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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Can you explain a little more why you need to copy notes around? It's possible to move multiple notes, but copying just means you have the same information in two places, and if any changes arise there's a fair chance you'll wind up with two different versions of the same data. If you're using these notes as templates, there's a separate system for that too... Work around for the moment: export the notes you want to copy to ENEX. Re-import them as many times as you like to different notebooks.
  2. Hi. Restart your device and try again? If you're still having issues, uninstall Evernote completely / restart / reinstall.
  3. Hi. We're not Evernote - this is mainly a user 2 user Forum. There's probably a request somewhere to add the d&d feature to which you could add a vote, or if not you could create your own feature request. Either way Evernote don't exactly 'do' requests - they tend to evaluate the various features and fit the most popular and feasible additions into their own ongoing work to fix/ upgrade v10. Evernote certainly don't give timelines on whether or when features are being fixed/ added. That said - have you tried d&d or saving the attachment(s) to the desktop and then into GMail?
  4. Hi. Are you a Free user? The ability to save a configuration is limited to subscribers...
  5. If there was an outage I'm surprised it's not more - but to repeat: if you have a unique password that you have changed recently, and use 2-factor auth, no-one can access your Evernote account without your knowledge - it's quite possible a robot running through thousands of user names and passwords obtained elsewhere could try to gain access, but it would not get past the log-in screen. Evernote do issue precautionary emails to individual users from time to time where their system notices an anomalous log-in attempt. If they didn't flag these specifically, they could well be down to the vagaries of the Internet and the occasional glitch in web addressing. Check the sites @PinkElephant mentions above to see whether your email address has been posted online...
  6. Hi - this may help... Attach Google Drive files to notes
  7. If you'd like to post this in the Feature Request forums, you might scare up some votes to support your request. Meantime - it used to be in Evernote Legacy that if you exported a template note to ENEX and saved it to your desktop, a click on that file would generate a new note in your database with the same layout. Haven't tested that in v10 though.
  8. Hi. Both versions of Evernote use the same login, so if you can use v10, you should be able to install and use Legacy - either alongside v10 or instead of it. WHat's your device and OS? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  9. To paraphrase a fantastic author (and there's a pun in there somewhere...) Sir Terry Pratchett once (almost) said "A rumour can run round the world before the facts have got their boots on.” - No one here knows what's happening - none of us have access to Evernote's server logs. All we have so far are rumours and speculation. There is no point in wondering about the issue (apart from inspiring a good panic attack). If you have unknown accesses in your history, raise it with Support by email if you can, Twitter if not. When you get some concrete information, please come back here and tell everyone else. Meantime change your password, use 2FA and relax if you can... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  10. So I looked - and yes, I also have an Akamai server in Texas on my list... However... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9815325/Major-outage-hits-major-websites-911-services-multiple-East-Coast-cities.html Seems it may not be a security problem after all....
  11. OK - It's pointless to speculate; If these are genuine unauthorised accesses, then Evernote will need to investigate. I'm not clear how there can be a way to attempt to log into an account if you don't have the correct password and the 2-factor code. I just don't know (and I don't think anyone outside of Evernote can know) what actions generate these reports, and how serious the notification is. Please let us know what Support say eventually! (I'm imagining they may take a little while to look into this).
  12. Hi. I think you may be overly concerned. If you have 2-factor auth and your devices have not recently visited the US, there's no reason to suspect that someone has accessed your account. My suggestion would be to change your password to be safe, but otherwise to wait and see what Support actually say. You could also check the IP addresses shown for the recent accesses. I also noticed similar activity on my UK-based account from Italy and India - but the IP address shown for both accesses happened to be the one I am currently using. The location data for some addresses is 'unclear' - especially where a company has servers in more than one country. GDPR, by the way is a European regulation that no longer applies to the UK unless you are regularly trading in that market or have representation there.
  13. Hi. This is a mainly user 2 user Forum. We don't have any access on password issues. Try using the help/ feedback link from your mobile app. See also https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  14. Hi. Contact https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for support or use the help/ feedback link from one of the mobile apps. See also https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  15. Windows generally uses Ctrl+ another key to make 'special' selections - if you are having sync issues, you should see a red "!" on the sync icon - Ctrl+clicking on that may get you more information about the issues. Also check for local notebook and Trash notebook entries which may vary between versions. https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/111069-how-to-identify-a-local-notebook/
  16. It's a paid-for service where others are completely free...
  17. Filterize have confirmed that since they work off the server version of a note (or rather they receive notice of the note syncing to the server), the new client doesn't affect them. I'd think Postach.io would be the same. Unless and until Evernote Legacy fails to sync, any server-side service should still be viable. I have an Evernote-based blog with Postach.io, and there are no issues (AFAIK). @Zomz - I'll flag this post for the Admins to see whether Evernote has any direct channels you or they could use, but given the general situation at the moment I'm afraid it may be just a question of waiting 'till Postach.io get back to you.
  18. Hmmn. Just tried again and got in - same situation in all respects, I just opened the Evernote.com page and logged in... now getting the constant "One moment while we get back to work..." display. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow!
  19. Hi. Have you tried the chat link on your dashboard? (Bottom right)
  20. Hi. Not sure what you can do here - if this is an important note it may be worth subscribing (even if only for a month or two) to get access to Support, but if the note has been deleted it would have been moved to the trash notebook. If that is empty, then there are no other copies of the note on your system - nothing to recover. Have you tried a search for some keywords that would find that note if it has been accidentally moved to another notebook?
  21. Hi. You're posting in Evernote Teams - are you a Teams user? The sync error issue sounds like a bad internet connection - are you at home or work? Using your own Evernote account, or the Teams shared account? Please let us know your device and OS...
  22. Thanks for trying - I'm guessing it's something to do with my VPN or my (Linux) laptop needs a restart... I just wanted to look something up!
  23. As noted above, you could install the Legacy version to get back to that option, or you could maybe look at Postach.io which converts a notebook into a publicly available 'blog' format. I've played with it - my not very inspiring example here... https://cliffeactual.postach.io/
  24. There might be something going on - I just got rejected on login for two separate accounts...
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