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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. True - the total size is (presumably) just the same - just the administration of setting up 300 folders to hold the sequential dated backups for each notebook, and the assignment of a backup to each notebook every day... (yawn)... somehow I feel an urgent need to lie down somewhere...
  2. Good that you started a ticket on this - I'd guess that the email has MIME-encoded the attachment and evernote's conversion of mime-to-html has generated an corrupted file that doesn't export correctly... all of which are words I know, though not.. necessarily.. in that order.. Please let us know (if you can) what Support come up with!
  3. I did point out you now qualify for email support... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Pending any response you get there - are you now accepted as a subscriber? Have you tried logging out of Evernote and back in? Restarting your device? How are you looking to create a new note and what exactly happens when you try?
  4. Fortunately they raised the notebook limit from 250 to 1,000 so I'm about 50% for notes (50,000 out of 100,000) and 30% for notebooks (300/1000). Not even close...🧐
  5. Spotted that earlier - got excited! Then tried it out on Windows 6.25 and got less excited. Most, if not all of the new terms seem to need v10 to work. They do work for me in Evernote Windows, but not in my pre-Legacy Windows app. Ah well... I'll catch up sometime!
  6. There is no current way to do that, and while we do have a 'Feature Request' thread, I doubt that this will raise much interest - I understand that a more visually attractive display of content is more accessible, but there are already applications out there that provide far more features than Evernote could to include graphics with text. Better to use one of those and attach the output file to an Evernote note for easy access than to try to force Evernote's basic features into being something they're not... If you'd like me to do so, I'll move this thread to the request forum to see what support you get?
  7. ...Another Backupery user here. I went the opposite way on notebooks and have around 300 - I get a full (Legacy) backup in about 2 hours.
  8. Hi. That page works for me - and I have an 'Amazon' clip. Same clipper, different Chrome version. Try restarting your browser/ your device?
  9. Hi. Is the email an attachment to a note, and can you save that attachment file to your local desktop? If it saves as HTML it should print in a browser; if it saves as PDF then any PDF reader app should be able to print it in full. Evernote is never my choice for physically printing documents.
  10. Funny, Evernote are using a package that promotes itself as "Building cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS" for the specific purpose of centralising their coding to allow more frequent updates - which has been borne out by the 2-weekly releases that keep on hitting the streets and their quick response to (some) bugs. It is the same package that supports Joplin - though they've been around longer in this context, so have more bells & whistles.
  11. Hi. You've had free access to Evernote's app, syncing and web storage servers for several years without any contribution toward the cost of running those services. A lot of people have had the same access. Evernote apparently has decided that in our current economy they'd rather be paid. You could have reduced the number of devices you use to remain a free client - but I suspect the company will continue to try to ensure that the free account level is for short-term trials rather than long-term use. One advantage of subscribing is that it comes with email support... Evernote Help & Learning Overview
  12. Hi. You should be at the Personal Account level - see the new descriptions here... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005157
  13. Hi. Please don't start new topics to complain about older ones. I merged these two threads since they overlap. My 'unhelpful' answer was a request for more information to provide some actual help. Shame the OP didn't respond. The short answer to your question is probably "No" since Evernote are pushing updates every couple of weeks at the moment while they introduce a new product, new features, and fix bugs that users are reporting along the way. If you're working on long notes, the only work-around I can think of is to suggest you create notes in a word-processor, and attach the finished file to an Evernote note so you have access to it wherever you access Evernote. -We hope that Evernote will re-introduce options and more choices as time goes on, but it takes time...
  14. There is a Light At The End Of The Tunnel! Unless... there's something coming the other way...
  15. Sorry - brain fade: should have said 'moving notes'. And Legacy just avoids any 50 limits.
  16. Hi. There are already a lot of automation apps online that could repeat a series of keystrokes as many time as necessary to complete your process - plus the existing template feature could be used to add and merge a note, or Filterize.net which can edit a note based on keywords and tags. It could, forinstance make it much quicker to process your workflow if you simply had to add the necesary tag to add text.
  17. So - not a fan of tagging the notes or installing Legacy? If you're a subscriber you could raise this with Support, but it's unlikely to get fixed anytime soon...
  18. Hi. Why are the dates so important? Not doubting you, just wondering if there are any other viable work-arounds like including the relevant creation date in the note title as yyyymmdd - which would sort the notes in a chronological order if sorted by title. No clue as to why the notes might be out on creation date, though the updated date will change each time you edit or move these notes.
  19. - According to your profile, you joined about 8 months ago. The same profile says you've posted 29 times. None of those (that I can see) included workarounds. Given that Evernote is updating their code every couple of weeks, I'd think it very unwise of anyone to attempt to "work around" the normal operation of any of its features. Any active patching that's going on is more likely to be related to bug fixing and new features than closing backdoors, but any given tweak might not last past a day or two before bad things happen to your content. Just sayin'...
  20. I'm running the same Evernote for Android version and don't have any problems as yet - I'd recommend the uninstall/ restart/ reinstall routine; there's not much else you can do with a mobile app anyway. It sometimes takes a couple of tries before everything goes right.
  21. Hi. Try logging out of Evernote and back in / powering your 'phone off and back on, and if the situation stills persists, try uninstalling / restarting / reinstalling.
  22. What Android version runs on your phone? Evernote 10 needs Android 10 for the moment - they're working on backdating the support to earlier Android versions. Previous Evernote versions are no longer supported, but should still work - did you uninstall / power your phone off and back on / then download and reinstall?
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