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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Sorry to advise you that "Beginning with the newest Evernote apps (Version 10.0 and above), local notebooks are no longer supported in Evernote." Convert local notebooks – Evernote Help & Learning Your options are: go back to Legacy for the time being - Install an older version of Evernote – Evernote Help & Learning accept that your data is online and protected to the same extent as your bank accounts - subject to your being careful with security https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487-What-to-do-if-you-suspect-unauthorized-access-to-your-Evernote-account move your notes/ files to another cloud service with encryption look at alternative providers who offer a local solution.
  2. Hi. AFAIK it's not (yet) possible to copy the structure of your v10 Mac database. Best advice is to export notes to HTML or ENEX files notebook by notebook because the location is not part of the exported file. If you exported and re-imported the whole account, you would wind up with all notes in a single notebook. If you go to the Notebooks page it should be possible to select one notebook and export the contents. There may be scripting methods to streamline the process - but I'm not a Mac user so I'll leave it to others to comment. Evernote do have a complete copy of your database on their server which you should in future have some way to access and download. Some third-party applications like CloudHQ offer backup options which may be useful.
  3. Hi. I'm also using edge 105.0.1343.42 (Official build) (64-bit) and Clipper without any problems. An internet search generated a lot of queries on this general topic related to various extensions like this - Add extension to secure browser - ESET Internet Security & ESET Smart Security Premium - ESET Security Forum (Incidentally - spoiler alert; Edge is based on the Chrome browser) This is a browser / security issue, and not one (AFAIK) that Evernote can resolve. I can only suggest that you try basic browser first aid - clear cache and cookies, different security settings, maybe set up another profile in Edge - or use a different browser until this is fixed. If you're a subscriber you could contact Support on this (we're not them) on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  4. I'd suggest looking at Filterize. Whether the task consists simply of copying the first 10 characters of the title and inserting two dashes, or recognising the date in that format and recreating in in the old style, I think Filterize might be your gateway. https://filterize.net/doc/conditions/
  5. Hi. This feature may or may not be released at some future date - Evernote won't usually comment. In the meantime you have workarounds...
  6. Hi. You're making some sweeping emotional claims off the back of a very general statement - did you report this data loss to Evernote? Were you aware that every note can be stepped back to it's former condition at any date? If your reports were saved to Evernote with 5 columns, then that version of the report still exists if you spare the time to find it. The 'random PDF files' that were lost will also still be available in a past version of the note. I've also been with Evernote for a similarly long time and I haven't been aware of any data loss from my (currently) 60K notes. Being an IT professional I do also have my own backups of the account database just in case - even though I've never had to use them. I'd suggest you look into Note History when you've cooled down...
  7. Hmmn. That's not ideal... in each case I assume if you check in another client you can verify that the note still includes the image. What happens if you download the attachment from that note? Does it have a .PNG file type? Although that filename shows in the note, it may not be recognised as such by Evernote. Also in all cases - where did the images come from? Smartphone camera (which?) / web clip / scan? -And for any subscribers; raise this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - who are not us; mostly other users here.
  8. Interesting - I get the date part but is that last bit the time? -And generally; I strongly second the idea of keeping the changed files separate - even to the stage of using a separate account for the initial import - corrupting the original database could seriously ruin your day...
  9. Hi. No. Obvious work-around - make a duplicate copy of the note (or the file) before you start and have both the annotated and unannotated versions side by side.
  10. An external Freemium app - Filterize - will edit titles and (I think) will do what you want. It only works on newly created or edited notes, so you might have to bulk add a tag or something to switch it on. Not sure if this is available as part of the 'free' service, but it may be worth a look... https://filterize.net/ https://filterize.net/doc/actions/
  11. Evernote doesn't always play well with add-on keyboards - what model is this?
  12. Hi. Since v10 uses a different architecture, all your note images needed to be re-setup on your account. That might take some hours, depending on the number. Have you checked them recently?
  13. Hi. There are a few threads in the Forums about this, but no answers I'm afraid. Best advice I think is to create a zz-notebook and add all the unwanted notes to that. Do raise it with Support too (they're not us) if you're a subscriber.
  14. Hi. Your Evernote account may not have the correct password reset address, or the incoming emails may be hitting a firewall or wind up in your spam folder. If you have no other options you'll need to contact Support using the 'guest' access to request a manual reset. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  15. Hi. It may be that your internet connection is slow, you do not have much free disk space, or your computer is too busy doing other things to copy with Evernote too. I'd suggest you try an uninstall / restart / reinstall, but if the result is the same, then do a little local maintenance on your device and try loading Evernote as the first app you open.
  16. That page goes on to give you the Support email address for more help... This is a mostly user-supported Forum so we can't assist further I'm afraid...
  17. Hi. It's not possible to secure only part of your account - and believe me there's no such thing as 'secure' if we're talking about data stored on a work computer. If a free account doesn't have enough resources, could you share a notebook from your personal account to the free work one? If you have a free account - check the cost of an upgrade. Evernote were throwing around 25% discounts (for the first year only) recently...
  18. Hi. You haven't "lost everything" because your account will still be there (or at least the data that was synced up to it before the phone logged out). Start out at Evernote.com and try signing in with your existing user details. If they are rejected on the site, then you'll have to email Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and use 'sign in as guest' to request help.
  19. Hi. Old Evernote post - "After a thorough review, we have made the decision to end our friend referral program as of May 2021. You are still able to redeem all unexpired points that have been earned through this program. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314268"
  20. Hi. In general that feature seems to be useful as an indication that you may have clipped the same, or some related material before, but it is not the same as a full search. Did you check to see whether a normal search will pull up the missing item?
  21. Hi. There's a separate general Feature Request forum here, where you can set up a votable suggestion that font sizes be made available as an option. I suspect there's already at least one already set up with which you could simply join in.
  22. Hi. I seriously doubt credential sharing was in any way a major factor here. You can share credentials if you wish, and yes the device limit just got blown out of the water by two users - but you'll get a lot more confusion out of the fact that two people may want access to the same file at the same time. And since new Free accounts are... free, why not get one or more separate accounts and share one or more notebooks between all of them? Credential sharing is also possible in a subscription account, and lots more users can enjoy the confusion that will shortly arise.
  23. Windows or Mac? and how and where are you trying to view the files?
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