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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I agree there's no known comparison between the apps - someone was trying to keep track of what Legacy features were missing in v10, but as more 'missing' features got added back in, and new options developed that were unique to v10 I think they gave up. These are the lists of the major features of both apps - but you can run Legacy as well as v10 if you wish, and even uninstall v10 completely without affecting the Legacy installation, so I'd suggest you just try it out. Don't have both versions open at the same time, and be patient while v10 sets up its own internal administration files - which, as I mentioned are different from Legacy. One thing about v10 is that some things have (confusingly at first) been moved around - so don't assume something has been lost until you're sure it's not just hidden away somewhere! Evernote system limits – Evernote Help & Learning Compare Evernote subscription plans – Evernote Help & Learning Install an older version of Evernote – Evernote Help & Learning
  2. Hi. I've not seen any previous complaints about this type of issue. If you're a subscriber you should have access to note history which may help - otherwise I'd recommend you contact Evernote support - the Forum is (mostly) just us users. If it's a question of reading published material you might look at the various options of "read it later" apps like Pocket.
  3. I did have an experience recently when they weren't - I had about 30 files in my Import Folder and forgot to transfer them to an Archive (as I usually do) for long term backup. They were imported. When I restarted the app (v10.52 Win11) they were imported again. Easily fixed, and I've updated since, so not contacted support (yet). This thread reminds me of an app DropIt download | SourceForge.net - DropIt will conduct a conditional action on a list of files. It will watch a folder (like the Import folder) and automatically process the content according to the users' option choices. Don't know if this still works on win11 - it was last updated in 2018; but I just installed it - we'll find out...
  4. Hi. This thread was also about Legacy Evernote and versions of Outlook that must now be 8+ years old - both now unsupported. I still use use Legacy on my old laptop and the browser clipper is working fine; but I updated to v10 on my desktop - you might want to give that a try if your issue continues. But this being Windows, you might also want to try switching your device off, and then restarting... it's surprising how many problems that fixes.
  5. ...and on a desktop, all you need do is select the notes for which you require a ToC, choose 'copy note links' and paste the list into a new note. Rearrange links as required.
  6. Hi. The obvious connection here is rebuilding your system and the Evernote issue - how exactly did you re-install Evernote? My initial suggestion would be for you to uninstall Evernote / power your laptop off & on / reinstall the app. If you see the option to 'remove data from this device' at any stage, please select it. This should give you a clean reinstall. If you're a subscriber you could also contact Support (who are not us).
  7. For different reasons I needed to process a large number of notes recently, and found that the third-party app Filterize was still able to process v10 notes in bulk. I added a tag to all my notes (using Evernote Legacy) and created a rule that said "if a note has this tag, and this condition, change it as follows." I can change titles, add (and remove) tags, and move notes into designated notebooks. I'm not sure whether Filterize can create or rename notebooks - never had cause to look; but you might want to have a look at it for at least part of your issues...
  8. Hi. This thread is nearly a year old, so I'd guess this request is not a priority. You might like to look at Postach.io which is an add~in that will convert notes into public pages with many more style options than Evernote. All you have to do is tag a note for it to be published. (Apologies for the very long blank post that was here earlier - apparently my tablet has some issues with the Forums...)
  9. Just for the record I also got a 'correct' bookmark when I tried clipping - but many times clips don't work as I'd like, or (occasionally) at all, so its necessary to get inventive and use copy/ paste for the URL and a third party app (or more copy/ paste) to grab content. Given the different languages web pages speak these days it seems like magic to be able to clip most of them at all. Evernote still seems best in class in that area...
  10. Hi. Evernote very very rarely comment about prospective new features and have never explained why they didn't action any specific feature. The only comments I ever saw about cancelled options like Food and mapping were lack of user support. If you can't live without a choice of thumbnails, then quite correctly you should find an app that suits your needs. I don't know one offhand, but I'm sure there are some out there...
  11. There's no way within Evernote (yet) to apply any kind of layout to a note, other than the aformentioned table, or (for text) a few basic headings. If you have a favourite page layout app, just use that and attach the output file to your note as suggested. Despite their astonishingly backward views, Evernote seem to have picked up a few hundred million unsuspecting users who haven't gotten around to worrying about page layout yet...
  12. I just used my Gmail clipper to save a mail to Evernote, so things seem to be working still for me. Try powering your device off and on again??
  13. I did not realise that - got as far as checking the notebooks page still had a 'share' option and wondered what the fuss was about. Apologies, both.
  14. Hi. Don't know if things have improved any now, but I'd suggest that using a note-taking app to record any sound (especially if you want quality) is not a good idea. I use Audacity on my Windows laptop and desktop, and a separate app on Android. So many reasons - better controls on playback / no risk you'll fat-finger the recording closed or run out of storage space... MP3 and WAV files can be attached to notes and played from there... Not the point of your comments I know, but it's a sore point for me!
  15. I'm currently running 10.52 and (probably annoyingly) not having any issues - I've noticed a couple of brief heavy use periods when I move notes around or tag a large group, but nothing major.
  16. Hi. No clue, but it was floated 2 years ago by a third-party, so there's no tech support available. Depending on the device you're using, would screen shots work for you?
  17. Hi. Linux is available in private beta - Evernote for Linux - but if that's not the way you got access to the application, and since you don't appear to be using it on a mainstream distro, I'm afraid there's no help around here until the beta becomes a public release. The browser version is almost as capable as the installed apps these days, and that seems like your only option.
  18. Hi. I don't think there is a problem, or a context yet - if you're a subscriber I'd suggest you contact Support if you have an issue that won't go away. It could be your internet connection / AV or firewall / some sort of software conflict, or a corrupted database. As you've not commented here before, we don't know anything about your device, OS, Evernote version or anything you may have already tried to fix your issue (apart from buying new hardware). If you can fill in some of those blanks for us, maybe we can suggest some fixes...
  19. Still running Legacy in Windows 10 here - still syncing for me. General help here... Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  20. Those happen - usually because someone else messed up their email addres. I'll flag your post for an Admin to look at, but if Evernote see any suspicious activity, they're usually the ones teling you that something happened... Also (touching wood) there has never -yet- been a leak from Evernote. There are frequent leaks from other sites following which the bad guys presumably try to get resets from commonly-used providers to see what they can shake loose. See below for more... https://sec.hpi.de/ilc/?lang=en or https://haveibeenpwned.com/ or https://cybernews.com/personal-data-leak-check/ and https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487-What-to-do-if-you-suspect-unauthorized-access-to-your-Evernote-account
  21. ? As opposed to simply clicking "share notebook" and copying the URL?
  22. I noticed recently that import folder to Evernote imports generate a weird response for a while - "unknown file type" and such... but after a while they sort themselves out and everything is copacetic. Import / scan everything, but save the originals. Give it an hour or so and then check whether everything is working. You should find it's OK.
  23. I think the problem is that you are (or seem to be) adding a template after you created a note. Templates are meant to act as layout guides for new notes. They cannot be applied to existing notes.
  24. Hi. If you haven't already done so, I'd suggest creating a new note on your phone, checking that it syncs with the desktop, and then editing that note on the desktop and checking your phone to make sure the edit came through. It sounds possible that your phone isn't syncing correctly, which may mean that there are other unsaved notes on your phone which will be lost in a reinstall. See here for some help with sync issues... Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues If all that works however I'd then go ahead with your uninstall / reinstall - but throw in a device restart between the two to clear out any temporary memory. Apart from sync checks, there's not much to teching on a mobile device. A clean reinstall is your best bet.
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