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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. The forgot password link asks for your email address OR user name, and you'll find out which address is registered when Evernote sends a password reset email. In any event if you remember user name and password, what exactly happens when you try to log in?
  2. Hmmn. Best you could hope for (I think) is to use both the web/ browser version and the installed desktop version together, which gives you two 'main' windows - but I'm not a Mac user; maybe others here will have better ideas!
  3. Hi. Device? OS? Web? In general the sidebar/ note list is an index to all notes. When you find one of interest, that note can be opened in its own window. Then the index can be used to find another, and another...
  4. Hi. This website is (mainly) user-to-user, so we have no idea on subscriptions. But Evernote did not remove any CS services that I'm aware of - try https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for more assistance. You can also check your account status here: https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action
  5. What happens when you 'continue as guest'? You could try via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  6. Hi. We're mainly user 2 user, so we have no idea. You could check with Evernote support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - but personally I'd suggest you start at PayPal. Is it possible you're paying for two accounts?
  7. Hi. Try this: > Go to https://www.evernote.com/PersonalSettings.action > Uncheck "Enable V10+ web client" > Select "Go to notes"
  8. Hi. I doubt knowing the originator will solve your problem. Maybe post a suggestion that the button should be moved?
  9. Hi. If your user ID and password don't work, doesn't the 'forgot password' link on Evernote.com use the account email address you already have registered?
  10. Hi. Don't believe any of that is happening to anyone else (or at least I've not seen any other complaints). If you've upgraded but the software is requesting a restart, maybe that's a good first step?
  11. What kind of professional would that be? And how many workflowy users would you say fall into that category? Until the beginning of this year Evernote was built on 12-20 year-old code and simply could not even consider that sort of functionality. The company is currently building its apps back up to full usability on a new code base that might offer such options - in months or years. Meantime Evernote does not (currently) have a way to mirror the content of one note outside that note - even a link to the title will not (AFAIK) change if the title is edited later. If more users vote this thread up, and/ or other interest groups give this same feedback to Evernote we'll see something similar in due course.
  12. Hi. No additional options that I'm aware of.
  13. Hi. Can you not sign in via Evernote.com in a browser and use the online version?
  14. Good luck with that... I think there's some over thinking going on. The Cloud/ Server version will always 'win' in any situation where the cloud time stamp is more recent than the local version. Your local app will always ask: "is this note 'last changed' date earlier than the cloud version?" If the answer is 'yes', it gets replaced. I keep a full local backup history of my notes because I can restore individual notes and notebooks in case of issues - the 'restore' in my (Legacy) case being an import to my database that will allow me to "update" a note/ notebook with missing or corrupted data. I've maintained a backup for as long as I've had an account with Evernote, because that's just good IT practice. I've had to use it once or twice in 12 years - and that was just to install Evernote on a new machine and replace that empty database with my own data. Evernote's server then runs a check on note dates, but doesn't replace any where the 'last changed' dates are the same - a much quicker process than downloading the whole database when you have over 50,000 notes...
  15. No. Most likely someone using credentials posted online was checking to see which ones worked and which didn't. If you follow the advice in that link your data should be safe.
  16. Hi. We're the (mainly) user 2 user channel. The technical team hang out here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  17. Hi. You're allowed to use Evernote Free on two devices only. This help page should explain more. Understanding the device limit I'd recommend checking for connected devices from whichever one you will use the most, then removing any and all others. When you wish to use your one other device, log into your account from there.
  18. ...Although one of the benefits is access to an email / chat support service... Hi. The usual reason for 'losing' notes is the accidental creation of a new account. Try logging out of Evernote completely on all devices, then log back in carefully, ensuring that you are using your original user ID details. If there's any doubt, start with the 'forgot password' option on the website.
  19. Hi. Uninstall / reinstall? If you subscribe, you could report the issue... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  20. Hi. Who notified you that your account had been accessed? If it was Evernote, they should have sent you a link to their help pages on this - What to do if you suspect unauthorized access to your Evernote account
  21. If you have a paper version you can scan, or something you can copy, you could set up your own template. I'm not aware of any existing ones.
  22. Hi. If you're having issues with the content of this page, what exactly is going wrong? Merge the contents of two Evernote accounts
  23. Hi. There's a link in this thread that deals with the situation where your address shows "already in use" Change your account login email address
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