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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Two things: The most recent, monthly updated version that @PinkElephant is referring to is v10. Which does allow you to see and edit notes when not connected to the internet, but does sync all changes back to the server whenever it is connected, so that the web version and your local installed version will always show the same notes. The 'no updates' option I was referring to was the 'Legacy' (older) version 6.25 which can be installed alongside v10, and can be used to edit and update notes if you need a feature which is no longer supported. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote When you get an 'updating' message each time you load Evernote, it can mean that the usual internal shortcut to start the application is actually pointing to the installer, rather than the application EXE file. Creating a new shortcut and deleting the old one would resolve that - an uninstall / reinstall is also an option.
  2. ...and while it's no longer supported, an 'old' version of Evernote will run alongside the shiny new one and can offer a quick fix in case of need - just don't flip back and forth between them too often... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  3. Hmmn. How about duplicating the email in Outlook before you try to drag the original?
  4. You're replying to a 9-month-old post on a 6-year-old topic; sympathies for your loss, but you need to move on....
  5. As @PinkElephant says - unless you have a bad (slow) internet connection or are connecting through a work firewall, this is not expected behaviour. Support's first advice would likely be to uninstall / restart / reinstall anyway, so you could get the jump on them by doing that AND reaching out to support if the issue continues...
  6. Hi. Have you tried holding down Shift / Ctrl / Alt while D&Ding? One of those is usually the toggle between Move and Copy.
  7. What sort of action are you expecting? Evernote probably have this noted as a possible future feature, but they've been a little busy for the past several months catching up on Legacy features and resolving bugs. Since they also sneakily added Tasks and promise more development there, I'd say they have their dance card full for at least a year still on R&D & fixing things. After that they'll -maybe- look more closely at other requests.
  8. The topic is: "there's a possible bug". The correct answer is: "no there's not - this is how it works". I pointed out weeks ago that the only way to get a direct answer on this is to petition Support - who most likely will confirm that permission is given each time a clip is requested. It's possible to use other methods to copy web pages - printing to PDF forinstance and then attaching to a note. Clipper is a convenience - use it or not; your choice.
  9. I'd imagine that with rapidly developing software like v10 it's difficult to set up a definitive shortcut list until you have all the features more or less finalised. Evernote will get around to it - meantime there's automation tools like AutoHotKey, Phrase Express and Zapier.
  10. I do still use encryption in a few notes, but only because I'm too lazy to fix them - I prefer encrypted PDF or document files attached to my notes (there's more flexibility in what you can encrypt) and I'll usually have my own cryptic reminder phrase in the note just in case I forget the password.
  11. You're now at least showing here as a subscriber. So you will have access to Support (that's not us) via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. What happens when you tap the "+" icon on your screen?
  12. Hi. Try quitting the app - File>Exit (Quit?) from the main menu - when you have the Home screen visible. Then restart it.
  13. I merged your two posts into the feature request - please don't post (effectively) the same thing twice. If other users support your post, Evernote should take some notice of the request.
  14. It must make sense to Evernote - maybe they're developing something internally, or they're waiting for one or other of the OS owners to make it possible to integrate this feature across all operating systems. It was, after all, a 'Windows only' feature originally. Either way it is what it is: I had my system set up satisfactorily in the Classic app, so I'm just ignoring the new features until I can move over. Tasks is a temptation though...
  15. Apart from the "integrated with calendar and Apple Reminders" that sounds like a description of how Tasks already works in Evernote. GIven that Tasks is a beta release under further development, there's every reason to hope that more - including calendar syncs - will follow...
  16. Hi - I'm still in a time-loop using the 'classic' Evernote versions on Windows and Android, and Import folders are working fine for us over here...
  17. Hi. Try downloading the most up to date installer from Evernote.com?
  18. If you're using Evernote Windows 6.25, it's no longer being supported or developed; so what you see is all there is. Tables were updated a year or so ago, but I'm not aware of any recent changes - or come to that, the ability to 'indent' tables, ever. Can you show us an example of one such, or sketch the layout you're looking for? If you're using the recent v10, you're posting in the wrong thread, but presumable could use the Legacy version to step back a little... Otherwise the only option I can suggest is the standard work-around; use a word-processor or a spreadsheet to get the layout you want and attach the source file to your note. Embed an image or copy/ paste content to feed the search index. ..and maybe become a subscriber to help fund development work?
  19. And for the luddites amongst us - there are a couple of solutions that don't actually rely on a tablet as such... There's Rocketbook - a reusable handwritten notebook that uploads content to a variety of cloud services including Evernote and Dropbox. https://getrocketbook.co.uk/ Or actual paper and pen - to be scanned later by Evernote. Oxford Notes, for example... https://www.my-oxford.com/gb-en/revolution
  20. To be fair I disabled auto-update when the 'classic' 8.13 was still installed and also the only version on offer to my elderly Android. IIRC there was a box with that option that was already ticked against the line that read "enable updates" - I just removed the tick. If anyone else has stepped back from v10 maybe they'll chip in if there's another way....
  21. I switched Play Store updates for Evernote off. All I had to do was find the Evernote app*, click the three dots menu, and de-select the auto-update. EDIT: *that's the store version, not the installed app
  22. Hi. Can you share a little more detail about what you're trying to do? Are you just changing a word? Adding a line? adding paragraphs? - and what happens when you try?
  23. Hi. Not yet - Evernote has an official Google integration; there are a lot of other third-party cloud services... (Having said which you could always create your own link - create the 'name' text, then add the drive link as the URL) Attach Google Drive files to notes
  24. Hi. No - I'm using Evernote for Windows 6.25 "Classic", Android 8.13 and -occasionally- the web; and they're all syncing together for me. Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  25. The process on Android is to 'share' a page to Evernote, not to clip it - and I agree; there's no approved clipper (AFAIK) for Chrome Android.
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