained, they'd have to go through a painstaking evaluation, costing and coding process which probably takes upwards of 12 months before launch. So if these ideas are accepted - and unless they were already working on them internally - you might see some movement in a couple of years. Not saying there's anything wrong with the requests, but setting expectations - don't expect things to change anytime soon!
  12. As you're a subscriber I'd suggest you contact Support - your logs could help them determine what's causing the issue. I doubt it's a 'bug' - this is the first comment I've seen recently about CPU use; if every Windows user had the same problem, there would have been a little more fuss. It is interesting that you have several sub-processes going, though only one is a major cause of CPU traffic... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  13. OK - exited Linux town, back on Windows (and my head's only spinning a little...) This is my full Web experience, so I think the honours are about even. My browser adds as much space as yours. (F11 does do an interesting 'full screen' thing though, that might help, plus you can zoon in and out...) This, however is the same page in its own window - which loses the browser toolbars. (I'm using Sidekick here which is a version of Chrome) And, as you say... it's handy to tab from somewhere to here sometimes. ☺️
  14. Hmmn. If all else fails you would have to revert to the Legacy app - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote Try Support first - they may have better ideas! https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  15. Hi. Couple of choices: Use an email or Slack (or similar). If you copy the link to the note, your share-ee should be able to access it direct. Share via blog - Postachio will turn a notebook of your choice into a publicly available blog. It's customisable in different ways - and access to the blog can be password protected if necessary. Your daily blog can include update messages - but your users still have to view the page in to see it. Postachio - https://postach.io/ Example blog (mine) - https://cliffeactual.postach.io/
  16. Ahh. I see. I'm not sure Evernote Web is much better on Windows - I just clipped the actual display area, not the whole browser window. Currently I'm on Linux so direct comparisons not possible - I'll circle back to Windows a bit later and re-do the clip. I did find that trick in Chrome that opens web pages in their own stripped-down window. If it works on your system, that might give you a slightly bigger area of usable screen..
  17. Hi. Yes, Evernote developers read these posts for ideas and feedback on existing features - but with thousands, possibly tens of thousands of posts per day, it takes them a while to get around anything that looks relevant. The Forums are - mainly - user supported in the hope we more experienced users can provide suggestions, work-arounds and occasional guidance for newer subscribers. As a subscriber you do get access to the Support system, so the way to suggest stuff and get a direct response is to give some feedback through one of the apps or https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new On the main part of your post - as a "power user / non-business" I, and I'd imagine that goes for most of my colleagues here, would be extremely underwhelmed to have a $20 increase in subscription, despite any apparent increases in benefits. On the other hand Evernote would be a little upset to lose $10 per head if we all dropped down to the 'new' Premium @ $60 / head. The current Premium subscribers provide (I imagine) most of the income that Evernote has, and upsetting even the tiny percentage that are subscribers out of 250M users is going to have a noticeable effect on your cashflow. Plus in any major re-jig of the pricing structure, you need the co-operation of third party suppliers like iTunes, who need a way to collect and pass on income; to rewrite the existing payment system to accommodate the new levels; to warn your 3M(?) existing payers that the times, they are a changin', and offer them new levels of payment. Plus you need the checks and balances to ensure that users with a 4 device limit don't get to add 5 "by accident". Then you have to deal with the ensuing departures, level changes and screams of protest. The internal costs would not be insignificant. Plus there's slight matter of an ongoing major upgrade to v10 for which they already revamped most of their systems to save costs. I somehow don't think any of this is likely anytime soon....
  18. Hi. You're still showing as Basic here. Have you logged out of Evernote and back in? Restarted your device? Checked that your payment has gone through? For general payment issues see NB for iTunes payments please contact them direct.
  19. ...and if the OP's question is about people reading through your saved notes... see: https://evernote.com/privacy/policy
  20. Hmmn. That's actually what I get from the website on my Windows computer... (EN 6.25 installed, 10.14 on the web) This is the Web Home page - And if I click on Notes - (My version of the Home Page got messed up because it's no longer possible to link from an image!)
  21. Hi. I moved your feature request to a votable feature request forum to test for support from other users, as well as see what others think. I'm not necessarily clear exactly why you're so free and easy with the sharing, but I tend to do it differently. If I'm sharing notes with one person for something unique to us, I'll share a notebook. Anything to be shared goes into that notebook. Other things I'm working on that are not ready for sharing I'll keep somewhere else - including edits on anything I've already shared; use a copy of the shared note to make changes. If I share notes with multiple others, the content that I've shared goes into a 'shared' notebook so I don't accidentally edit or delete it - and again anything not ready for sharing or to be edited after being shared is copied, if necessary, and kept elsewhere. I do share items which get updated from time to time - they're just edited in place. Shared notes can be copied into the share-ee's notebooks, so there's no absolute control; but from time to time you can go through all your shared notes by sharedate and created date to review the older ones, and delete shared notes or notebooks that are no longer required. EDIT: For completeness this is an answer I gave to a slightly different question here about sharing... There are a few ways you can share multiple notes with others, depending on their familiarity with Evernote and the level of security you need on the note. 1- The easy way - just Share in Evernote https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005417-Share-notes https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314748-Share-notebooks - your users need to be familiar with Evernote usage 2- Public shares - (obviously not for anything confidential) Share all the notes publicly and 'note' (sorry for the pun) their public URLs. Create one or more Table of Contents notes according to the logic of your note-tree. Replace the links in those notes with the public links. Add a link back to the top level ToC to every note. Email a link to the top ToC to your users and sit back and let them browse their mini-website. 3- via a Third Party App Have a look at Postachio which will turn a notebook of your choice into a publically available blog. It's customisable in different ways - and access to the blog can be password protected if necessary. Postachio - https://postach.io/ Example blog (mine) - https://cliffeactual.postach.io/
  22. Hi. Try uninstall / restart / reinstall (from Evernote.com). If that fails - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  23. No to both questions I'm afraid - the web update is "being rolled out" - and unlike the apps where you could just download the latest version from Evernote.com, the web has to be switched on behind the scenes somehow... At a guess Evernote is trying to avoid too much of an attack on their Tasks servers if everyone starts to play at the same time!
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