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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. If you were using a desktop for the Legacy connection, you should have a local database copy. If everything is missing in both versions, it sounds more like you have inadvertently created a new account. Try logging out and maybe use the 'forgotten password' option on Evernote.com to confirm your user details.
  2. No problem - as @PinkElephant pointed out, we already have a couple of addresses; was just looking for confirmation that they're still good!
  3. If you have a video in a note it's possible to play it from there (which in practice will be from temporary storage on your hard drive) - it will open, download and play through whatever media player is the default for your system.
  4. As an added convenience. if you check out the third-party app Filterize, it can process notes and move them to a different notebook. You could fairly easily set up a system where you tag notes with different keywords which are then moved to different notebooks. Works on both Legacy and v10
  5. Hmmn. Not clever, but sometimes installations/ updates fail. Try uninstalling (with Revo Uninstaller Free) to clear your system of everything, power off and back on, then reinstall.
  6. No. All your data is saved at the server, whether or not you have the ability to actually edit it - notes above the rather low free account maximum size forinstance would effectively be locked. However you can still download the content, and in any event your 'basic' account status would only last as long as it takes them to process your payment. Given that the new levels only just came into existence, and the fact that Evernote seems not to handle large-scale changes that well, these account queries may only be teething issues anyway. AFAIK you'll be able to get a slack integration as a personal user (I tried it for a while but don't use Slack enough to make it useful) but geolocation is an issue. There are (probably) workarounds - it's easy enough to embed Google Maps or What3Words keywords in your text, though searching is dependent on what degree of granularity you'd need in finding notes. I'd recommend pursuing the complaint angle - I agree with you; it's ridiculous to be locked out of an upgrade for over 2 years because of an offer code!
  7. Hi. Have you tried exporting a template original note as an ENEX file and storing that on your desktop? In Legacy (which is what I use) double-clicking the file generates a new note in my database with the current date/ time. Alternatively any text expander app for mobile or desktop can fill in that (and other) fields with a keyboard shortcut.
  8. Hi. Try logging out of Evernote and back in / restarting your browser / powering your system off and back on. If none of that works, raise this with Support / Customer Services via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (use 'Accounts' as the fault heading)
  9. AFAIK there's no current way to suppress the pop-up, though if you use Evernote for look-ups as with the original poster, you may find it faster to have a shortcut on the desktop pointing to one specific note. That should open directly allowing you to refer to it, or to search for another, as required. As to whose bright idea this process was, I'd have no idea.
  10. Whilst I agree that it is terminally dumb for a company to make it hard for customers to pay them money, the situation seems pretty clean-cut. Because of some limitation of their account system, they can't change your account from personal to professional access to their system until August '23. AFAICS there wouldn't be a 'work around' for that situation. If there's some aspect of the professional level of account that you particularly need, maybe we can suggest ways to achieve the same end using a personal account? You could ask Support to bounce this up to a supervisor as a complaint, but I don't know whether they will be able to find any compromise...
  11. Hi. Unless you relocated the directory through the Tools > Options menu, Evernote is going to continue to use the C:\ -based version of your database. (Or whichever one is specified in that option)
  12. Ironically, if you're actively watching for the web version to change, you're probably slowing down the sync process. When you first open a connection on the web client it will 'phone home' to check for updated versions. After that it will check at intervals. Better to stick to one device as far as possible though - other apps use a 'live' connection to the note, while Evernote just phones home periodically to update changes. Don't know which is better for most users, but this is what we have at the moment.
  13. Hi. Have you tried changing the editor version or checked whether an earlier version of the web client is available to you? If you are a subscriber, you could report this to Support for their information... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  14. That nice Mr Small did say (I think) that they would be expanding the options available, but -as ever- the company don't (usually) confirm what's in the pipeline or when they're likely to release until a feature is actually available.
  15. Hi. Are you referring back to this topic that you added to a few months ago? It's possible to export a notebook to various formats including ENEX as a backup. If you did so with a 'template' notebook, you would be able to restore that template as many times as you required it, and populate each restored copy with new information as necessary. If you had another use case in mind, please let us have a fuller explanation...
  16. Hi. When you initially install Evernote it has a lot of setup work to do 'under the hood' that might take from hours to days, which is why it might be busier than normal. After that, things should settle down. Having said which, Evernote will also take up a fair chunk of disk storage which might also be an issue. You could reinstall during a period when your battery life is not critical and give the whole thing a few days to get to equilibrium, then re-evaluate the usage - or you could use the almost equivalent online access by signing into Evernote.com. That way your battery usage is limited and there's no long-term local disk impact.
  17. Hi. How do you define your co-ordinates? There seem to be several system in play - there's traditional Lat/Long, Google Maps has 'plus codes', and What3Words uses... well, three random words... to define a location: as in ///shower.wash.soon for the White House Rose Lawn. While Evernote's new geolocation feature (I believe) allows you to find notes taken in the vicinity of a specific Lat/Long location, I'd imagine you could assign your own locations as keywords, using any one of the standard terms plus a tagging or keyword system for the area you might be interested in. <Washington>, plus links to any pictures taken in the area forinstance. It would be possible to scale that up for different countries, or get more granularity by defining individual buildings.
  18. Hi. We're mainly user2user around here. If you're a subscriber I'd suggest you raise this with Support - they may be able to at least give you access to the original data; but in fairness this was described clearly as a beta trial and it is unwise (as you have discovered) to use beta systems for production purposes... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  19. Hi. Your device personal assistant should be able to do this for you from any installed app.
  20. Hi. You should be able to see IP addresses linked to the other devices - are they different? Are they possibly similar to your own? The automatic systems recognition is sometimes not great - I was told someone from a different continent was accessing my account, but when I checked the connections were from my IP address! Obviously security can be a concern - Evernote have some notes about that... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487-What-to-do-if-you-suspect-unauthorized-access-to-your-Evernote-account
  21. Hi. Short answer "not really" - best compromise would be to copy both notes into a separate word processor note and use the content comparison. My MSWord has a dedicated 'compare' feature that will highlight differences in drafts. In future, best to create a note like this in a word-processor and save the DOCX (or whatever) file attached to the note. Copy and paste the content into the note body as text if you need it for indexing purposes, but make any detail changes to the file. And if you're going away from one device for any length of time - sign out of Evernote!
  22. AFAICS I'm still showing as 'premium' here, but show as Personal in my account details online - and I'm paying my concessionary 'Legacy' lower rate that is no longer available to new customers. So I've been grandfathered into a package that should be somewhat more expensive if I bought in now. I have Calendar access and 'to do's work for me so I seem to have full personal benefits at a lower price. That said I'm still running the pre-v10 public apps in Windows and Android, but on this Linux box, the web access gives me the extended access. I'd even run the new Linux Beta if I had access (hint!). True, there's 'professional' which would double my upload limit and give me boolean searches, neither of which benefits I actually want or need. But I still think that if/ when the various speed and system bugs have been worked out I'll be happy to continue my subscription. Maybe if 'professional' attracts some more specialised stuff I'll rethink my attitude, but I'm happy to continue as is for the time being. I remember when Evernote management used to do podcasts they would tell stories about the user reaction to any significant change - generally it was not receptive. This time around they did themselves no favours, but they seem to -gradually- be turning things round.
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